Adding Subtitles To Flash Video?
Oct 8, 2009
How i can add Subtitles to the Flash Video PlayerI am using my own Flash player , so Caption Component is not working
but i dont want to use embeded subtiles or captions
I am loading External video, and i Want to load subtitles as well
subtiles will be in timed text xml file
so i can connect my video to the subtitles ?
and I am not using FLVPLAYBACK component
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Jul 6, 2011
I want to insert subtitles in youtube flash movies. As I can see, there is a site that can do this. the site and I am wondering how I can do this? If I make a flash player ang give it the url of a youtube video, it can play it?
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Jun 24, 2010
I understand that Flash supports subtitles with cue points and XML files for flash video. First, I don't know if that would work for a flash animation, and second, I'm looking for a much simpler solution. I am more than willing to manually add and time my subtitles myself on a new layer. What I need help with is finding the simplest way possible to make these subtitles toggle-able. Why? Because I seem to have a serious allergy to ActionScript, and though I can master programs like 3D studio Max and After Effects, I seem to screw up even the simplest of Actionscript jobs.
Is there some way I can make a button that simply makes my subtitles layer invisible across the whole thing? Maybe a command to change the font to a blank one, or to move the titles off screen? There has to be SOME sort of trick that won't require me to drop a load of code into each instance of text. I'm currently using Actionscript 3.0 with Flash CS4. I'd also love to have a pause button that would also stop any music or sound effects that are playing, but after struggling with that for years, I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I did google this subtitles problem, and search flashkit first. Nothing but VIDEO subtitle stuff, and I'm almost positive it wont work the same for a regular animation.
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Aug 12, 2009
if it is possible to have multible subtitles in the same flv/swf file?I'm using a FLVPlayback component which contains my flv video.On the stage I've also placed a FLVPlaybackCaptioning component linking my subtitles from a XML file to the FLV video. It all work fine.
The only "problem" is that I would like the user to select which language subtitle he/she want to see. I've only succeded to include one XML fil (language) per SWF file. Is there a way for the user to click on the subtitle button and select the specific language he/she preferes?In this way I can have all my subtitles contained in one SWF file instead of having multible SWF files.
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Feb 9, 2011
I want to imply subtitles to flashmo video application.I downloaded fla code of Flashmo video. I found a nice as3 subtitle application.Subtitle link is given below. Both video applications are in as3 flash player 10 format. In subtitle application, video uses In flashmo video, I did not understand the video structure.. So I don't know to imply the appropriate code.
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Jul 29, 2009
useful code for resizing subtitles when you go to fullscreen? At the moment I have the following code, but when I go to full screen it resizes correctly on the first click, then if you go back to normal screen size, and then back to full screen again, the full screen subtitles are still in the smaller, normal screen size.
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Jun 5, 2010
I'm making a flash animation with voices and I wanted to add subtitles to it. What I actually want is an option in the main menu to change the subtitles between english, spanish and no subtitles. I know basically everything there is to know about the graphic part, but my action scripting is very basic. i can barely make a simple loadbar.The options I had in mind were:
1) two layers, one with the english subtitles, the other with spanish subtitles, and that a button shifts the visibility of those layers.
2) two movie clips that can be hidden when not chosen.
3) a dynamic text that will need endless lines of code (this means I prefer options one and two)And if any of those doesn't work, perhaps I can do like some other animators do, and use a hidden button during the animation, that when hovering over it, makes the subtitles apear... but perhaps it's better if I do that later.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have just created a website in Flash MX and I would like to have a youtube video on the home page. I see in youtube where it gives the embed code for html sites, but what do I put in flash and what is the action script?
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Sep 30, 2011
I've created a video in Premiere Pro, and I'd like to add hyperlinks to a couple of words that I added as Titles in Premiere Pro (I'm asking on this forum because I saw a similar question referred this way).In order to add functional hyperlinks, I created a couple of swfs in the Flash CS4 IDE which would serve as invisible buttons (though used movieclips) that link to the respective websites via NavigateToURL. After checking to make sure things were working with the swfs, I dragged them into my premiere pro project panel and added them to the timeline to coincide with when I needed the links to be available.I then exported the flv from Premiere Pro with Adobe Media encoder.
The flash site I'm building uses the Gaia framework, so I added the flv file as an asset to one of my Gaia pages, and everything loads up normally - the video plays and I can see the highlighted areas I'd created to serve as clickable links. The links within the video, however, don't work, and I wasn't sure if this was a Gaia issue or if there's some other step (or steps) I need to take to make this work.(If there's a different way to get working, clickable links into a Premiere Pro video, I'm open to that as well).
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Jan 3, 2011
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Jan 2, 2011
I have a video player that plays videos loaded via XML and selected using a combbox. I just got the play and pause buttons to work. What I'm attempting to do now is be able to hit next or previous buttons and select the next or pevious video from the XML file, and update the displayed/selected file in the combobox, my thought was to somehow set the previous/next buttons to directly manipulate the combobox, but nothing I've tried so far has worked.
ActionScript Code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Aug 19, 2009
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Aug 31, 2011
I have a DVD (VOB, IFO files) that I need to upload to my site. I also have to add subtitles in English. I managed to rip the VOB file and add subtitles in Encore, but was only able to save it as SWF file. I can't upload this file to my site nor will you tube accept it. My site is basic html, created in dreamweaver. I have the full Adobe suite, you can see it at [URL]
How should i go about getting this video on my website?
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Jun 17, 2009
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private function buildVidPreview(page:Array):void {
Tweener.addTween(vidPreviewa, {alpha:1, time:1});
[Code] .....
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm looking for a way to extend the functionality of the HTMLEditor control that the Ajax Control Toolkit supplies for I would like to add video and flash functionality to the editor (buttons, allowed tags, etc).
To my knowledge, this is rather easy: plop in an embed tag with the correct parameters and it just works; I have videos running in the preview window of the editor.
Unfortunately, the tag is stripped away when saving the HTML-code and updating it in the database.
Hence, I would like to ask if there is any way of adding this functionality apart from manually adding the changes in the source control repository of the Ajax Control Toolkit and recompiling it.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have something really weird happening when I try and combine using FLVPlayback Captioning and fullscreen mode to display subtitles.Basically, when I oscillate between normal and full screen...
1. the first time I do so (normal->full) it works - the subtitles are resized fine.
2. Then when I go back to a normal-sized player (full->normal) the subtitles disappear.
3. Then when I try again to go to full screen (normal->full) the subtitles appear - but they are the wrong size - the size that should appear for normal-sized screens.[code]
View 2 Replies
Nov 19, 2009
I need to add interactivity to an .flv video - here's what i need and what I'm guessing I should do, but don't know how as yet:
> I need to add mouse 'hotspots' to items in a video when the items appear. The hotspots would include external weblinks >> My guess is that I could add cuepoints to the flv which dynamically load mc's from the library - the mc's would need to be invisible until mouseover wherein they animate/reveal a list of links.
The mc mouseover is bog standard stuff, but I just don't know how to integrate this into an flv - if indeed this is the correct way to go about doing this ..
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May 20, 2009
create a watermark that fades into my videos 20 or so seconds in, then fades out after another 10 seconds.
Here's what I've done so far in Flash CS4:
- Import Video
- Pointed the "player" to an external URL for the video.
- Selected a generic Skin
The video plays well, all is in order.
Now, to add a watermark to the player. I figured you'd simply import the new animated SWF file, then write some Actions to tell it when to fade in and fade out. Not that I know how to do that at all .
I'd even be up for other options, if this simply won't work I've thought of pushing all my videos through a third-party program to brand the video with an animated watermark, is there such a thing?
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Jan 15, 2010
I need to add a control bar (play, pause, progress bar) to a SWF video in Dreamweaver. It can be very simple, the look and feel is not that important, it just needs to be functional. The only way I can figure out to add one is to import a FLV file into Dreamweaver instead. The problem with this is that I can't figure out how to export a FLV file directly from Flash CS3, and using a converter program to create a FLV file nullifys the links in the menu at the end of the video. Any help would be great! This seems like it should be really simple to accomplish, but I have been pulling my hair out over it all day now.
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Apr 5, 2010
I've searcehd but haven't found anything similar. I am trying to add animation to an educational video that I produced. I am new to Flash but already love it - have used for several presentations at work with my higher students and it's been really, really effective so far.
I have done two things: Imported an .flv of the video that I am trying to add animation to but only see the first and last shots in my timeline. How can I add text and tweens throughout the movie using flash? Or can't I?
View 1 Replies
Apr 20, 2010
I created 5 swfs (simple, short animations) The swfs are named "movie1," "movie2," and so on. I want to import all 5 movie clips and thread them together so that they play one after the other inside the timeline of a new Flash Document. I am hoping to have "movie 1" play, stop, have "movie 2" play, stop and so on until the 5th "movie plays then stops (no looping necessary). It will be played on a Mac laptop and not online.
I've been fiddling with timeline actions for 2 days and can't figure how to lead one movie to the other. I've been using Action Script 2 so far. What I've done is create 5 layers (1 for each clip)
"movie1" is on layer 1, frame 1
"movie2" is on layer 2, frame 2
"movie3" is on layer 3, frame 3
"movie4" is on layer 4, frame 4
"movie5" is on layer 5, frame 5
View 1 Replies
Nov 20, 2009
I need to add 'mouseover' interactivity to an .flv video - here's what i need and what I'm guessing I should do, but don't know how as yet:> I need to add mouse 'hotspots' to items in a video when the items appear. The hotspots would include external weblinks>> My guess is that I could add cuepoints to the flv which dynamically load mc's from the library - the mc's would need to be invisible until mouseover wherein they animate/reveal a list of links.
I want to use an flv, not embed video into the fl, as I need to utilise flv streaming.The mc mouseover would be bog standard stuff, but I just don't know how to call mc's from the library in an flv.
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Apr 22, 2011
Im adding videos to my stage with AS3 and was wondering if it is possible to then add the standard flashh video controls to the video with script..[code]
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Oct 13, 2009
I made an xml video playlist with thumbs and video description within a scrollbar. Now I want to add 2 titles. one for my work as an editor and one for my work as a director. The first one will be on top of the list, the second one will be after the last video as an editor. There won't be any interactivity with those titles, it's just text.
Here's my code :
var thumb_width:Number;
var thumb_height:Number;
var thumbs_x:Number;
var thumbs_y:Number;
var video_x:Number;
[Code] .....
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Sep 29, 2008
With some great tutorials on the web, I have created an interactive cube in PV3d with a movieAssetMaterial for one the faces. I would like to add a fully functional video player to this face. I have code for an AS3 video player that I placed in the main fla on the movie clip that acts as the material. The video streams in fine, but the interface does not work. I'm wondering if this is a scope issue, a problem with adding events to a movie asset material, or some other problem. The video player code is attached. I have the video player code inside the movieAssetMaterial.
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Jun 13, 2010
Get away from using flashs skin and use my own play and stop buttons progress bar.Be able to use an autoplay within the script and not use the parameters autoplay. using which is working fine. I just want to be able to have more control by being able to write code for the above activities.
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
View 1 Replies
Nov 2, 2009
I've got a photo gallery that I'm working on it loads its content from an xml file... I would like to be able to display and play flv videos as well but I'm unsure what changes I will have to make. If I only change the xml I get the error " Loaded file is an unknown type."
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a video object inside a flash file. I am using NetStream to attach a video to the video object. How can I add cue points to the video ? Should I add a cue point to the video object or to the NetStream ? (I am using Flash 8.)
View 3 Replies
Jan 10, 2010
I am relatively new to Flash CS3. I need to create a video file add a skin and put a voice over or background music. I have done all of it but I have a problem with the skin. On the skin there is a volume button for the video. How can I mute or control the volume of the video? Just like in youtube for example. You can turn it up or down. What is the code for it? Because when I click on the button to mute ir or turn it down it doesn't do anything to the volume. I had a separate video and a song but I went to Windows Movie Maker and associated the song with the video so now it is a whole: video with a song. So basically I just want to know what I need to do in order to control the volume of the video.
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Aug 23, 2010
I've got an application (video player) that has many different interactive pieces spread throughout a handful of different classes throughout the display tree hierarchy (all children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren/etc of the same View class). I'm trying to add a universal tooltip to use throughout [URL].
Basically, the primary problems I want to solve are:
-Ideally called from or channels through a single place (for ease of updating etc).Must show above all other display objects (for instance, a tooltip that shows for a player controls button shouldn't be obscured by a menu display object that might be above it).
-Add the object once in a container/holder that's added above all the other View objects.Dispatch a custom event for every ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT event that needs to show/hide the tool tip.In my main (logic) class, listen for the event, and then call the method in the view class that shows/hides the tooltip.
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