Actionscript 3 :: Resizing Container On Resize Of Application Window In Adobe Flex/AIR Application?
Mar 4, 2011
I am working on an Adobe AIR Application. The size on Application window is 800X600 and is contains border container and border container contains many controls. What I want is to if user re-sizes the application then that container should also be re-sized according to scale. i.e If user maximizes or minimizes the window then that border container should also be maximized or minimized respectively.
I have a window witch is resizing on creationcomplete phase according user preference. This part woks well. But inside this window a s:Group (maincontainer2) exists and even if width and height is in percent, the s:Group size is bigger that the new window measure.
I'm trying to develop a simple mxml Flex application to start Skype from the AIR/Flashplayer runtime. Is it possible to get back events from a native Windows application? In the simple example of Skype, the OS returns control to the Flex app when Skype exits. But what about native applications which have their own event model and wants to communicate with the Flex event model. For example, a Face detection system which shows "Hello" on a Flex app when the camera detects a face. Can this be done in the current Flex framework?
I have a native (Obj-C, standard Xcode project) application and I'd like to integrate a partners iOS application (or specifically, it's functionality) into it as just another view in my application. The problem is that their application is a Flex/Air app. I really don't understand the Adobe compilation process on how it gets from a bunch of flex code down to an IPA. I don't see intermediate projects, shared objects, etc on the disk to produce that IPA. It looks like it doesn't rely on the Apple tool chain... as I understand it, you can produce the IPA on Windows as well. Is there any way to build that Flex app in such a way that I can import it into Xcode so I can link against it and use it as a library from within my application? While I specifically used iOS as an example since that is the most important platform, we'll want to apply this solution to our respective Android and Blackberry 6 apps as well.
Now I set dragEnabled="true", dropEnabled="true" and dragMoveEnabled="true" to archive the ability to reorder my Items via Drag and Drop. But as soon as I start to Drag an Item the whole Application crashes with:
I want to create an AIR application in which i need to show the notification that when AIR application is minimize then at some interval of time message shows from the system tray similar like giving information. I have visited this LINK, its a nice component but tutorial is not that much good as component. I need to create a component like that or source is available from this site so modification in this component will also be acceptable. EG: When you minimize the Yahoo Messenger and some one is sign-out or sign-in then it gives notification i want component similar like that.
I've inherited an application and am fixing a bug. There is a refresh button in a the application's mxml file and it has a click="refresh(null)". This works.
However we also want to do a refresh every five minutes automatically using a timer. There is code in an .as file (that is sourced' into the above mxml file) that uses a Timer and calls refresh(null) from within the .as file, but this doesn't seem to do anything.
Is this the right way to do this? Or do we need to explicitly reference the object we want to refresh? If so, how do we do that?
I am developing small application for training purposes. There after click on the button is done, the new panel is added to application, to the button of the application. Once I come across strange problem. The vertical scroll bar never appears.
I've already built a flash 10 flex application which use the p2p feature (I'm using a developer key to connect to stratus), currently everything works fine. Now I want my application to run on Adoble Air Runtime, but it seems that p2p does not work for Air. I can successfully connect to stratus server in Air application, but after that, when I try to use NetConnection.nearID, an error occurs saying:"ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property nearID not found on and there is no default value."I've tried flex sdk 3.2 and 3.4, and neither of them works. Does anyone ever developed an Air Application that use p2p and can provide some hints?
do I have to necessarily have a application container as the root node in my mxml file?econd, I was reading this document on adobe's website and it says that the spark application container has no scroll bars by default and they can be added by using a custom skin. (Look at the table comparing the mx and spark application containers). But my problem is that my application container already has scroll bars by default and I want to get rid of them. I have a main application container with a custom child component that already has scroll bars. I just want the child to have the scroll bars and not the main application
I have to necessarily have a application container as the root node in my mxml file? Second, I was reading this document on adobe's website and it says that the spark application container has no scroll bars by default and they can be added by using a custom skin. (Look at the table comparing the mx and spark application containers). But my problem is that my application container already has scroll bars by default and I want to get rid of them. I have a main application container with a custom child component that already has scroll bars. I just want the child to have the scroll bars and not the main application. Right now I get 2 scroll bars nested within each other.
Does anyone know how I would load up a flex application and on load the application would open on a different tab within the application. The only thing I can think of is sending a parameter into the application to tell it where to go, but how does the app load that tab then?
I am trying to create my own certificate for a adobe air application, I created one already based on this link[url]...
But when I install my application the publisher field is still set with unknown, which is at the end what I am trying to do, I need to set the publisher with one specific value.
I am developing an Adobe Air app. I need to set an icon to the app so it is shown on the task bar. I added the icon tag to the descriptor file but it is not working and I really don't know why
I want to change the view states in my flex app when it resizes in the browser window.I have the swf embedded at 100% x 100%. So when the user resizes the window below a certain width, I want to switch to a different state. I tried adding an event listener like this, but it only fires the event when I resize the swf outside the browser, not inside. I used:
I am trying to attach some of my actionscript class, inherited from Sprite, to my Flex application by attaching it to a UIComponent, then add UIComponent to a panel. However, the size of my Sprite class appears to be larger than the panel. So, I try to resize it using DisplayObject.scale property, but I need to know the size of my container. Since I try to make my code reusable, I figure that I should let my Sprite class handle the resize by getting it via its parent property (let's say, I can resize it by set
this.scaleX = this.parent.Width/this.width or something like this)
However, my Sprite class's parent, which is the UIComponent, has width/height of 0. So, my question is:
1) Is there any better way to resize DisplayObject class to fit its container when attached to Flex object?
2) If you know, why my UIComponent's size remain 0 and my DisplayObject still appears at its full size? Here's my code, using Flash Builder 4:
private var loader:Loader = new Loader(); private function testLoader():void { var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/welcome.png");[code].......
I am working with Flex 4 windowed application. I have a mx:HTML container with location attribute like [URL]. That abc.html has a html button and i want when that html button is clicked then a flex windowed application function should be called.
i am working with Flex for quite sometime. but i hadn't get any chance to even look at Adobe AIR platform. I am planning to do some personal softwares using AIR.
Provided the background that am an absolute zero in AIR, what all should I have in my system apart from Flex builder? And how fast i can learn AIR if I am pretty comfortable in Flex?
I'm a newbby in Adobe AIR/Flex. I have developed a simple Flex web app. that through 2 Php's, can connect to a DB and return an XML result of the query. I uploaded the PHP and Flex files to my internet server, and the app. works fine. My question is: How can I make the same app. work in Adobe AIR? In other words, I have made a new AIR project, and I copy/paste the Flex code. When I run the project, it does not work and say things like:
I'm trying to make an application in adobe air where you can externally load icons into the application. Can I change the window application icon in actionscript?
I am very new to Flex. I want to build an application that will contain many radio buttons. I want to know how to update mysql by the status of radio buttons.
I know that we can make application using Adobe air that will run on mobile, desktop and web environments. Can we deploy same application on facebook? like we do with other flash applications.
I'm using mx:WindowedApplication, I'm wondering how I can skin the title bar and close/minimize button for the window. I can see application like Pandora One is using it and setting transparency. Any pointer to a doc?