Actionscript 3 :: Fit A Swf Into A Box Keeping The Same Ratio?

Jan 17, 2012

I have an as3 app that loads SWF's with various movie clips inside with a size of 1280 width and 720 height. I would like to fit these SWFs into a content box of height 885 width by 500 height. The SWF must keep a ratio of 1.77. This would be easy if as3 recognised the SWF being 1280 height by 720 width. It doesn't however, and takes the size of the movie clips inside the swf which varies (as long as it's within the original size boundaries). how I can make the SWF's fit into the content box even if the movie clip sizes and therefore the original SWF sizes vary?

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Ratio extends MovieClip {
private var counter:Number;
private var frequency:Number;
private var ratio:String;
[Code] .....

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0: true
1: true
2: false
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sizeXListener = new Object();
sizeXListener.onResize = resizerX;


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I've have tried this:
tl.y = tl.x
tl.x = tl.y


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i try to charge a XML images inside a movieclip, but i need this movie clip maintain the aspect ratio. This movie clip gonna change with the size of the explorer, but when this change my image is going stretch. I used this code doesn't work but i try:

stageListener.onResize = function() {
MC._x = Math.round((Stage.width/2)-(MC._width/2));
MC._y = 153;


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I need to scale images so that they always fit within my browser but also retain their aspect ratio. All other examples I have seen at some point either the width or height is cropped off by the edge of the browser. I need my images to always stay inside but also I do not want them to ever scale above 100% i.e. no enlargement. owever the images don't stay within 100% scale and also get cropped off.else as much as I can.The code I have is like this

if(mainTL.allImages._width > Stage.width){
mainTL.allImages._width = Stage.width;


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I want to load it always to fill the whole screen but to retain the aspect ratio. So far I am able to stretch it to 100% of the screen but the aspect ratio is not preserved. The instance name of the mc in which I load the background image is "back".

Here is an example of what I need: [URL] Try to resize browser window to see how the background image preserves its ratio.

PHP Code:

function loadFunc(What, Where) {
var LoadingObject = new MovieClipLoader();
var NewObject = new Object();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Pixel Aspect Ratio As 1:1 When Use Capabilities Class

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Make Swf Stretch To Remaining Height Wth Org Aspect Ratio

Aug 25, 2009

My html has 3 parts which I want to appear vertically in the page: header swf footerThe header is 100px high and 100% of width. The footer is 25px high and 100% of width.

I want my swf to take up the remaining vertical space on the page while maintaining its aspect ration of 4:3. I'd also like automatic redistribution of space to occur whenever the page is resized.

I have attempted to put the swf into the page using dreamweaver's built in methodolgy cs4's method when creating a corresponding html page swfobject 2My swf ends up with the dimensions of the page (without regard to the header and footer). The result usually involves the other content being off screen and unwanted vertical scrollbars. Often, regardless of my choice of showall or exactfit, i get distorted aspect ratio.

Is there an approved or standard way to achieve automatic resizing of a swf based on the remaining available unused height in a page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Aspect Ratio - Pictures Never Stay The Same Size

Mar 19, 2007

My question is in making a flash website the pictures never stay the same size, the resolution of a monitor changes my pictures to tall or fat looking, if not made in that resolution 1024x768. but i have seen some websites not do this, is there a back script in java in html or enbed in flash.

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