Actionscript 3 :: Add A Attachment To A Mail With The Mailto Function?
Jun 11, 2010
Is it possible to add a attachment to a mail with the mailto function in actionscript 3? Thats the thing, i want to open the default mail program compose window with some data but i also need to add a file as attachment, and that file must be a screen capture of the app.
Looks like the attachment=path/to/file dont work anymore in new email clients, i think it worked until outlook 97 then it was removed for security reasons and so now is imposible to do this anymore.
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Dec 14, 2005
My problem is this. I'm trying to make a flash movie (in a larger project) that has some input text fields (but not necesarily only that), basically a form, and a button that uses a FileReference class for uploading a file from the users computer. In the end, this setup should send an email with the mesagge and the file attached to the mesagge to a determined email adress.
Now, the problem is that I'm absolutely lame when it comes to php, that meaning that I understand someone else's script but when it comes to writing myself well...huh I'm toast. I have found a beautifull tutorial here [URL](much credit to Jorge Solis) for the uploading part and a equally beatifull one here [URL] for sending a mail. Also I've found here [URL] and here all sorts of scripts for sending mail with attachement, from which, of course, I can't understand a damn thing.
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on (release){"*");"*");
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this._alpha = 0;
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ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
getURL("", "_blank");
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PHP Code:
$name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name_txt'];
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email1_txt'];
$interest = $HTTP_POST_VARS['interest'];
It seems like my variables aren't reaching the form, but I'm also concerned hat is is taking forever for any data to be returned to the flash movie (I've got an on(data) event on the form).
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Jul 26, 2004
I'm trying to send email from Flash. The email form is in a movie loaded with loadMovie. When I call the email.php page, it seems to take forever to do its thing and then nothing happens.
I based my script on the flash email form here in the Kirupa Tutorials and I've tried every way of giving the path to my variables - that is, the path to the text fields in the form via _root and _parent. I've tried appending variables the the loadVariables url and just tried posting them. I can't even get any results when I use the print function in the php script. Here is my php script:
PHP Code:
$name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name_txt'];
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email1_txt'];
It seems like my variables aren't reaching the form, but I'm also concerned hat is is taking forever for any data to be returned to the flash movie (I've got an on(data) event on the form).
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Apr 24, 2007
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Aug 7, 2009
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Feb 20, 2011
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Feb 3, 2011
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Aug 31, 2010
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Jul 26, 2011
I have a flash contact form and managed to send email with the help of PHP script. Actually, I followed this tutorial on URL.... Now, would like to get one more feature, "attachment".
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Feb 18, 2003
i need to activate and the script i wanna add to it is the mailto script so that when ppl click it their mail box ccomes out and etc. now when i add it it doesnt work, it stays still like nothing was added. the code i placed on the button was was the getURL ("mailto:soandso@wherever.whatever"); and it for some reason doesnt work, now when i remove the mailtoscript and add an actual websites adress it works fine
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Jan 4, 2010
only those who actually got real code to show please Im looking for help on how to create send-email with attachment using AS3.
Furthermore the attachment should be printscreen of the flash movie converted into JPEG (preferrably with no need to upload the file to server - can this be done on the fly?), and the JPEG then should be included as attachment in the email.
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