Professional :: Create A Interactive Slideshow In Flash That Will Not End Up On The Web?
Apr 22, 2010
I am pretty new to flash but I am kind of getting the hang of things. I am trying to create a interactive slideshow in flash that will not end up on the web. These are three quick questions I currently have. Thanks for any help you can provide
1. Let's say I have an icon of a person in my flash file, how can I make it so that when my moves rolls over the person a thinking bubble appears and when it rolls off the bubble disappears?
2. If I have a small image of a page version of a .pdf file in my flash file, how can I make it so that when the little .pdf page icon is click the .pdf file is launched?
3. I understand how to create a square button over text and mess with its up/down/over/click settings, but I am wondering how I can do something like change the color of the text when it is clicked or when the mouse is over it? Right now I only know how to change the color of the square button.
I am a multimedia student and I want to create an interactive slide show to put in the Portfolio section of my web site. How would I do that? Would it be easier to do in Dreamweaver CS5 or create in After effects then import in Dreamweaver? I have never done slideshows. What I want; is a slide show of my work to scroll on the screen, when the person hovers their mouse over the picture from left to right, the slideshow moves, when you click on a specific image, you are able to see the image in a bigger size.
I'm currently having an issue creating a set of buttons that are supposed to turn individual layers on and off. The layers I have are: fishing spots, facilities, trails, map elements, an aerial photo, and parking lots. It is giving error #s 1119 and 1120. Could anyone explain possible reasons I'm getting these errors.It might be worth mentioning that I used a tutorial made with Flash CS4, but I'm writing the code in CS5. Here is the exact code I'm using:
I would like to create an interactive diagram and somebody said I should use Flash to do it.
The idea is to create an organisational chart (like the ones you can produce in MS Word 2010). Each position will have its own box or button. When a user clicks on that box or button, a Word document or internet link will be activated and take the user to this other resource.
The reason why I am choosing Flash is because I would like to make alot of these diagrams and they have to go into Moodle. Apparently Flash is the only program I should use to import the diagram into Moodle.
I need to create an interactive slideshow where the each image automatically slides to the left every 10 seconds. There should also be the option of clicking a button to move both back and forth as well.
I wish to create an interactive form in FLASH as part of a website. That is the user enters say width and height numbers in boxes and the form returns a price for that size widget. Is this possible in a FLASH based website? If so is there a specific name for this type of form so I know where to look to get help in creating one?
I'm new to Flash and I need to learn how to do a slideshow with exactly the same features as can be found in this link: [URL]. Just like at the link above, it needs to play through the slides automatically once the page is loaded, each slide needs to link to a specific URL, and I need controls similar to the boxes at the bottom so the viewer can click on any specific slide they wish to view (I'd like to have numbers in the boxes though). The transitions don't have to slide across like this. If a fade is easier, that would be fine.
Actually, I thought I'd be able to do this fairly easily with Flash Catalyst, so I updated to Adobe CS5 Design Premium. I found that Flash Catalyst can be used to create a slide show like this, but unfortunately it won't play automatically when the page loads and the viewer has to manually click through the slides, which is not what I need. I could be wrong, but from what I've read, I need Flash Builder to add code so the slide show will play automatically if I create it in Flash Catalyst.
I am wondering if anybody can tell me how to create a picture PUSH. I have three images that I wish to work with. By pushing I mean having an image come in from the left (or right) and place itself on top of the other (or pushing the other out of view). Like a slide show of three images scrolling along but one stops for a brief period before the other image comes into view.
I am trying to figure out how to create a flash slideshow including buttons that interact with the slides. A perfect example of what I am trying to create is the flash slideshow on the Frito Lay's website[url]....I am sure there is some action code for the button that can do this, but being to to Flash code.
What I try to make in Flash is some kind of interactive slideshow, with .swf files instead of static images. I want to have kind of control pannel with buttons numbered from 1 to n, always visible at the front layer. In the background, there will be swf files that change, for example, every 30 seconds. And each change consists of fade in and fade out effect of the swf container (and so the loaded swf file itself). During the swf changes, the buttons should change too by switching their states from 0 to 1 and so on. User should be able to skip to any frame he wants by clicking the corresponding button.This is the code I already have:
i want to create a map that can read data that come from access or excel (as data source) and reflect on the map the data source include jobs being done on different places on that area and highlight what and where are the current jobs being done.and all . basically , data source actions converted on the map ?
my latest project is to create an interactive version of the map for the game, GTA: San Andreas. Here are some of the features I would like to add:(Images have been made as a quick demonstration - the real thing will use the map)URL...Zoomed out, selectable pieces of the map (like jigsaw pieces).The different "jigsaw" pieces of the map are based on the borderlines of where each town/village starts/ends.URL...When a region on the map is chosen, it zooms into the region, allowing the user to select a town/village within that region. This screen will have a "back" button on it to allow the user to go back to the whole map.URL...After choosing a town/village, the last screen appears, providing an image (screenshot from in-game) of the destination with information to the left or right of the image. This screen will also have a "back" button on it to allow the user to go back to the chosen region. The detail on the map will also show basic places that the player of the game would like to know, such as hospital locations, ammu-nation locations (gun shops) and safehouses.Once I have the basic version done, I plan on updating it by adding locations of other items, such as vehicles, collectables and weapons.
1) Is it possible to make oddly-shaped hotspots, which are interactable (clickable and what not)? I know you can make rectangular hotspots, but the borderlines of the towns and villages in the game aren't straight lines, and most require more than 4 lines to make the shape.
2) Is there any way I can learn the code that Flash uses? Just so I understand it a bit more, since I am using it for a two-year school project too, which goes towards my GCSEs next year. I would just like to get more familiar with Flash, and maybe the other programs, Illustrator and Fireworks. The only ones I know well are Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
I would like to build a quiz in which the trainee can choose and then drag and drop a graphic object onto one of a number of locations and submit their choice. Sort of like a hotspot, only instead of clicking on the right spot, you choose object A,B, or C and drop it onto location 1, 2 or 3. Ideally, I would like to use graphics (or SolidWorks drawings) of the actual objects and locations. The training is for assembling mechanical devices and each assembler needs to be certified before being let loose on the assembly line. What tools and techniques to use to accomplish this? I would like to incorporate the quiz in Captivate or as a standalone.
I want to create interactive training materials.Users would view pages, click on a button to make something move on the page, and also be able to take a small quiz at periodic intervals.I want to serve up these pages through a Learning Management System AND/OR be able to package the content in "some sort of program" and be able to distribute it via CD or download.
A Melbourne-based group, Beyond Zero Emissions, are about to release a 200+ page plan (already endorsed or supported by quite a few illustrious people) for Australia's stationary electricity to be provided entirely by wind and solar energy using existing technology by 2020. It would be great to create an interactive map that would show in a nutshell how this plan would work. Please contact me if you are interested in this project.
I want to create a slideshow of 5 images, with black fade effect in between. So from black to image to black to the next image and so on. Then it stops on the last image. I dont want any buttons or any interactions.
I would like to create a simple slideshow for my Web site that is populated with images from a database. All I want it to do is pull the 6 most recent photos using ColdFusion, fade from one image to the next and loop.
I have an interactive slideshow that I need to do which display pictures. Upon hitting the "next" or "previous" button one pictures needs to slide off to the left with motion blur and easing while the next one comes on from the right.
Sounds simple enough right!
As far as I have been able to find out, the best way to do this would be using XML. I have looked at a ton of tutorials on xml for AS3 and I can't seem to adapt them to match what I am trying to do. There seems to be so many different ways that one can go about loading xml and all of them are different so I don't see how to make the different tutorials integrate into what I need. I found tutorials that do pictures and text, or just text, or pictures that go automatically but not with buttons etc - and what I need is just pictures with buttons and motion easing (which I can probably figure out once I learn how to load the xml pics and get them moving with buttons).
I was not expecting to get some code that I could just copy and paste but I have not been able to figure out to adjust the code to fit what I need.
I am doing the AS in an .as file and I am trying not to put any AS in the fla document because this slideshow is just one section of a bigger framework.
I am using this code to control a sort of interactive slideshow. I have an array which contains framelabels and when you press a button it moves on to the next framelabel
to stop it. But i really need the fade in and out effect because the visual transition is gradual and the sound transition isn't.
I'm creating an interactive gauge in Flash. The gauge has two needles and these needles need to be controlled by two text input boxes. That way, whenever a number is typed into the box, the needles respond accordingly. var degree = (360/intRange)*Number(strValue); var hist = (360/intRange)*Number(strHist); var mneedle = needle_mc._rotation var mpointer = pointer_mc._rotation if (mneedle < 0){ mneedle = 360 + mneedle; [Code] ......
I have been asked to create an interactive flash project where the user would be able to click on a main image and depending on what part of the image they click on, a movie clip plays, then goes back to the main image.
I am sure this is basic, but I have been researching, watching tutorials, etc for a week now and can't seem to get it to work. I am by no means a Flash expert and have really never worked in it. I do more Photoshop and Illustrator-type work. So Actionscript is new to me and really the whole interface is as well.
Would you all be kind enough to help me out? I am going to need some detailed explaination.
I would like to create a interactive map of a 3D town. The idea is somehow similar to Google Street View, in which users could use their mouse to move along street, and they can view the houses on the two sides of street at the perspective view.I can model a town with a few houses with 3D Max. However , I do not clearly understand the mechanism how we can add the interaction with the 3D model in Flash, somehow similar to Google Street view? Where should I start? Would someone give me an idea, or a tip so that I could start searching tutorials related to this new technique? Now I don't know exactly where I should start searching from.
I want to create interactive movies using flash technologies. Do I need to buy a program from adobe to be able to create my flash movies or there are some free software that I can use? I would prefer something for Linux (Ubuntu).
ADDED: I need to program in "actionscript" and I would like to know what programs can I use to compile my code.
I want to create an interactive animated flash music website that involves the user being able to wander around a rehersal room and interact with objects.recommend a good 3d tool to use along with Flash.Ideally something that I can use Illustrator tpo draw the room /objects, but not essential.
I do have an assignemnt, deadline os tommorow 4pm. In this assignment i should create interactive video in flash. I have choosen to create game like Mortal Kombat. I have one video with 28 cue points. I made buttons that take us to the right place in the video which are hidden at the beggining but are visable when video reaches first cue point. I have created life bar which in fact is made of 5 small MC`s and I thought that if user will press kick button then one small life bar will become hidden - I have no idea how to do this.
Second thing is that I want to put mp3 file but I want it to start at the same cue point as buttons.
third - I do want to dispaly random cue point of 2, so if user will press punch button he will be taken to piece where my character hits opponent or to the piece where opponent block the punch. And I want from time to time randomly display piece of the vide where my opponent hits the character[code]...
I'm trying to create a form box in flash, where I could create a list of states -- if a user types in one of the states on the list, he or she will see information about that state, if he or she types in a state or anything that isn't on the list -- he or she would see a 'information coming soon' default.