Professional :: Create Interactive Version Of Map For Game

Jul 20, 2010

my latest project is to create an interactive version of the map for the game, GTA: San Andreas. Here are some of the features I would like to add:(Images have been made as a quick demonstration - the real thing will use the map)URL...Zoomed out, selectable pieces of the map (like jigsaw pieces).The different "jigsaw" pieces of the map are based on the borderlines of where each town/village starts/ends.URL...When a region on the map is chosen, it zooms into the region, allowing the user to select a town/village within that region. This screen will have a "back" button on it to allow the user to go back to the whole map.URL...After choosing a town/village, the last screen appears, providing an image (screenshot from in-game) of the destination with information to the left or right of the image. This screen will also have a "back" button on it to allow the user to go back to the chosen region. The detail on the map will also show basic places that the player of the game would like to know, such as hospital locations, ammu-nation locations (gun shops) and safehouses.Once I have the basic version done, I plan on updating it by adding locations of other items, such as vehicles, collectables and weapons.

1) Is it possible to make oddly-shaped hotspots, which are interactable (clickable and what not)? I know you can make rectangular hotspots, but the borderlines of the towns and villages in the game aren't straight lines, and most require more than 4 lines to make the shape.

2) Is there any way I can learn the code that Flash uses? Just so I understand it a bit more, since I am using it for a two-year school project too, which goes towards my GCSEs next year. I would just like to get more familiar with Flash, and maybe the other programs, Illustrator and Fireworks. The only ones I know well are Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

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You choose from 5 ingredients, each has this product provides a number of calories:Rice R = <- for all standard!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling MovieClips Function For Interactive Video Game

Mar 13, 2010

I'm Currently creating an interactive video game. There are 66 movies. I'm new to AS3 and have a little experience with AS2. I will try to explain the game! You choose from 5 ingredients, each has this product provides a number of calories:

Rice R = <- standard value!
Mais =-C
Roots =-W
Tofu =-T
Onions =-U
Champions =-M
Each ingredient can be added only 1 once.

Good combinations:
Each movie is in a movie clip. And the frame where the movieclip is on, is labeled with the combination. For this I wrote the following script:

ActionScript 3 Code:
stop ();
var caloriesVar: Number = 10, / / default Rice
var inpanVar: String = "R", / / R = Rice
iLabel.info_txt.text = (caloriesVar);
iLabel.info_txt2.text = (inpanVar) / / idem
[Code] .....

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class TamagotchiGame extends MovieClip {


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Jun 11, 2010

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if(this._droptarget == "/dropTargetOne")

appears I have problems because the code _root.dragger1.gotoAndStop("5"); doesnt work when imported as an external swf.I've tried using this._parent but no success.So I think the problem is to do with using _root which I was hoping would be sorted with this._lockroot = true;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Version Of A Virtual Pet?

Dec 17, 2003

I want to create a Flash version of a Virtual pet.I need to generate a level of health , hunger , boredom but im not to sure how about in implementing this.

I�m thinking of using the �maths.random� function to generate a random level of each but im not to sure if this is the best way of doing it (and how to use it)

Would it be better if I just set a value for each and then decrement X amount every so often?

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I'm looking to create a horizontal version of the scroll bar shown here: [URL]The actionscript given on page 3 (click) of the tutorial is for vertical scrolling only. Could someone please post a horizontal version or explain how to adjust the code for horizontal scrolling?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Version Of Virtual Pet?

Dec 17, 2003

I want to create a Flash version of a Virtual pet.

I need to generate a level of health , hunger , boredom but im not to sure how about in implementing this.

Im thinking of using the maths.random function to generate a random level of each but im not to sure if this is the best way of doing it (and how to use it)

Would it be better if I just set a value for each and then decrement X amount every so often?

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create a draggable interactive map using CS3 and using actionscript 2.1. We are creating an application for a touch screen device and we must provide a draggable map which contains 'hotspots' which when clicked provide additional information (text and pictures).

I need clickable buttons that stay in the same relative position over the map so that when it is dragged the buttons move with the map. (sorry if that sounds confusing) At present I can only get a static button working which stays in the same position and the map moves independently.

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Create An Interactive 3D Model?

Aug 13, 2009

How to create an interactive 3D model? Which software should we need to do that?

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