Flex :: 3 - Encryption - Md5 - Determine If Two Arraycollections Are The Same Or Not?

Jul 14, 2011

Is there a way to use some kind of encryption (md5, hash, etc...) to determine if two arraycollections are the same or not?

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Flex :: Binding ArrayCollections Of Arrays?

Jul 17, 2010

I've been kinda stuck in trying to organize data and bind them to a Repeater in one my applications.What I did at first, was to save an array of arrays, so that I could've accessed any value very easily. But then I realized that I needed to bind them to a Repeater, so I had to switch to an ArrayCollection of arrays. But the Binding issues weren't solved, since there are still arrays (not bindable) inside the ArrayCollection.Below an example of what I want to do:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
[Bindable] public var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(


the traces show that the array size changes, but the repeater doesn't update.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Nested ArrayCollections Sorting?

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I tried the following code. It works fine for the parent collection, but does nothing for the child one.

// The Data
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public var value:String;
public var otherValue:String;
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Actionscript 3 :: Implement Encryption In Flex 3?

Apr 12, 2011

we have one application where we are pulling some confidential information from one of the product design tools. So we have used HTTPS as the channel and also we are encrypting the Request Parameters and Some data before we sent it to Web Services.Everything seems OK.But when we gave the application for Security auditing they found we have hard coded the encryption key in source code. They have used Sothink SWF Decompiler to look into my SWF file. They caught the key and raised concern over it.

We have developed this application using Flex 3(SDK 3.4). Is there any best way to use Secret key without being hard coded in source code. If anybody come across this kind of problem, please let me know. use the secret keys in SourceCode without being Hard coded.

Here is my sample code:

var currentResult:String = "";
var strDataToEncrypt:String = "";
var kdata:ByteArray;


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Php :: Flex Client Authentication With NTLM Using Md5 Encryption

Nov 4, 2010

I have flex client application with php as a server and i want to implements domain user and password authentication. I'm sending the user and the password from the flex client through httpservice to php script and the php script authenticate the user and the password with the domain But! I want to encrypt the user's password in flex and to decrypt it in the php. I have the as3crypto.swc module for the flex but I don't find any way to decrypt it in the php. So, how can I do that and If this is not the right way to do that how can I do that?

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C# - RSA Encryption From Flex Client And Corresponding Decryption From Web Service

May 24, 2011

I'm having a problem setting up RSA encryption/decryption mechanism between flex client and web service written in c#. The idea is this: I'll encrypt some text from flex and then decrypt it from web service. I'm using as3crypto library from google. It is encrypting/decrypting text properly. I also have the code on the web service side to encrypt/decrypt properly. My problem is synchronizing them - basically sharing the public key to flex and keeping the private key to the web service.

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ActionScript :: Flex - Library For Twofish Encryption / Decryption?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterating Through Multidimentional ArrayCollections?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to make a class that would convert an arrayCollection to XML. I want to make it useful for all ArrayCollections.

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newsDB.addItem( {
title: titleText.label,
clickURL: clickURL.text,
info: itemInfo.text,


I can access the AC with a for loop and arrayCollection.length, but how to I go deeper into the AC while making it work for any ArrayCollection? I could easily do dataSource[i].title but want to make this work for any arrayCollection passed into the class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ArrayCollection Modification Changes Other ArrayCollections

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Jun 14, 2011

1 . Retrieve data from MySQL table using PHP and echo it in XML - This part is working fine and prints the data in XML form2 .I receive that XML and assign it as ArrayCollection . Then pass that ArrayCollection into a Component - For this i have done :

ActionScript Code:


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Database :: Flex - AIR's Encryption And Secure Local Store Secure Enough?

Apr 7, 2012

We are planning a desktop client application with Adobe AIR. The client app will be delivered to our customers with a database, which contains monthly updated marketing data provided by our company. As different customers will buy different sets of data from us, for example, a customer is only interested in marketing data in a specific product category, while another customer need all data in a certain region. After a customer installs this client app, new data will be emailed to the customer every month.

So, the requirement is to keep the data accessible only by the customer who bought it. After reading through AIR's secure local store and database encryption feature, I came up with the following design: each customer will have his own secret key (stored in AIR's secure local store), the secret key is used to encrypt the data that the customer has purchased. Of course, the monthly data that we sent to the customer will be encrypted using the same secret key. So my questions are: is AIR's database encryption and secure local store secure enough for this use case? If someone gets the encrypted database file, can he decrypt the DB?

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Jul 13, 2010

When one call Clipboard.generalClipboard.getData() in ActionScript outside of Event.PASTE processing function it fails with following message. The Clipboard.generalClipboard object may only be read while processing a flash.events.Event.PASTE event. Even if I dispatch Event.PASTE event and call this function within event handler it still fails. How does it determine which event is currently being processed?

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Mar 31, 2010

I wanted to know which event determines if an external video is loaded (using Action Script 3, Flex SDK 3.4 compiler and FlashDevelop -VideoEvent is not present here-).

I'm using a flash.media.video component

I've tried with NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS and "NetStream.Buffer.Full" but it does not seem to work.

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Apr 16, 2010

I am working on a Flex Front End at the moment, and have been using the Parsley framework for passing messages/events around.

I was wondering if there is a simple way for a function (in this case, an event's constructor) to obtain a reference to the object which called it?

This is to ensure that a certain event that I am defining can only be dispatched by one specified class. My thinking is to check the caller of the constructor somehow, and throw an error if it is not of the correct type.

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Apr 29, 2010

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Flex - Determine If Mx Classes/libraries Are Supported?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm writing a helper class and I want it to be used in both flex and pure actionscript projects. For example:

public static function listenToPositionAndSize(control:DisplayObject):void
if (mxLibrariesSupported)
control.addEventListener(mx.events.ResizeEvent.RESIZE, onControlResize);
control.addEventListener(mx.events.MoveEvent.MOVE, onControlMove);


EDIT: One simple reason to do this is: if you check the above example, I would prefer mx.events.MoveEvent.MOVE (if available) instead of flash.events.Event.ENTER_FRAME for performance issues.

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Flex :: Determine What Files MXMLC Compiles?

Mar 2, 2011

I need a way to programmatically record what source files are consumed in an MXMLC compile.Ideally there would be a flag to pass to MXMLC to have it report the complete list of sourc files it is compiling, but there doesn't seem to be such a flag. It seems generally you just pass a main.mxml file to MXMLC and it goes off and compiles everything it needs to without telling you what it's doing. As far as I can tell, you also cannot explicitly list the files for it to compile; it will resolve references automatically and compile referenced sources without any way to control that behavior or report on it.

If the compiler cannot supply this information and a user cannot control this behavior, the only other option I can think of is write my own source code scanner for MXML that will traverse all the references in a code tree to give a report of what MXMLC should be compiling, though that's obviously error prone and certainly not something I'm looking forward to.

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Flex :: Spark - How To Determine Size For UI Elements

Feb 13, 2012

In general, I haven't yet found a definitive way to get Flex and Spark containers to size themselves relative to their children. I have searched for good documentation for this concept many times but have yet to find anything that sufficiently explains the concepts. A simple example of something I often want to do is to draw a border uniformly around a set of controls. The goal here would be to have all UI elements to size themselves automatically.

<s:Label text="l1" />
<s:Label text="very long label 2" />

I would want the Labels to size themselves based on the text property, and the HGroup should be as big as needed to contain labels and BorderContainer should only just contain that HGroup. Now the more complicated example that I am working on now. I have a class that extends the BorderContainer. Within the class I create an HGroup with 5 Labels as children of the HGroup. Then the HGroup is added as a child of the ExtendedBorderContainer (using addElement() method).

Then the new class is used in the application as:
<my:ExtendedBorderContainer />
<!-- more NavigatorContents here -->

I have tried various [max|min]height/width combinations and I can not get the desired layout, which is very tight borders around elements without extraneous space starting from the deepest Label children all the way up to the NavigatorContent.

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C# :: Byte Encryption ( DES-CBC Zero Pad )?

Apr 4, 2010

Currently writing my own AMF TcpSocketServer. Everything works good so far i can send and recieve objects and i use some serialization/deserialization code. Now i started working on the encryption code and i am not so familiar with this stuff.I work with bytes , is DES-CBC a good way to encrypt this stuff? Or are there other more performant/secure ways to send my data? Note that performance is a must :). When i call: ReadAmf3Object with the decrypter specified i get an: InvalidOperationException thrown by my ReadAmf3Object function when i read out the first byte the Amf3TypeCode isn't specified ( they range from 0 to 16 i believe (Bool, String, Int, DateTime, etc) ).I got Typecodes varying from 97 to 254?I think it has something to do with the encryption part. Since the deserializer works fine w/o the encryption. I am using the right padding/mode/key?

I used: http:[url].... as as3 encryption/decryption library. And i wrote an Async tcp server with some abuse of the threadpool ;)Anyway here some code:

C# crypter initalization code
System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider crypter = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();[code]........

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3: Determine If A Generic Object Is Actually A Button?

Aug 7, 2009

I have this bit of code, and it's not working as I expected. btnContainer is a VBox that contains a ton of buttons (toggle=true); and I want to reset them to un-toggled at a certain point.

for (var btn:Object in btnContainer.getChildren()){
if (btn.isPrototypeOf(mx.controls.Button)){
btn.selected = false;

With the above code, "btn" shows up as just the index during each iteration of the loop (0,1,2,3,...), and the conditional never evaluates to true.I also tried this:

for (var btn:Button in btnContainer.getChildren()){
btn.selected = false;

This works fine, except that there is also a label inside btnContainer; so it throws an error when trying to cast the label as a button.

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ActionScript3 :: Flex - Determine The Position Of An XML Instance In An XMLList?

Aug 11, 2009

What it says on the tin: I have an XMLList, and I want to find where in it a particular XML item falls. First index is good enough for my purposes. Note that I have no problem writing a function to do this by hand... but I was hoping that the API has something buried somewhere that'll do it for me. I didn't see it, though.

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Flex :: Adobe Flash: Determine Users CPU Characteristics?

Apr 19, 2010

Adobe flash: How to determine users CPU characteristics? (its mhz, its current ocupation) I need to know how fast is users computer now, and I have only 150 ms for it. How to do such thing in actionscript?

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Flex :: Determine Drag Proxy When Using ItemRenderer On DataGrid?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm using default drag/drop on Flex DataGrid, however, the dataGrid itself has an itemrenderer.Looks like:

public class FlashFileDataGridRenderer extends Label{
public function FlashFileDataGridRenderer(){


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Actionscript 3 :: Determine System Icon Size With Flex, AIR?

Oct 22, 2010

Each system - whether it is win, mac, or linux - displays (desktop) icons at a
user selected size (e.g., 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, etc.)How can I find which size is being used by the local system from within Flex or ActionScript3?

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Flex 3 :: Determine If An Event Target Is Descendant Of Component

Nov 19, 2010

I have a custom component with a couple of text input fields (among other things) that is used as the row components in a tree. I have had to write my own drag and drop handling, and have almost finished the start handler (which I did last), using mouseDown as the event to kick if off.It basically works, but when the tree is expanded enough so that a scroll bar shows, using the scroll bar drags a row of the tree at the same time ! Not the desired behaviour.Looking in the debugger, I can see that when a row of the tree is dragged the currentTarget is the tree itself, and the target is the textInput component. Looking at the parents of that component I can see my custom component (that contains the textInput) a couple of levels up.My question is, is there an easy way to determine if this target is descended from my component, so that I can initiate a drag only if that is the case ? event.target is doesn't work by the way.

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