Flex :: Build - Including Configuration Files While Compiling A Application With MXMLC

May 17, 2010

I'm using:

- Flex SDK 3.5.0
- Parsley 2.2.2.
- Flash Builder 4

Down in my src folder (which is configured as part of the source path in the Flash Builder), I have a logging.xml which I configure via Parsley:


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Apr 1, 2011

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Flex :: Mxmlc Attributes For Release Build

Apr 7, 2011

Which mxmlc attributes do I need to replicate the behaviour of Flash Builder 4's Export Release Build?debug=false and optimize=true seems obvious, but doesn't reduce the swf's file size as FB4's Export Release Build does.

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Flex :: FlexBuilder/MXMLC : Profiling The Build Process?

Feb 8, 2010

I've noticed that, recently, builds in FlexBuilder have been taking much, much longer than they used to (30 or 40 seconds, as opposed to 3 or 4). What is the simplest way of profiling these builds to figure out what is taking so much time?

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Windows :: Flex - MXMLC Throws A Java.lang.NullExceptionPointer When Compiling In Windows (not In Mac Nor Ubuntu)

Feb 23, 2011

I'm running ant to compile a Flex application, and the build keeps failing when running it on a windows command line. Other people in my team can successfully run the very same build under mac and linux. This is the error shown in the command prompt:


All tokens are set in corresponding build.properties and filter .properties files (and, as I said before, it compiles perfectly under mac and linux). The windows version is 7 Ultimate, FLEX_HOME is set as an environment variable to the Flex SDK 3.5 (the build that comes with Adobe Flash Builder Burrito). ${compiler.fork} is set to false, to avoid an issue with the SDK and the source files being in different logic drives.

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Eclipse :: Using Maven To Build Flex Project Including Stylesheets

Mar 18, 2011

Flex stylesheets are parsed by the compiler and bundled with their assets (graphics, usually) into a swf file, which can then be loaded at runtime. I've got a project with a fixed number of styles (currently 4: old corporate style, new corporate style, and high contrast versions of both). Using Flash Builder (Eclipse with Flex IDE plugin) I'm able to have all .css files compiled to .swf files alongside the primary project artifact .swf file. This is also possible with ant scripts.

My current understanding is that Maven wants to only create one artifact per project (POM file), but may have some additional ones added (like zip packaging). For scalability reasons - I've got a complex setup of many library and module projects, several of them having their own individual stylesheets - it would be very impractical to split up the projects into the 'main' project and copies for each stylesheet. At least on the Eclipse project side, having some subfolders with POM files in each, all refered by a master pom file and referring the same src/ location (and being inside one Eclipse project) would probably work. Though that's ugly and needs individual artifactIds for each, and still need to be assembled somehow.

The important thing is to be able to have a final assembly which contains the (Eclipse) projects main swf file and each stylesheets swf file (and some static files like localized texts to be loaded at runtime). This will be part of a large assembly of several of those projects which I've described in a separate question.

I'm using Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios) with Flash Builder Plugin (i.e. Flex4), targetting Flex SDK 3.5 (FlashPlayer 10.0). I've installed Maven 3.0.2, using Sonatypes flexmojos-maven-plugin 3.7.1 (as it seems more active than the one from Servebox). I've manually created pom files for my projects and they work (though only compiling one swf artifact file, depending on whether I specify the main .as or one of the .css files as sourceFile)

I've tried for some days now to understand "The Maven Way" (which seems to be tailored for Java and not fitting perfectly for Flex), but couldn't get this to work so that I have a single project, or at least a single assembly with everything in it.

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Php :: Flex - Compiling Swf From Php Using Mxmlc And "exec" ?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm on a RedHat server, with a simple PHP page that has a form, with inputs for name, phone, and url. When the form is submitted, I run a command to compile a swf using mxmlc. The command is this :


Both directory and files have been CHOWN'd for ownership and CHMOD'd for 775... So what am I doing wrong to get this to work from the web page? Should I have a forked process and wait until it's complete? Sleep?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using External Xml Data In A Flex Application Without Compiling The Source Into The Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to read xml data to a mxml application from a xml file on my filesystem. The example I found was for AIR,link2, link3. But I want to target the Flash Player runtime. If I use the the tag, I can do it; however the xml compiles into my swf. How can I retain the xml file in my release build?

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Xml :: Loading A Configuration File BEFORE The Flex Application Loads?

Apr 19, 2010

We are using an XML file as an external configuration file for several parameters in our application (including default values for UI components and properties values of some service layer objects). The idea is to be able to load the XML configuration file before the flex application initializes any of its components. This is crucial because XML loading is processed a-synchronously in flex, which can potentially cause race-conditions in the application.

For example: the configuration file holds the endpoint URL of a web service used to obtain data from the server. The URL resides in the XML because we want to allow our users to alter the endpoint URL according to their environment. Now because the endpoint URL is retrieved only after the XML has been completely loaded, some of the application's components might be invoking operations on this web service before it is initialized with the correctendpoint.The trivial solution would have been to suspend the initialization of the application until the complete event is dispatched by the loader. But it appears that this solution is far from being trivial. I haven't found a single solution that allows me to load the XML before any other object in the application.

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Flash :: Compiling Actionscript From Command Line Using MXMLC?

May 20, 2009

I have a tiny actionscript "project" consisting of two files, call them foo.as and bar.as. For reasons I won't go into, I really really want to build the .SWF from the command line, without setting up a formal project of any kind. Every compiler I've ever used lets you do this, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to coerce MXMLC into compiling these two files and linking them into a SWF.

Naively, I try

MXMLC foo.as bar.as

but I'm informed that only one source file is allowed.supposing I compiled these two files separately, how would I link them together to get the final SWF?

NOTE: The only reason I have two files instead of one is the requirement of only one class per file. I tried putting both classes in one file and making one of the classes "private" or "internal" but neither of these ideas worked. I would be ecstatic to find out I can put more than one class in a file (with only one being public).

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Actionscript 3 :: MXMLC Compiling Multiple SWFS With SWC Dependencies

Feb 3, 2012

So I have a project comprised of multiple modules and I'm trying to work out the best way to compile, with minimal code duplication.

I have a core Framework SWF and a number of sub applications which are independent of core. In addition I have a series of common library SWCS which core and subapps are dependant on.

I'm not sure the best way to compile this project so that each module does not need to include the libraries as this would duplicate code. Would love some advice!

I started out with using external-library-path for compilation, but something is going to have to include the common libraries.

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Java :: Externalizing Client ChannelSet Configuration For Flex Web Application?

Dec 10, 2010

I am looking for an approach that will allow me to (somehow) dynamically pass the server name, server port, and web context to my Flex client so it can create a ChannelSet for it's RemoteObjects to use. These three properties are, of course, readily available to my Java server-side code so I just need a way to get them to the client.

By default, Adobe says you should compile your Flex application against the server configuration file "services-config.xml". This is a highly inflexible practice that Spring says should be avoided (I agree).

One popular approach is to use Flex's http service to download an XML configuration file. I like this idea, but I don't want to hard-code an XML file and keep it inside my WAR file. Is there a way to dynamically generate this from Java code?somehow use flashvars to pass the properties in from the containing HTML page to the SWF file. But again, I don't want to hard code them into the HTML page. Is there a way (maybe with Javascript?) to dynamically set the value of these when the page loads?

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Flex :: Determine What Files MXMLC Compiles?

Mar 2, 2011

I need a way to programmatically record what source files are consumed in an MXMLC compile.Ideally there would be a flag to pass to MXMLC to have it report the complete list of sourc files it is compiling, but there doesn't seem to be such a flag. It seems generally you just pass a main.mxml file to MXMLC and it goes off and compiles everything it needs to without telling you what it's doing. As far as I can tell, you also cannot explicitly list the files for it to compile; it will resolve references automatically and compile referenced sources without any way to control that behavior or report on it.

If the compiler cannot supply this information and a user cannot control this behavior, the only other option I can think of is write my own source code scanner for MXML that will traverse all the references in a code tree to give a report of what MXMLC should be compiling, though that's obviously error prone and certainly not something I'm looking forward to.

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In Flex Mxml Application On Including .as File?

Feb 26, 2012

In mxml application made in flex if i place a part of actionscript code in separate file and include it in mail application using (fx:Script source) , then do i have to import all the mx and spark components in .as included file even though they are were already imported in main mxml application ? For example if i have mx alert already imported in main mxml file then will i have to import in again in the .as file placed externally although .as file is included in main mxml application ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiling Old Flex 2 Application With FlashDevelop

Aug 5, 2010

I am having trouble compiling a project built in TextMate on a Mac. I have Flash Builder 4 and FlashDevelop on PC, and I cannot seem to compile the project even when I've downloaded the Flex 2 Hotfix 3 SDK. Flash Builder cannot work with Flex versions prior to Flex 3, so I'm left with Flashdevelop. When I assign the SDK path to point to the Flex 2 SDK, I get the following message when I try to compile:

command line: Error: unknown configuration variable 'static-link-runtime-shared-libraries' Use 'mxmlc -help' for information about using the command line. Build halted with errors (mxmlc). Is there something I'm missing, and is there an alternative way for me to compile this old project?

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Flex :: Compiling Application With Unknown Context Path

Jul 22, 2009

I would like to compile my flex application with a services-config.xml file. However, I am forced to supply a context.root. In my setup, the context root (context path) isn't known until my .war file is named and dropped into the webapps directory.

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Flex :: Advanceddatagrid - Runtime Error When Compiling Application With ANT?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using a licensed version of Flex Builder Pro to develop an application.I compiled the swc and generated swf successfully using ANT tasks.It contains an Advanced Data Grid also. When this application is accessed, I get a runtime error and it fails to load.

TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/getSeparator()
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/createHeaderSeparators()


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Flex :: Flexbuilder Keeps Compiling Old Files

Feb 28, 2010

I'm working on a project on Flex AS3.0 project in Flex Builder. It was working fine, I changed the name of one of my classes and all the related process. Now when I compile dubug the thing, it keeps on compiling an older version even if I comment all the code in main. It still compiles the old files. I have cleaned the project , but still the same old problem.

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Flash :: Flex - Compile .mxml Files At The Command Line Using Bin / Mxmlc?

Nov 7, 2009

I'm interested in learning just enough Flash/Flex to do things that I can't do from HTML and JavaScript alone - play sound files and video, use multiple file upload things, perform cross-domain Ajax requests using the crossdomain.xml file etc. As such, I don't really want to learn (or pay for) the Flex IDE. I'm not much of an IDE guy in any case.

The problem is, most of the tutorials I've found talk about the IDE. I've figured out how to compile .mxml files at the command line using bin/mxmlc - now I just need to learn MXML, ActionScript and the various APIs! What are the best resources for learning these? I'm fine with buying a book, I just don't want to shell out for the API itself.

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Build .swf From Command Line Mxmlc For Mobile?

Feb 23, 2011

i am trying to find out how to build my .as for mobile browser on Android 2.2 smartphone.I downloaded latest distribution of "Hero" SDK, but all tutorials show only how to create mobile project with Flash Builder. how to build .swf from command line mxmlc for mobile ?

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ActionScript 3 :: Flex - Compiling Files From The Command Prompt?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a file Employee.as with the following source code. I am unable to compile it from the command prompt.

package Office{
public class Employee{
private var _firstName:String = "";


Error: A file found in a source- path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'Office'.

how to compile multiple files in a folder from the command line. I am planning to create a package with multiple files to form a library which I can use in my flex projects.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air Native Installer Is Not Including .class Files And .properties Files

Feb 20, 2012

I have some files in my src directory, some are .class files (Java class files) and some are .properties files, when I create the Adobe air native installer these files are not included. Why is that? How can I work around that?

Also it excludes .mxml files, but that's good. I'm sure that's related, how to change what it includes or excludes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build Mp3 Player In Flex / Air Application?

Oct 18, 2009

I need to implement add mp3 player to my AIR application build with flex

is there any tutorials on building mp3 player ( i didn't found any in the web )

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Flex :: Build A Txt Document And Write In Application?

Aug 14, 2010

how can build a txt document and write in flex application ?

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Flex :: Build A Desktop Application With Builder?

Jan 18, 2011

I recently got flex builder 3, and it seems to be a really cool IDE.

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Build A Dashboard Application?

Sep 1, 2011

Suggest a good tutorial on how to build a dashboard application with Flex.

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Flex :: Build Room Planer 3D Web Application In It?

Oct 27, 2011

I have to develop an application like these sites in flex 4[url]...

Which are the main flex components used to build these type of application?

How the conversion from 2D to 3D ?

How to generate dynamic 3D from the 2D resizable objects?

How to show measurement on resizing the objects?

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Flex :: FlashDevelop Application Not Found When Build?

Jun 2, 2009

How do I have to configure my project to open the generated swf file in the debug flash player? When I hit f5 FlashDevelop tells me the following

INITIALIZING: Adobe Flex Compiler SHell (fcsh)
Starting new compile.
Loading configuration file D:ProgrammierungFlexflex_sdk_3frameworksflex-config.xml
Loading configuration file D:ProgrammierungFlexFlashDevelop_workspaceTestobjTestConfig.xml
objTest633795421567473000 (1009 bytes)
Build succeeded
Done (0)
[Capturing traces with FDB]
Anwendung nicht gefunden (Application not found)

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Flex :: Build A Gantt-chart Like Application Flash?

May 17, 2010

Which is the best for build an application show like in image. For the better graphics and performance wise. I want to know Flash for Flex is more suitable for this.In Flash ca we be able to build a grid kind of applications easily? I headed that Flex have the functions to handle grid and other things. Drag & scroll Zoom like feature. but am not sure able the graphics of flex. Is the components are customizable

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