Actionscript 3 :: Create Interactive Flash Movies?

Aug 15, 2010

I want to create interactive movies using flash technologies. Do I need to buy a program from adobe to be able to create my flash movies or there are some free software that I can use? I would prefer something for Linux (Ubuntu).

ADDED: I need to program in "actionscript" and I would like to know what programs can I use to compile my code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Movies Within Interactive Movies

Jul 31, 2009

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Interactive Movies Within Interactive Movies ?

Jul 31, 2009

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var degree = (360/intRange)*Number(strValue);
var hist = (360/intRange)*Number(strHist);
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[Code] ......

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I am sure this is basic, but I have been researching, watching tutorials, etc for a week now and can't seem to get it to work. I am by no means a Flash expert and have really never worked in it. I do more Photoshop and Illustrator-type work. So Actionscript is new to me and really the whole interface is as well.
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spots._visible = false;
facilities._visible = false;
parking._visible = false;
elements._visible = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Interactive Music Video In After Effects And Flash?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to create an interactive music video in After Effects and Flash. The concept is that while the music video is taking place the user can  decorate the hair of the woman with any of the objects they select. There will be predetermined animations and destination spots but the  user can choose whatever objects they select to be delivered to the  predetermined spot.  I need to figure out how to let the user to select  an object that will become part of the animation.  I created a PDF  Roughly explaining what I am trying to do.  If anyone can help me I'd be  very grateful as I am more versed in After Effects, I don't know  ActionScript well enough to execute what I am trying to do.

Below is a rough example of what I am trying to do.  There will be a music video of an animated woman singing.  As she is singing the user will be able to click any of the objects , below the numbers 1-10.  Below it is illustrated that the user wants to press the blue number 2.  If the user presses the 2 the 2 will animate in the mouth of a bird to a predetermined pre-animated spot.  I assume I need to send a movieclip to a blank  holder on the timeline and use a gotoAndPlay() action ??? 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Interactive Music Video In After Effects And Flash?

Jun 25, 2009

I am trying to create an interactive music video in After Effects and Flash.The concept is that while the music video is taking place the user can decorate the hair of the woman with any of the objects they select. There will be predetermined animations and destination spots but the user can choose whatever objects they select to be delivered to the predetermined spot. I need to figure out how to let the user to select an object that will become part of the animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Flash Viewer / Which Will Load Various Other Flash Movies

Oct 11, 2009

I am trying to create a flash viewer, which will load various other flash movies. The viewer will be in the root directory, but the flash movies it will load are a few directories deep. Those movies access various sound clips that are in an audio directory relative to each swf I want to load.[code]It seems that when I load one of these movies into my viewer, the loaded movie is looking for the sounds in an audio folder in the root directory, and not relative to the swf I loaded. Is there a way to set this? I would rather not have to make the changes in each of my other movies to use the absolute path.[code]

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Create A Draggable Interactive Map Using CS3?

Mar 8, 2010

create a draggable interactive map using CS3 and using actionscript 2.1. We are creating an application for a touch screen device and we must provide a draggable map which contains 'hotspots' which when clicked provide additional information (text and pictures).

I need clickable buttons that stay in the same relative position over the map so that when it is dragged the buttons move with the map. (sorry if that sounds confusing) At present I can only get a static button working which stays in the same position and the map moves independently.

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Create An Interactive 3D Model?

Aug 13, 2009

How to create an interactive 3D model? Which software should we need to do that?

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Create Interactive Brochure For Web?

Dec 3, 2009

I am trying to find a way to create an interactive brochure with page curls, hyperlinks, printable, etc. Is this possible using Adobe software?I thought it would be something you would create in Flash or Fireworks, but can't seem to find any info on it. I know you can create a primitive one in Indesign to a certain extent, but I am looking to add more that that to it.

Also, I created an interactive brochure from Indesign, but the file is about 6MB and loads very slow on the web.

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Jun 22, 2010

i want to create a map that can read data that come from access or excel (as data source) and reflect on the map the data source include jobs being done on different places on that area and highlight what and where are the current jobs being done.and all . basically , data source actions converted on the map ?

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How To Create A Huge Interactive Map

Dec 16, 2009

I've started learning Flash two weeks ago and I have the challenge of creating an interactive political map with about 4000 cities. Some cities will have more than 600 lines defining their limits which will make this project very demanding on processing.People will be able to zoom in/out, select cities and see information about them.As a starting point, I've begun working with 500 cities. I've imported a vectorial drawing of these cities and converted each one of them to symbols using flash javascript, resulting of course in 500 symbols. I don't know if it was a good way of starting this project but worked for me. Then my problems begun.

First I tried to use the mouse roll over and roll out events to change the (fill) color of cities but the city limits (stroke) changed also.Second I want to add some properties to the cities such as city code, name, etc. but I wasn't able to do that using class inheritance. Would I have to create a different City class for every symbol I would like to extend? This approach looks like a lot of headache and redundant work.

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Create An Interactive Org Chart For A Customer?

May 7, 2009

I am trying to create an interactive org chart for a customer.  When you click on a box, I need it expand as a drop-down, but I would like create it such that if the user clciks on another box, the previous box animates back to the closed position before the new one opens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Interactive Flashmovie?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to create an interactive flashmovie, where you can open three different categories of pictures. Inside each category there are three thumbnails, and by clicking on them there opens a big version of the picture, above the thumbs.


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