Flex :: Determine What Files MXMLC Compiles?

Mar 2, 2011

I need a way to programmatically record what source files are consumed in an MXMLC compile.Ideally there would be a flag to pass to MXMLC to have it report the complete list of sourc files it is compiling, but there doesn't seem to be such a flag. It seems generally you just pass a main.mxml file to MXMLC and it goes off and compiles everything it needs to without telling you what it's doing. As far as I can tell, you also cannot explicitly list the files for it to compile; it will resolve references automatically and compile referenced sources without any way to control that behavior or report on it.

If the compiler cannot supply this information and a user cannot control this behavior, the only other option I can think of is write my own source code scanner for MXML that will traverse all the references in a code tree to give a report of what MXMLC should be compiling, though that's obviously error prone and certainly not something I'm looking forward to.

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Flash - MXMLC Compiles Without Error But Shows Blank Screen

Feb 3, 2012

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class HelloWorld extends Sprite {
public function HelloWorld() {
[Code] .....

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Java :: Performance - Code Doesnot(only Sometimes) Compiles In Java+flex (+ BlazeDS+Tomcat ) Combined Project.a

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- usingas/StatementSyntax.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


When I compile it with mxmlc /path/to/file.mxml, I get:

Loading configuration file ~/Documents/flex4_sdk/frameworks/flex-config.xml/path/to/file.mxml (38642 bytes)

However, the resultant SWF file is blank. (Basically just a white canvas.)

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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May 13, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Flex :: Specify Linked Resource Folder In MXMLC Compiler Arguments?

Oct 13, 2011

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This linked resource appears in .project file as follows:

Note, that it isn't source folder and it is not included in compilerSourcePath tag. The question is how can I specify resource linked folder in mxmlc command line arguments? -source-path is not working here, relative pathes to embeds can not be resolved.

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Aug 12, 2010

I have a web application that converts SVG files into swf ones. In order to do so, there are 3 steps:

1 - Running through SVG Files in a folder


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Flex :: App Fails To Compile With Mxmlc Command-line But Works With Flash Builder IDE

Apr 21, 2011

i have this flex app (it's a flex project created from flash builder), and it compiles fine when i build it from the IDE.it fails to compile when i do it from command line through mxmlc.i am invoking the mxmlc at the location "flash-builder-installation"sdks"flex-ver"inthe mxml file is test.mxml.i don't have any dependency on any of custom swc file.i am getting the following type errors when i compile it.[code]

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Dec 28, 2009

I've been trying for hours to make sense of this problem. When I run my code through the Flash IDE, everthing is fine. However, when I run it through the command line compiler or Flex itself t doesn't work. This is after setting up all the required Flex bits to create a Flash stage and display content. it keeps giving me an "Access of undefined property" error though I've clearly defined those properties in question a line or two before.


What the heck is going on?? I'm stumped. Embed seems to work fine, but I'd prefer to change it this way. I think there's something about XML dynamism if you use embed instead.

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use the mxmlc task of the Flex Ant tasks with a user-definable list of source path or library paths? The idea is that the user can define an arbitrary list of source paths and/or library (swc) paths into an Ant properties file and the build file takes these values and evaluates them for use in the mxmlc task. Just wondering if there are any tricks (maybe utilizing filtering/string replacing) to get this working?

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