Actionscript 3 :: Embedding Flash Using AC_FL_RunContent Slighlty Crops In IE8 Only

Aug 18, 2010

Has anyone encountered a bug when using AC_FL_RunConten to embed flash? In IE8 it seems that the flash is slightly cropped on all 4 sides.

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Similar Posts: :: Unable To Set Relative Path For Flash File In MVC Using AC_FL_RunContent

May 6, 2010

I have a website using mvc in which I need to embed a flash file in view. I am unable to set the relative path for the flash file. Given below is the code I am using:

'codebase', ',0,19,0',
'width', '487',


where I copied butterfly.swf in a directory called images. images directory resides in the views folder.

If I use code behind( default.aspx default.aspx.cs) in a different solution with the same folder strucuture, browser is able to load the flash file.

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URL Of Servlet In AC_FL_RunContent?

Nov 16, 2009

The instructions I read for using AC_FL_RunContent, say to leave off the file extension of the swf file, e.g.: AC_FL_RunContent(..., 'movie', 'some'); So that it will embed some.swf. However, I need to serve the swf from a servlet, e.g. /blah/SomeServletName. How can I do that? I tried changing the javascript of AC_RunActiveContent.js, so it doesn't manipulate the file extension. In other words, so I could use:

AC_FL_RunContent(..., 'movie', 'some.swf'); But, it displays nothing if I use the servlet path, instead of a path that looks like a file name, e.g.: AC_FL_RunContent(..., 'movie', '/blah/SomeServletName');

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface And AC_FL_RunContent?

Jun 25, 2010

ernalInterface in an application to insert data into the swf using javascript.But, I have a problem and I dont know how to face it.The only way that ExternalInterface works is if I use "<object classid=" etc...But I need a way to detect the users flash player, because my app need at least Flash Player 10Flash Player CS4 has an option called "Detect Flash Player". It is perfect. Do what I need but if I use it ExternalInterface doesn't work, because the swf file is embed to the page using the code bellow.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Arguments With AC_FL_RunContent()?

Jun 9, 2009

I need to pass some value, say 'name=john', from html to actionscript.I am now using AC_FL_RunContent as;

"src", "newFile",.... );

here the movie is mensioned as 'newFile'.. how do pass the value 'name=john' to the actionscript code.what I need is something equivalent to "newFile.swf?name=john".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Query String Using AC_FL_RunContent?

Feb 3, 2009

How you pass a query string using the AC_FL_RunContent? in the old days you would do something like move.swf?isOn=something;How is that done today using the AC_FL_RunContent.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: AC_FL_RunContent Playing SWFs Fine On One Server But Not Another

May 14, 2009

I have a web site with HTML files playing SWF movies using AC_FL_RunContent. ALL the SWFs play correctly on one server and my local PC, but only SOME of the SWFs play on another server.  The files are exactly the same, as I copied them from a working server to the partially working server.
why the one server will only play some of the SWFs?

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Javascript :: Make Video Auto-start With AC_FL_RunContent On IE?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using the following code to run a video on our website. Example: [URL]

how to make the video autostart on IE?

It works on Firefox and Chrome.

<video width='500' height='282' autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" preload="none">
<source src='$h264' type='video/mp4' />


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign A Color Those Labels In The "AC_FL_RunContent" Script In The Html Page

Feb 4, 2009

1. I have a collection of text input fields and each one has a label next to it. Right now those labels all appear in black. How do I get them to display in white so they are readable on a dark blue background. Can I assign a color those labels in the "AC_FL_RunContent" script in the html page or does it have to be done in the fla? If it has to be done in the fla can you describe the steps I need to take.

2. I have to pass a URL with getURL which is functioning BUT, I need to append a series of parameters so it looks something like this

getURL(" valuse of the acct textfield instance");

I've tried doing this for each parameter in the function that fires when I click the Send Button it's obviously the wrong approach.

function doSendButton()
_root.acct.text = acct;
_root.sname.text = sname;


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Embedding Code In Flash?

May 25, 2010

is there anyway to place this embed code into my flash file? It's a code to an interactive flash file that I need to embed on a portfolio I'm making. I've tried countless methods of embedding youtube videos in an attemmpt to figure it out but nothing has worked. I'm using Flash CS5 with actionscript 2.Here is the embed code I'm trying to use.

<div><object style="width:420px;height:315px" ><param name="movie" value="[code]................

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Flash :: Embedding .pdf Inside .swf?

Jan 22, 2010

I need a solution to embed a pdf inside a flash screen i.e. want to open a pdf file inside a flash screen without redirecting the pdf to a new browser.

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Flash :: Embedding Two Slideshows?

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to embedd two slideshows into my flash file.I already managed to integrate one, but I can't integrate another since my knowledge of actionscript is very limited. For people that know Flash well it is a really easy question. What do I have to rename in this script so that I can create a second slideshow, without always calling on the first one.Here is the script for the first slideshow:(I got it from the website where I bought the template for the slideshow from)

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var monoslideshow:Object;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, onLoadComplete);


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Flash :: Embedding The Flowplayer In OS X

May 10, 2011

For a site I'm using Flowplayer and the Overlay tool from jQuery Tools, to show video. Within windows everything is fine in the main three browsers: IE7/8/9, Firefox and Chrome. Within OS X (Snow leopard), the problems begin: A click in the video, anywhere, causes a reload. This is the case for the three browsers Safari, Firefox and Chrome (Not in Chrome 12.0.742.53 beta ???) Giving the embeded player the property wmode = 'opaque' or wmode = 'transparent' results in the same situation on the windows platform, but only Firefox en Chrome browsers. Not in IE. So wmode is really bugging me... documentation on wmode ? I can't find anything suitable


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Flash :: Embedding SWFs Via SSL?

Sep 14, 2011

I know that the common misconception with embedding SWFs on secure pages is that people always try to embed it using a non-secure link. This isn't the case, as I am trying to host the SWF and swfobject.js locally using relative paths to account for the use of SSL.

It appears that the first of these players (under ssl) will play the audio playback, but won't display the video, while the second one will render the entire SWF fine.

Here are 2 examples that are EXTREMELY similiar. Unfortunately I can only post 2 hyperlinks, so you'll have to swap the http: protocol with https: to see how each player renders under SSL.

These 2 players are using 2 different SWF's, so I'm lead to believe it's a Flash/ActionScript issue, but I have failed to isolate it.

Example 1

Non-secure working embed

Example 2

Non-secure working embed

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Way Of Embedding A Font In Flash?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm using Flash CS5 and I have a problem with my exported SWF file: it's over 100kb in size. I have 2 vectorial symbols and 4 dynamic text with embed Calibri font boxes which are displaying information from an external XML file. These text boxes are the ones which are generating the most size of my swf file. I need to cut down somewhere, I've searched but I haven't came across a "best practices guide to embedding fonts in a flash file". I find it hard to believe that if you only embed alphanumerical characters of 1 single font your file size reaches >100kb..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: _root Type Mismatch Error - Flash Stay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards

Nov 10, 2010

I am using Flash 8 and I'm having a problem with a line of code that uses _root. This code is used in a swf container movie to ensure that my HTML page validates properly. This page is where the line of code comes and explains why it is needed. A List Apart: Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards


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Embedding Flash Into HTML Without Any Error?

Oct 5, 2007

When I embed the flash into HTML I get an error saying:
"This page required AC_RunActiveContents.js"
What is this supposed to mean? It works fine when its not inside HTML.

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Embedding A Flash Projector In A Webpage

Jul 1, 2009

I have a flash swf file that displays some training information that must go out to about ten thousand people in our organisation. Maybe only 70% of people have the flash player installed on their work PC's and IT have the systems locked down so tight this remaining 30% can not install flash player themselves. Flash is only rolled out with new PC's.

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Embedding Files Into Flash To Be Downloaded?

Dec 16, 2009

I wanted to know if there is a way to embed a pdf file into a flash document to be downloaded by the customer. I want them to be able to click on the thumbnail version of the file to start the download of the high res version of that file. I am making an interactive cd so the files would be stored on the cd itself. I know I could do it by storing the files on the internet but I would like to keep everything local

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Flash :: Embedding Myriad Pro Semibold In CS5?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to embed and display text using the "Myriad Pro" family. 'Regular', 'Bold', and 'Light' display ok, but 'Semibold' shows no text. I get no error messages. I use exacty the same procedure as for the other styles. E.g. the following:


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Professional :: Font Embedding In Flash?

Mar 16, 2012

Embedding a font in the engine/main file, does not require embedding the font individually in each swf file?

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Embedding Flv Error In Adobe Flash

Oct 3, 2009

Every time I try and import video a flv. file.I want to embed it.It says...

"The selected FLV file contains a supported video codec and an unsupported audio conec. Only video can be imported."

What does this mean and how do I fix it?

I'm using after effects to render the video and every time I render it I delete the audio?

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As3 :: Flash - Embedding Fonts Into A Swf Without Flex?

Jul 30, 2009

Is there a way to create embedded "pure as3" swf fonts using compc (without the flex framework integration)? If I embed a font like this in my as3:

package fonts
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;


which prevents me from using the embedded font in "pure as3" projects. Is there a way to get flex-free fonts using compc?

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Flash :: Using Skins Without Embedding In Css Doc And Swf In Flex?

Oct 23, 2009

The issue I am having is creating an application with nearly every component skinned using CSS. The majority of the components are skinned using:Embed(source="file.png");method. The problem I am running into, is flex trying to compile all of the embedded assets into the final swf. As it stands now, my compiled swf stands around 16mb!@@ OUCH. It is a very large application, but not that big. Any ideas on how to load the assets into the application at run time, or on request maybe?

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Html :: Embedding Flash In Webpage?

Nov 24, 2009

I am not sure whats going wrong but when I am using a flash file in the web page when I am setting size

style="width: 445px; height: 386px"

white strips are embedding sideways automaticaaly,,while using the same page with size

width="450" height="440"

no white strips appear.It might be the problem associated with the aspect ratio.Is there any way to set these white strps to transparent?

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Flash :: Embedding A SWF In PowerPoint With VSTO?

Jan 5, 2010

I was wondering if there is someway to embed a Flash Shockwave Object or .SWF file in PowerPoint (Presentation) 2007 and higher version, i.e. inside the ".pptx" format. By embed I mean when I save the presentation,close it . i wont be needing the the .swf file again. That way I can share the presentations with others.

If I use this link Insert-Flash-Into-PowerPoint-2007,it works but when I save and
close the presentation, the swf file doesn;t get embeded. (Note: If i do the same with a .ppt file, it works correctly)

I know we can embed the swf inside PowerPoint presentation version 2003, i.e. the ".ppt" format. but couldn't do the same in .pptx format.

Also is it possible to embed .swf file in .pptx using Open XML format? I tried to rename the ".pptx" file to ".zip" and added the ".swf" in media folder and then renamed it back to ".pptx", but when opened in PowerPoint, it gave an error about unreadable content or corruption.

I had read somewhere that its kind of strategy from MS not to provide this kind of support for Adobe SWF file / ActiveX object and as of now the feature is not supported. Flashppt PPTX Embed not supported

I tried the same with Office 2010 and still the same result. It doesn't work.


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Use Ems For The Width Tag When Embedding A Flash Object?

Jan 21, 2010

Can I use ems for the width tag when embedding a flash object?

I've done some googling and it looks like it's just pixels and percentages but I want to double check with the stack overflow community.

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Flash :: What Is The Best MP3 Player For Embedding On A Website

Feb 14, 2010

What is the best MP3 player for embedding on a website? Something simple but needs to have list of items to play instead of just plays single item

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Flash :: Input Fields And Embedding?

Jul 28, 2011

Is there any ways to use input fields without embedding the font to minimize .swf file weight?

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Flash :: Php - Embedding File In Html

Aug 20, 2011

Can any body check this code.


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