Actionscript 3 :: Set Constant Value From A Config File During Compile Time?
Nov 23, 2010
Is there a way to set the value of a private static const identifier from a config file during compile time in Actionscript 3?Also, it would be nice if I can do this in the mxmlc ANT task.
I'm using Flash Develop to build an as3 application using the Flex compiler. In the constructor of a particular class I have written the following code
Code: //constructor public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
We're trying to add a simple link to an existing Flash file. There looks to be at least 7 separate .as files and a separate swf that loads the main swf which all seems overly complex for what is essentially a page with six buttons on it.However, we need to add a URL to some of the text. So we converted the text to a button, added an instance name of <ssbpurchasetickets_btn> then added the following Actionscript into the actions layer on the frame the text/button appears:
ssbpurchasetickets_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ssbButtonPurchase); function ssbButtonPurchase(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]......
When we publish the file we get the following error which seems to cascade into a whole bunch more errors:Description: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MouseEvent.Source: function ssbButtonPurchase(event:MouseEvent):void
We added "ssb" onto the button and functions to ensure there were no conflicts but the same thing occurred. If we copy the button into a new file everything works so it must be conflicting with something in the main files.
Both of these are saved in files with the name same as the classes.
Both are saved a folder which also contains an fla file name hello.fla.So,when test the movie(hello.fla),after choosing the document class as WavyBall,I get these errors: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Ball.
Source: var Ball:Ball; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.x=stage.stageWidth/2; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.y=stage.stageHeight/2; 5000: The class 'WavyBall' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.What is wrong?
In a class file I have a button (GameButton) which I want to all the instances act the same. I found this code in a tutorial but when I run it I get the error: "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:MouseEvent." And then it names 2 of my public functions. Here's all the code in my class file:
I have a piece of art I made on the timeline that I want to turn into a button, so I comverted it to a symbol and exported it to actionscript with a linkage class, but when I compile it and run it I get the error, 1046 type was not found or was not a compile time constant: playButton22.[code]
I have a AS3 need to call 2 functions in a WS to get 2 return parameters.
But, it has
Compile Error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: OperationEvent. function onResult(e:OperationEvent):void { function onFault(e:OperationEvent):void { function onResult1(e:OperationEvent):void {
I want to pulish SWF file from .fla file. I have some scripts there, but when I pulished them - they don't work. I get error from compiler:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'scrollableContent' was already assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollableContent', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollable_game_content', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
I've got this movieclip that I made into a button with ActionScript. When clicked, it should go to a frame in my main timeline labeled "beansbus", but whenever I try to test the movie out, Flash gives me this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: bus.
I've looked around on the internet and I've been told that this error can crop up if the instance name is the same as a library object. That WAS the problem, but I renamed the library object to Cutebus, so that should have fixed it, I hope. There was another fix that involved something called TextFields in my movieclip, but I don't have those...
Im new to AS3 and just want to get my button (labled button1 in the properties instance box) to move me onto the next frame in the timeline(frame labled start) and play from there, when you hover over it Button is on first frame on a different layer to actions & labled frames.this is the code Ive copied and adapted from a tutorial its in the first keyframe on the action layer....
stop(); button1.AddEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_overbutton1); function mouse_overbutton1 (event:EVENT) :void
I have a character added as Child in the Main Time line and i am trying to make a class for that same char to control it, but as soon as i start it gives me this huge annoying error that says It has a compile time-constant error in the
private function checkKeysDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ Full class code below Code:
I am having trouble with my flash program. im trying to make a media player but the tutorial that i am using told me to enter SoundTransfor into the action scripts but when i run the program all i get is an error... 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: SoundTransform.
This is my first time using flex. I tried compiling thecripts below usingmxmlc example.mxmlAnd I get:Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:UIMovieClipThis is on a windows machine. If I type just "mxmlc" I getthat I'm using version 3.1
Im trying to get my character(Box 2D to respond to the accelerometer) But flash throws thie error at me..Here is what i have done to try and get it working:
First I create a new ActionScript Project, then add a Library Project's bin folder to the build path, and reference the Library Project. I code the new project, and everything works fine. But later, when I'm optimizing the code, I'll create a new ActionScript class file in the Library Project, save it, and then change an already defined function within the ActionScript Project to use this new ActionScript class in the Library Project instead of some other class in the Library Project. The class file is in the Library Project's src folder, under (default package), same as all the other files the ActionScript Project is using successfully.At this point, FlashBuilder shows an error "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PEArrays."
Here is the Library Project file:
package { public class PEArrays {
I have included import PEArrays; or, import PEArrays.*; and both result in the same error.Also, I tried exiting and re-entering FlashBuilder, didn't help. Cleaning the ActionScript Project had no effect on this error. I also right-clicked on the project folder and selected Refresh, but it didn't help.
I verified that the needed classes are correctly selected by going to Project>Properties>Flex Library Build Path and reviewing the Classes tab. I'm just a single developer so there's no version control system in place.
After troubleshooting a bit, I now find that the ActionScript Project folder's bin directory is empty. When I run the .as file in the ActionScript Project's src folder, I get an error that the ASname.html file cannot be found (where ASname is the ActionScript Project name and also the .as file name, e.g., in the src folder, which is run). This ASname.html file is not found in the html-template folder. What process generates this needed .html file?
It basically downloads an mp3 file when you click a "download" button. I have assigned an on complete listener and function but keep getting this error message: Line 53: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Event. Which the source of is: function completeHandler(evt:Event):void {
I have a symbol with name and class name "cat". I also have buttons with names and classnames of values "upButton" "downButton". I dragged the symbols onto the stage and gave them instance names of "cat", "upButton", and "downButton", and tried to control the position of the cat using the buttons, however I got the error message:
"type was not found or was not a compile-time constant"
So I tried changing the name of the instances to cat2, upButton2, and downButton2, and it works perfectly fine. So am I not allowed to have instance names identical to the class name? This is strange because in the book I am working out of, the instance names are identical to the class names.
i have tried to make mouse trail effect with stars but i m failed.there was error mesagge "type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:MyStar.[code]
package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class MVball extends MovieClip { public var mass=0; public var yvel=0; public var xvel=0;
The problem I am having is modifing a script I got from action script 3.0 animation book that rotates ball objects around the Y axis. I am trying to modify it so it rotates clickable movie clips that will act as a nav for an art gallery. I am getting this error pointing to line 76: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClip.
here is the line it refers to:
Code: private function rotateY(thumb:MovieClip, angleY:Number):void {