Actionscript 3 :: Drawing Multiple Lines On One Chart In Flex 4.5?
Mar 3, 2012
I have a candleStickChart in flex 4.5 with a dateTimeAxis horizontal axis.I wish to have a button that enables to draw a line on top of that chart.I wrote a code that each time the button is click, a new CartesianDataCanvas is created. than I do a pretty standard line drawing by listening for the MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_MOVE, and MOUSE_UP to draw the line.In the MOUSE_DOWN event I create the new CartesianDataCanvas, and update the annotaionArray as described in the following code: (candles is the candleStickChart's id)
public function startDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void
canvas = new CartesianDataCanvas;
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function loop():void{; var a:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot1_mc.x, kite_mc.dot1_mc.y); var b:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot2_mc.x, kite_mc.dot2_mc.y); var c:Point = new
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<mx:LineChart showDataTips="true" x="10" y="77" id="GlucoseChart" width="1009" height="219">
<mx:DateTimeAxis dataUnits="hours" parseFunction="parseDateString" displayLocalTime="true" />
[Code] .....
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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with ( {
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[Code] .....
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onMouseDown = function (){
original_x = _root._xmouse
original_y = _root._ymouse
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Sep 16, 2011
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var myLine:Shape = new Shape;, 0xFF0000, 1);
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Sep 23, 2011
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Oct 21, 2004
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_root.attachMovie("Audiogram_Chart","Show_Audiogram",100000); //this is my MC that will hold the graphics
_root.Show_Audiogram.attachMovie("Audiogram_Chart_Pic","Audiogram_Chart_Pic1",0); //this is a graphic with linkage
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Feb 17, 2006
Im using FLash MX 2004, and am creating lines using move to and lineto in an empty movie there a way to delete lines if a new one intersects, if theres an overlap...or if theres more than say 5 lines on the screen?
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Aug 20, 2009
Drawing diagonal lines for a background, any one know how to do it?
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