Actionscript :: Call A Url From Code With Additional Data - Catch That On The Java Side?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm working on a flash game written in pure actionscript 3.0 in Flex. I've just finished implementing replays for the game, but want to store the top 10 hiscores' replay data on my google-app-engine'd website. I'm using Java for the app-engine stuff in Eclipse in java but I have no idea how to deal with communicating to my java code from my actionscript code. I'll need to both read and write from actionscript -> java -> datastore. Does anyone have any experience with this?

For note, I'm horribly noob with anything to do with web development. I hear you can pass arguments to a URL when calling it, comparable to command-line arguments on a desktop executable and if so then sending all the data as a large string would be doable... The question then would be how to call a url from AS3 code with additional data and then how to catch that on the java side.

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<destination id="FriendNotifierGateway">
<adapter ref="friendNotifierAdapter" />


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interface MyService1 {
void setField1(long myEntity1Id, int field1Value);
void setField2(long myEntity1Id, int field2Value);


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Jan 23, 2012

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nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);[code].....

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To provide a meta-level view, I'm planning on having the mic pick up noise and display it as a graphic equalizer (of sorts) but not record it.

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Jul 22, 2010

how to call java function by as3.

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