Actionscript 3 :: Getting Back Data To Main Application

Oct 26, 2011

I have created a spark titlewindow (using mxml component) which there I select some stuff and want it to get back to the Main application variables.For example, in the main application I have a var name currMaxPlayers:int and in the TitleWindows I have created a form which you can choose number of players, when selecting the number and then pressing submit button, I want the number that was selected to get back into the currMaxPlayers var in the MainApplication.I have followed the instructions here url... with no success.

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<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" width="100%" height="100%"


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="" remove="titlewindow1_removeHandler(event)"
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[Event(name="commEvent", type="")]


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Linking Back To The Main Timeline?

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I recently started creating a flash website from a template that was created back in 2004. I have very little knowledge of either AS 2.0 or AS 3.0. I am currently attempting to link my buttons that are in separate movieclips back to specific parts of the main timeline "scene 1". Currently when clicked, the buttons just cycle through the varying pages that have been created, "s1" , "s2" etc.

How do I link a movieclip/button back to "s8" in the main timeline?The AS 2.0(I think it's AS 2.0 anyway) that currently exists is as follows:

PHP Code:

on (rollOver) {


I understand what first rollOver and rollOut commands are and they work fine, but the "On (release)" doesn't seem to go where it needs to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Go Back To Main Page?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a main swf file called index.swf and 3 games files called game1.swf game2.swf and game3.swf respectively.The main.swf is done is AS2 while the games are in AS3.I have 3 buttons on the main.swf,each will load the game out on a new layer...this is the code I used...
btn1.onRelease = function(){

loadMovie("subcontent/game1.swf", 0)
btn1.enabled = false

But when I added a back button on the game1.swf using the script...

back_button.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie("index2.swf" , 0)

it didn't work. Apparently this code doesn't function in AS3.All the games are in a subcontent folder.Index file will call them out on a new layer...and the back button in those games must be able to go back to the index.swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go Back To Main Page?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a main swf file called index.swf and 3 games files called game1.swf game2.swf and game3.swf respectively.The main.swf is done is AS2 while the games are in AS3.I have 3 buttons on the main.swf,each will load the game out on a new layer...
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btn1.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie("subcontent/game1.swf", 0)
btn1.enabled = false

But when I added a back button on the game1.swf using the script...

back_button.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie("index2.swf" , 0)

it didn't work. Apparently this code doesn't function in AS3.Index file will call them out on a new layer..and the back button in those games must be able to go back to the index.swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Root Back To Main Website Swf

Feb 19, 2009

In AS2 when I had a button on an external page swf that was loaded into the main website swf and I wanted that button to go back to the main website swf main time line and change to a specific frame I just used ...

Code: _root.gotoAndPlay("$/pmp/engine/"); the button's release code. How do I do that in AS3? I guess I just need to know how to get to the main swf since root refers to the external page swf's main timeline. Garrr this is annoying. My structure is this:

main.swf's main time line has a button. Click that button, it loads preloaderpmp.swf into a blank movie frame with the instance name container. preloaderpmp.swf loads pmp.swf in. In pmp.swf's main timeline there is a movie clip inside a movie clip which contains a button that I want link back to main.swf and go to the frame "$/pmp/engine/" once it is released. What can I replace _root with since this is AS3?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Back Button To Reload Main Swf?

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My main swf loads other swf's via this timeline code:

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scene1.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Getting Back To Main Timeline In Loaded Ext. SWF

Jul 7, 2009

I have a project I'm working on where the user is presented with an overhead shot of a building and is able to mouse-over the different rooms to choose one to "enter." Once clicked, the chosen room is an external .SWF that is loaded that has options to view other external .SWFs within that room. Problem is, within the first loaded .SWF, I have a "home" button that is supposed to take the viewer back to the main overhead view but I can't get the AS to work. I've tried _parent and _root with no luck (not sure I even typed out right code).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Back To Main Menu Button

Jul 16, 2009

I'm working on a little project where I have a list of working text I converted to buttons and scituated vertically along the left hand side of the stage. Each button when pressed, triggers a different image with some text. This all works great. The problem is that I have a "Back to Main Menu" button located at teh bottom center of the stage. When depressed, I want this button to clear out the image and text on the stage and leave the user looking at just the original list of buttons along the left hand side of the stage.
I can easily get the main menu button to do this for my first image and text. Here's the code for that:
gbtext_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGearbox);
menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopGearbox);
function playGearbox(event:MouseEvent):void {    gearbox_mc.visible = true;   


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigating Back To Main Timeline?

Jul 14, 2009

Lets say i have a button on the first frame of my main timeline that leads to another frame on my main timeline. On the second frame, i have a button that has tweening animations inside it's over and down states. At the last frame of the tweening, i want to have a button that navigates to the first frame of the main timeline, and not the first frame of the tweening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Playhead Back To Main Timeline?

Nov 26, 2010

When the playhead is sent from the main timeline (Scene 1) to play a movieClip timeline, what code is used to send the playhead back to the main timeline (Scene 1) after the movieClip has played?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: How To Root Back To Main Website Swf

Feb 19, 2009

In AS2 when I had a button on an external page swf that was loaded into the main website swf and I wanted that button to go back to the main website swf main time line and change to a specific frame I just used ...

Code: Select all_root.gotoAndPlay("contact") the button's release code. How do I do that in AS3? I guess I just need to know how to get to the main swf since root refers to the external page swf's main timeline. Garrr this is annoying.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Root Back To Main Website Swf?

Feb 19, 2009

In AS2 when I had a button on an external page swf that was loaded into the main website swf and I wanted that button to go back to the main website swf main time line and change to a specific frame I just used ...

Code: _root.gotoAndPlay("$/pmp/engine/"); the button's release code. How do I do that in AS3? I guess I just need to know how to get to the main swf since root refers to the external page swf's main timeline. Garrr this is annoying. My structure is this:

main.swf's main time line has a button. Click that button, it loads preloaderpmp.swf into a blank movie frame with the instance name container. preloaderpmp.swf loads pmp.swf in. In pmp.swf's main timeline there is a movie clip inside a movie clip which contains a button that I want link back to main.swf and go to the frame "$/pmp/engine/" once it is released. What can I replace _root with since this is AS3? Here are some other attempts I have tried and failed to work right:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go Back To Main Time Line?

Nov 15, 2009

How do i refer back to a dynamic text box on the main stage?

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Professional :: Button That Goes Back To Main Timeline From Movieclip

Feb 11, 2010

I have a movie created that is broken down into sections on the timeline (home about contact etc) Each section has a movieclip I want to be able to be in the about movieclip and click a button that will bring you back to the main timeline contact section Heres is the actionscript I am using to navigate the main timeline for each section

//handle events for buttons...
index.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
wind.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button Within Movieclip Won't Go Back To Main Timeline

Dec 1, 2010

I have a btn within a Movieclip at a certain keyframe the user is asked if they want to go back to make another selection from a choice category (within the maintimeline)
As of now the code I have for the btn that jumps you back to the main timeline is:
on (press) {    gotoAndStop(_root.stop(24));}
Does _root.stop(24) need to be in quotes?
ie. "_root.stop(24)"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Back To A Specific Label In Main Timeline?

Jun 26, 2009

In the main timeline I have several movie clips, buttons and labels that navigate to the appropriate mc's. Inside the movie clip I have a button that will send you back to the main timeline and the appropriate label. I thought that would be relatively easy but it's not working.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing A Variable Back To The Main Loop?

Feb 19, 2012

Trying to pass a variable back to the main loop, example of the code is:

savedVar:varType = saveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveFile);
function saveFile(evt:MouseEvent):void

\how would I be able to pass a variable back to the main loop from saveFile if it's nested in the addEventListener function?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Calling Back To Main Page Through UILoader?

Mar 24, 2010

I am using AS3 and the UILoader Component to bring in external .swf files into my main (index) page, works fine.

Here is the problem: From inside an external swf, I have a button that I want to communicate "back" to an object on the main page.

Here is the code I am using to change the alpha of the testbox_mc located on the main page:

Code: Select allMovieClip(parent.parent).testbox_mc.alpha = .5;

I have attached my fla files to run and test. I have a feeling I am just on tweak away from success.

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