Actionscript 3 :: Network Programming - Sockets Not Working On The Web?
Oct 16, 2011
I have created AS3 APP that works with [URL]..The application works fine on my desktop, but if i upload it on my webserver, the flash sockets does not work, it connects but i'm unable to send or receive data.
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Can u recommend me a good book/e-book/tutorial to network programming in as 3.0 ? I'd like to create a multiplayer game.
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Dec 28, 2011
I want to create a simple game (Adobe Air) based on 2 players using ActionScript 3.Let's assume I want to create online chess game.So that I can play with my friend at work, at home, from anywhere via internet.Should I use flash server? Or something similar for this purpose, or there is simpler way to connect 2 players and make fully functional interaction between them?
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Dec 30, 2009
I writing a small action game in actionscript and I'm adding some mulitplayer features. I am currently using xml sockets and a small java socket server I wrote.
But I am now pondering, would my game have connection problems when people try to use ? wouldn't they need to open the port I used in their firewall and configure port forwarding in their routers ?
I did a small test over port 8080 and some remote computers running my swf connection test, they got connected but the connection was lost right away... is that a "cross domain" issue (I didn't learn the subject yet) or should I check the firewall and etc on the remote computers ?
Also, I am pretty early in the process - should I consider switching to RTMP to avoid connectivity issues ? Do commercial sites with multilayer flash action games use sockets for the connection ? Does electroserver/pulse/etc.. use sockets under the hood or RTMP ?
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Sep 6, 2011
I have the following scenario:
One application JEE / Flex 4 running on a tomcat, inside my Flex layer I have a iFrame passing a url to an ip of my internal network (http:url....) which is another application running within an industrial PLC.When access this app from within my internal network works fine, but when I try to access this iFrame to an external network in my home for example have a timeout error onhttp:[url].........
I believe this error occurs because the flex client is trying to run this url as I was in a internal network.Is there any way to run this url from an external network?
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Nov 27, 2010
Looking for a programming book that is in tutorial approach. Example this chapter teaches you how to do a login form. In the second chapter it teaches you how to integrate the login for to another app.Basically I'm looking for a book that teaches you real working application rather than abstract ideas. Programming language I have in mind is Adobe Air/Flex, Visual Basic. Functions I have in mind should at least cover Drag and Drops, Integration to a web form (form entry) and customizable interfaces.The languages i had in mind isn't fix. If you know a programming platform that has little code or easy to learn but still be able to develop a cool application.
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Jun 16, 2009
var s:Socket = new Socket( "", 6667 );
s.writeUTFBytes( 'WEBIRC cgipass "cgiirc"' );
s.writeUTFBytes( "NICK DaBit
" );
It works to a point, it pings out as if I never did PONG in response, but I never got the PING message which tells me I'm not listening in on the connection correctly. What do I need to do instead? Btw this is all I have, it's all on 1 frame.
Here is my Output thing:
Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL C:Documents and SettingsDavidMy Documents est_socket.swf
[SWF] C:Documents and SettingsDavidMy Documents est_socket.swf - 3088 bytes after decompression
: NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
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Nov 5, 2009
I am not any kind of network programming pro, but it happened that I have faced necessity to develop socket-server on php (no way for using Java) for flash multiplayer browser-game (standard features like locations, team battles, etc).
The main problem is that TCP is point-to-point protocol and it completely occupies given port.Of course it is possible to create some kind of queue, which will manage connections to the socket, but this solution doesn't seems to be the fittest one.
It seems to me that using interval of "fair" ports (from 2000 to 2200, for example) is more fitting solution, because one request may take a lot of time to execute and players won't be happy to wait in queue.
But how can I implement this "port inteval" strategy?The solutions that I see are:
launcing php-script per every port (he-he, 2 hundreds of launched scripts!);somehow forking the initial process to new processes (2 hundreds of processed? Not nice too), one for every port;additional while-loop, which listens all the ports (looks very bad);using threading or something like that (the problem is that php is single-threaded, as far as I know; pcntl?).But somehow I don't like any of them, or at least don't know how to implement them in the best possible way.
What is the best existing strategy to handle multiple requests from multiple users per time unit without delays, and how to implement this strategy in php? We have our own Debian-server, so it is possible to use any required php extensions.
For example, if we are trying to develop chat application, we need some sort of fixed (I mean persistent) connections for each user. For example, we have 80 users in chat, and then one of them posted a message, which server tries to handle and send to all other connected users, also putting an entry to the history file or something like that.
In this situation polling server for new messages every 10 seconds from each of 80 users is craziness, so the need in persistent connection gets obvious.But I don't know what is the best way to implement something like this, considering that not all requests are handled instanlty.
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Jan 26, 2010
I was searching on google for it, I couldn't find it.
I would like to know how can I listen to sockets using actionscript 3
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Mar 26, 2011
I was trying to write a stress tester for my own protocol when I stumbled up on this problem.Anytime I create more than 4 connections from one PC Flash denies to receive anymore messages from the server although I'm still able to connect, and write messages.
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May 11, 2011
What WebSockets add to raw TCP connection?Why should I use WebSockets?I'll have only Flash clients, no need to support Javascript clients.
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Dec 21, 2007
Is there a way I can communicate through sockets in flash mx? I'm really really interested in this domain..
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Jul 18, 2004
I've begun playing with Flash and XML Socket Servers and I thought I started taking to it easy, but now I'm running into some problems and I'm a bit confused! I was able to connect and disconnect to a socket server I wrote and Unity but I seem to be having problems sending and/or recieveing data.I wrote a small amount of code to try it out:
var server:XMLSocket = new XMLSocket();
server.onConnect = function(success:Boolean) {[code].....
It seems to be connecting fine but when I click and I try my send.
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e4x programming extension is native to Actionscript and makes sense to use it over Xpath or any other DOM interfaces. I would like to know from flex community if they had any bad experiences like performance, etc, or any other gotchas.
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Feb 18, 2010
I am trying to do a "hello world" level test of FTP in Flex, but for three days now, I cannot overcome the issue with how to coerce flex into accepting my crossdomain policy - even for testing purposes.Here is my code: The exact error text follows.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have two (+) systems on a local network running an AIR application that need to send/receive updated positions and other events between each other. I'm currently using an AIR-based socket server one of the instances. The AMF and strong typing works great. What doesn't, however, is the syncing between clients.
In my example below, clientA is trying to send an AMF packet to clientB. The SOCKET_DATA events fire off as expected on the server, in sync with the mouse, however the data that clientB receives very quickly gets out of sync and events are lost.
It's fine if an occasional event gets dropped, however I need to know the most recent SOCKET_DATA event has the latest data. Instead, it just contains increasingly older data.
Code Snippets:
clientA writeObject: (on MOUSE_MOVE to test large number of events)
protected function stage_mouseMoveHandler ( pEvent : MouseEvent ) : void
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Jan 9, 2012
So, we want to move out from Air (Adobe stopping support and really bad implementation for the sqlite api, among other things). I want to make 3 things:
Connect with a flash (not web) application to a local mysql database.
Connect with a falsh (not web) application to a remote mysql database.
Connect with a flash (web) application with a remote mysql database.
if you can connect with socket wit mysql server, why use a web server (for example with php) to connect like a inter connectioN? why not connnect directly? I have done this a lot of times, using AMFPHP for example, but wouldn't be faster going directly? In the case of accessing local machine, it will be a more simple deploy application that only require the flash application + mysql server, not need to also instal a web server.
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Mar 11, 2012
I created a Socket and a ServerSocket objects in as3, then I connected the socket using the connect method by passing to it a host and a port. Also I made the ServerSocket object listening for incoming connection from socket other than the socket I've just created. When the ServerSocket detects a connection and start receiving data, the socket object is disconnected automatically. So I want to know how to keep the connection alive in the socket object..
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Aug 11, 2009
I am currently building an XML Socket Server that I am running locally on my computer. My flash client I build as an executable that runs on your computer and connects to mine via port 9000. I want however, to be able to run the flash client as a .swf in a web page on my website. I have a security policy but I don't know if I am using it right. My server is extremely basic still, it has no admin controls or even authentication or anything, right now it just spits back what it is given essentially, while I test out things and stuff. I just don't know how to handle any cross browser stuff.
********************************************All my code works as is if the flash file is compiled as a .exe from any computer. I have tested that. It just doesn't work as a .swf in a web browser.********************************************The file currently is set to just have the user type in their name and then when they move their mouse, it shows up on all other clients with their names next it it. Basically testing a real time activity updates.Here is my code and other files:My config.xml file:
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
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Nov 25, 2011
this question has been bugging me for a year. Basically I'm trying to replicate Club Penguin (multi-player game for kids who are their own penguin who play other penguins who are other kids online). So far Ive got it working: [URL]
but it creates a horrendous cache of XML as it simply sends and receives an xml file between players (poleing I believe). I want to convert this to a socket connection. However I really want to know: -do you need your own webserver (I have an old PC I can convert to one fine), but how do I set it up (php, Red5?) -the examples I have refer to old versions of Flah and sometimes use the (legendary Senoculars) class So ~ I know what I want to do Ive got half way there anybody know the other half?
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Jan 21, 2003
it may be a stupid question what i'm going to ask, but i'll ask anyway ... just had an idea... is there a way i can comunicate through sockets in flash mx?
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Feb 1, 2005
i wanted to make a game in which you play head to head with other people.. but before i get ahead of myself to establish a server which receives info from all connected flash movies , and then sends it out to all the ones witch i want to? basically i was thinking of making a chat thing 1st of all and then depending on how difficult it is move on to my game idea..
View 5 Replies
Oct 29, 2006
As the title says, I would like to know if Flash 8 or any version of flash can access sockets.For instance like winsock does. Using an IP and a port to send packets? I've seen it can connect to databases, but I haven't seen anything with it working with sockets, for instance a P2P chat using only an IP and a port to send an receive messages.
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Feb 1, 2005
i wanted to make a game in which you play head to head with other people.. but before i get ahead of myself here..Any tutorials on how to establish a server which receives info from all connected flash movies , and then sends it out to all the ones witch i want to?basically i was thinking of making a chat thing 1st of all and then depending on how difficult it is move on to my game idea..
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May 21, 2010
I haven't programmed in a while, and have kind of lost interest, but I want to get back, and I've enjoyed C# the most, a lot more than objective-c and visual basic. So I want to make some games that me and my friends will be able to play next school year. So basically something you can play on the web.
What programming languages deploy to the web?If c# is possible, and a mac with safari/firefox would be able to use it (I can't install plugins, and I don't want to get in trouble for making myself admin again)Flash, Java, etc. If java does, I'd like that most since it's most like c#. Then what libraries/engines would I use? I want to do 2d. And then what IDE would I use?
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Apr 20, 2011
is there any decent tutorial for flash programming on iphone?
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Sep 13, 2011
what i mean is, is there a way in AS3, or in programming in general(php, js etc) to make an event fire/activate "WHEN" something does something, as oppose to an if/else if / else statements ? for example, say i want to make an event fire /activate ONLY when a frame label is hit, and thereafter , do something else etc, essentially making it do things one by one down the line according to WHEN certain objectives are there a "when" type of statement etc that will do this as oppose to if/else if etc???
for example, using the above example, instead of me doing something like this:
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Jan 11, 2011
I don't seem to find any decent AS3 book for learning Object Oriented Design.
I checked several ones but most assume that you are an intermediate or advanced AS3 developer.One like AS3 Design & Patterns is good but starts simple and get really complicated quickly. Another 2 are Object Oriented AS3 and Advanced AS3 with design patterns is TOO ADVANCED. Now we have OOP books but not for the little guy with limited programming experience like me. What are my alternatives? A friend of mine told me get Head First Java and learn from there it explain Java but especially OOP for beginners. What do you guys think I should do? I feel it is a shame that I need to go to Java to learn OOP because AS3 books are not for beginners.
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Dec 6, 2009
How can you create a car driving game or a man running. I would like some tutorials so I could get use to flash mx.
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Sep 9, 2011
I'm able to connect, able to send a message from HTML 5 to the AIR socket server and have the server see that there is an inbound message and even see that there are more or less bytes available based on the size of the message, but am unable to see the content of the message sent through. I'm just trying to send one-way text communication via sockets from HTML 5 to an AIR app. Why I can't see the actual content of the message? I'll attach my AS3/AIR (Flash Pro CS5) code and my HTML/JS code.
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