ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine AVM1 Versus AVM2 For Bulk SWF Files?

Mar 22, 2010

Let's say we have a directory with 10,000 SWF files.There is a great need to determine what SWF files are AVM1 (AS2 or earlier), and what SWF files are AVM2 (AS3).Can anyone point me in the right direction to determine the AVM version for a large amount of files?It seems like I could write a script that loops through every file, checks some magic hex value in the file's binary data, and records the result somewhere.

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C# :: Flash - From C# - Determine If A Swf Is AVM1 Or AVM2?

Nov 11, 2010

ActionScript 3.0 provides for a way to determine if a swf is for either: 1) AVM2 (or earlier); or 2) AVM3. [link1, link2]My Question:From C#, is there a way to determine if a swf is for AVM1 or AVM2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize The Avm1 After Loaded Into The Avm2

Dec 6, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AVM2 -> AVM1 Communication Bug With Local Connection?

Feb 22, 2010

I am creating a local connection to play an as2 movie, which works.... the first timehah.Observe the link below: the above file by playing the banner, then killing it, then loading a new one and attempting the play method again...)I've tried closing the connection before reusing it, but it says the connection is not open... traces a successful send each is the link to the abstracted FLA:

HTML Code:
var bannerContainer : Sprite = new Sprite();
var connectID : LocalConnection;


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Flash :: Unloaded AVM1 Swfs Trace Out As Unloaded But Memory Is Not Freed For The AVM2 Machine

Mar 29, 2010

I have a large project built in as3. Part of its main functionality is to load and unload various as2 swfs. The problem is that the memory ins't free up once they are unloaded.

I have access to the as2 swfs code base and destroyed all objects, stopped and killed timers, listeners, removed from stage, destroyed all the MovieClip.protoypes that were created. They look to be clean as far as the AS2 debugger show no remnants of the object after the destroy function is run. In AS3 i've closed the local connection, cleaned all references/listeners to the AVM1Movie and ran Loader.unloadAndStop(). The trace out in flex says the swf was unloaded but looking at windows task manager the memory usage never drops to when it was before the as2 swf was loaded. Each as2 swf can take up to 80 megs each time it's run so memory gets eaten up fast and loading and unloading a few as2 files.

At this point if the AS2 swfs are unloaded the only thing that I can assume that could be left is MovieClip.prototype and/or _global, _root variables add during the AS2's run time. But i've gone through those and can't find anything else that might be sticking. Has anyone ever seen problems before with the AVM1 machine not freeing up its memory?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf Files Versus Using Symbols Within The FLA?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using a OOP model I read about called 'model-view-controller' - so I've got three main classes at work and then a few more additional classes I felt were necessary. I'm building a kind of game.I'm at the stage now where most of the programming is done. The game essentially works. Now all I gotta do is add the visual stuff - the animation and graphics. I asked myself if to draw up all the graphics as separate external swf files which would be loaded into the game via my View class; or would a better method be just doing all the graphics and animation directly inside the fla file, storing all MovieClips and Buttons, etc. as symbols in the library (exported for ActionScript 3.0).

I'm curious to know if this is an issue of mere personal preference, or if there are pros and cons for each method of work - external swf files loading into Flash vs. storing the graphics as symbols in the fla. file library.

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Flex :: Determine What Files MXMLC Compiles?

Mar 2, 2011

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If the compiler cannot supply this information and a user cannot control this behavior, the only other option I can think of is write my own source code scanner for MXML that will traverse all the references in a code tree to give a report of what MXMLC should be compiling, though that's obviously error prone and certainly not something I'm looking forward to.

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Oct 20, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way For Flash To Determine Number Of Files Contained In A Folder?

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Aug 1, 2011

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Need to split and assign the value to proper variables. How to split and assign the value to particular variable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Air 1.5, AVM1 And _level0 References?

Jan 18, 2011

Im working on a banner testing application coded in flashdevelop on Adobe Air 1.5, testing sizes, kb, animation time etc. One of the tests ran by the application is clickthroughs via clicktags. Since most of these banners are coded in AS2, I�m injecting the variables via querystring when loading the banners swf files (via a browse/drag drop File reference).

PHP Code:

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("banner300x250.swf?clickTag=hello"); 

This works fine for _root references to clicktags, but when the banner is looking for the variable in _level0 I just can�t figure out how to write these variables.I've tried to load a bridge AS2 movie and set the variables there, something like AVM2 localConnection --> AVM1 localConnection --> AVM1 banner, wich worked fine on flash IDE testings, reading all _level0 on the AVM1 bridge, but compiled on Air became into a security errors storm and undefined values for _level0.

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Add Instance Names In Bulk To A Series Of Movie Clips?

Sep 9, 2009

I am wondering if anyone knows of any extensions (or other methods) that give instance names to multiple movie clips at once. I have the same movie clip on hundreds of keyframes and I have to convert them to graphic symbols to animate, then back to movie clips for scripting, but they lose their instance names.

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Good Free Bulk Upload Tool For Web Apps?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a web application in which a user has to upload images to a gallery. At the moment they need to upload one image at a time so it's pretty tedious.

I'd like to implement a system where they could potentially drag and drop files into the browser, or select a folder to upload.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reduce Bulk Of Loaded Swf Library Classes?

Oct 27, 2010

I have several library classes that I am loading from swfs external to my main swf. These swfs all use the native tween class (import not extend). This means that I have the tween class creating bulk several times over (as well as the extra bulk for having to load a swf rather than having the class internal).Is there a way that I could make the tween class accessible at runtime to the loaded swfs without having it create the same extra bulk in all of the loaded swfs?the only solution that I can think of is to create yet another swf with the tween class as a library object, that would be loaded at run time by all the other loaded swfs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AVM1 Movie Size Is Skewed?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a AS2 header that loads some obnoxious sound on the initial load. I created a simple AS3 container that loads and mutes the sound - which works as expected. However, now the displayed swf is smaller than the original. Basically all I am wanting to do is mute the original without changing any of the is the code in question:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error Info On URLRequest When Bulk Loading Images

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using a bulk image loader from FlashAndMath. The code has you send a list of images to load and it simultaneously attempts to load all at once, adding each load req to a list.

My problem is that when one doesn't load and throws an error, I don't know which load request failed. Are there built-in ways to get it to report what image it was trying to load, or at least which of the load requests threw the error? I tried doing an and it reports an instance #, but not the name I tried assigning when I called the URLRequest.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fps Drop Removing Loaded AVM1 Content?

Nov 24, 2010

Currently I'm working on a flash application that will be used for presentation purpose. The application loads external swf files which are exported from powerpoint. This way people can make there own powerpoint presentation, export with a plugin as swf files included with animations, video or audio.

The presentation itself is a 3D carousel containing icons which represent chapters. Once a chapter is clicked, a page slider opens and loads all external swf files needed for that chapter.When someone is done with that chapter, you can close the pageslider. To make sure the application keeps it performance, it will remove all event listeners, free display objects hold in arrays and get rid of all what won't be used again. This works fine, the memory use goes back to original state and no problem.

Now when I take a closer look at the fps of the application which is set to 60fps, and load AVM2 content, nothing goes wrong whatever I do or close. As soon as I load AVM1 content and display it, the fps stays steady at 60. But as soon I close the pageslider and free up memory, the fps is stuck at 30. As soon I open a chapter with another AVM1 content, the fps restores to 60.Now I thought maybe it's because I did something wrong when I free some memory, so I turned that function off which gets rid of all the stuff. Then I tried again, but again when I load AVM1 content I got 60fps but when I don't display the content my fps goes back to 30. But this problem doesn't exist when I load AVM2 content or even just png's instead of swf files.But when I turn this free memory function on and not display the AVM1 content and which doesn't exists at all on the background anymore, the fps is still 30.

Now I thought about a fix to just restore the framerate afther the pageslider is closed. But as soon I use "stage.frameRate=60" the player crashes completely. how can AVM1 content on display let the application run 60fps, but when removed from memory and not displayed set the fps to 30 and get to 60 again as soon new AVM1 content is displayed? But AVM2 content it's all just fine.

The reason I load AVM1 content is because the powerpoint -> swf exporter can only export AVM1 content.I also checked if the fps of the exported swf is set to maybe 30, but that's not the issue, and besides that it theoretically would use the main swf it's fps.I could set the main application fps to 30 and no one would notice, but I just can't sleep why i can't figure out the issue.Btw when I set the main fps to 30 it won't be reduced to 15fps.

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Flash :: How To Methods Found In AVM2 Bytecode

Nov 3, 2010

I've been playing around with ABC bytecode and was hoping someone could clear up a point of confusion for me. I have a simple flash file that places a clip on the stage and has a tiny script to update its position on each frame. The code looks something like:


My question is how does the 'getlex' operation work (I've marked it with ###1). It is passed a multiname which references the 'moveit' method of the class. Unfortunately, the 'name' field in method info seems never ever to get used by the compiler. All methods have the empty string as its name (Shown above as the unnamed function at ###2).

How does the flash player link the multiname to the unnamed method? There appears to be no provision for this in the AVM2 spec. I know it's possible because commercial decompilers like sothink manage to determine the method name. I'm just not sure how they do it, or how the code could ever work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert AVM1Movie Objects To AVM2?

Feb 10, 2009

Does anyone know a good way to convert AVM1Movie objects to AVM2?

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Python :: Write Bulk Of Data Into Xml File From Backend And I Want To Bind The Xml File Into List?

Apr 19, 2010

I want to write the bulk of data into xml file ,the data coming from the backend(mysql) using cgi by httpservice, read the xml file and bind it into list. can anyone send the sample code for this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobes -"Core - Libraries" Function - Rendering API Of The AVM2?

Apr 5, 2012

what I would call "core libraries" of AS3 (yes, that might not be the exact term in this case, but what I mean nevertheless). So for instance, when I type:


what exactly happens in the graphics-object? I assume that it will be calls to a rendering API of the AVM2, but how does this look like? Is there any way to look at it, or are these sources completely closed for anyone outside of Adobe?

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Load-time Weaving Of Pointcuts Into Existing Binary Code At Runtime With The AVM2 Runtime?

Feb 23, 2010

I've seen the Loom project, but are there any alternatives that are more mature (and actively developed)? I am looking for something that would allow load-time weaving of pointcuts into existing binary code at runtime with the AVM2 runtime.

Has any work been done in this area?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: FLV Fps Versus Flash Fps

Jul 14, 2011

-FPS between FLV and Flash file.If I load an external FLV file (24fps) into Flash file(30fps), then the FLV file will be played by 24fps or 30fps?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Colors Web: Mac Versus Pc?

Feb 5, 2006

I'm working on a Mac. Now I made a site and when I compare colors on pc I get a huge difference:s. My green grey looks like it's black. How do you manage to get the colors wright on both platforms? The calibration of my screen is perfect for print.

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IDE :: Video Fps Versus Project Pfs?

Feb 4, 2010

A Video-loop at 25fps imported to flash, embedded, plays fine if the project fps also is 25fps.But i also want to add a 3D Carousel menu, but at the projects 25 fps it goes a little bit choppy when rotating quick.So I try to change the projects fps to 50, and voila, the menu looks good but the video plays to fast.The video should alternate between clips randomly, and the clips has to be preloaded, thus its embedded in the swf (...or could this be done with flvs?)5-10 clips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash FPS Lag In MAC Versus PC?

Oct 27, 2011

I'm working on a new portfolio, full flash website for myself and so far I've been working on my Macbook Pro almost entirely. The website is somewhat heavy in graphics/animation however nothing too big, all pages are around 500kb or less. Running the website on my MAC in any browser it looks perfect, the animation runs smooth, everything goes great. However, when I try to run the same website on my PC which is pretty good, the whole website feels a little bit choppy and laggy and I'm not sure why. It feels like it chokes for 1/4th of a second every like 2-3 seconds, lower FPS basically.

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Media Server :: FMS 2.0 Versus FMSS 3.0?

Jun 22, 2009

I have an application that I support but did not create.  I need to test it on FMSS 3.0 but the developer version has both Streaming and Interactive Server enabled.  Is there any way to disable the Interactive Server in the Developer Edition so I can confirm the application works on Streaming Server without influence from Interactive Server?  The application works on the development server but when I move it to the production Streaming Server, it does not respond the same.

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Flex :: Robotlegs Versus Parsley?

Jun 9, 2010

I am planning to start a new project in as3 and I want Dependency Injection in the project. I found that parsley and Robotlegs are two popular frameworks for implementing DI in AS3. Which is the best one among these two?

My main requirements are

minimal learning
extensive documentation and active helping community

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Flex :: DTO / VO Versus Presentation Model

May 5, 2011

In Flex world, is DTO / VO same as Presentation Model?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delegate Versus Instance?

Aug 14, 2007

when i'm coding directly on the timeline, i usually create a var like this:

var home:MovieClip = this;

so i always have something to reference the main timeline's scope. how could i do this in a class? delegate.create gets a little confusing.

i tried a few things like the following:

class com.myClass
public var className:String = "myClass";
public static var version:String = "0.0.1";


of course this is redundant because it'll scope just fine as parseNews();, but i'm just wondering why it's letting me scope it like this here and not in the onLoad declaration?

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