C# :: Byte Encryption ( DES-CBC Zero Pad )?

Apr 4, 2010

Currently writing my own AMF TcpSocketServer. Everything works good so far i can send and recieve objects and i use some serialization/deserialization code. Now i started working on the encryption code and i am not so familiar with this stuff.I work with bytes , is DES-CBC a good way to encrypt this stuff? Or are there other more performant/secure ways to send my data? Note that performance is a must :). When i call: ReadAmf3Object with the decrypter specified i get an: InvalidOperationException thrown by my ReadAmf3Object function when i read out the first byte the Amf3TypeCode isn't specified ( they range from 0 to 16 i believe (Bool, String, Int, DateTime, etc) ).I got Typecodes varying from 97 to 254?I think it has something to do with the encryption part. Since the deserializer works fine w/o the encryption. I am using the right padding/mode/key?

I used: http:[url].... as as3 encryption/decryption library. And i wrote an Async tcp server with some abuse of the threadpool ;)Anyway here some code:

C# crypter initalization code
System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider crypter = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();[code]........

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Here is my sample code:

var currentResult:String = "";
var strDataToEncrypt:String = "";
var kdata:ByteArray;


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Jun 8, 2011

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1. I have encrypted first 100K of the FLV video.
2. I have created a Flash player to play the FLV file.
3. At the load of player, player sends a request to Java server for the location of the video.
4. Java returns the HTTP path of the encrypted FLV to the player.

Now here is what I want to do:
1. As soon as first 100K of video is loaded I want to send it to java code for decryption.
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3. Once I receive the first 100K of decrypted video I want to replace the first 100K of buffered video and start playing the video.

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Feb 28, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting The Byte Sizes?

Mar 1, 2007

if i am using sound/music in a flash movie and i would like to create an instance for it then play it in actionscript, how would i go about getting the size of that sound file?Here is the code i used, btw the sound file has a linkage name of 'tune'

musik = new Sound(this);
varsize = musik.getBytesTotal();

A dynamic text field is placed in the doc to show the value of varsize but when the movie loads, it shows as undefined!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Obj As Byte Array?

Aug 17, 2010

is it possible to write an object as byte array (in Air)? Or would I have to serialize it?
I tried this - but get an error ..


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