ActionScript 3.0 :: Air 1.5, AVM1 And _level0 References?

Jan 18, 2011

Im working on a banner testing application coded in flashdevelop on Adobe Air 1.5, testing sizes, kb, animation time etc. One of the tests ran by the application is clickthroughs via clicktags. Since most of these banners are coded in AS2, I�m injecting the variables via querystring when loading the banners swf files (via a browse/drag drop File reference).

PHP Code:

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("banner300x250.swf?clickTag=hello"); 

This works fine for _root references to clicktags, but when the banner is looking for the variable in _level0 I just can�t figure out how to write these variables.I've tried to load a bridge AS2 movie and set the variables there, something like AVM2 localConnection --> AVM1 localConnection --> AVM1 banner, wich worked fine on flash IDE testings, reading all _level0 on the AVM1 bridge, but compiled on Air became into a security errors storm and undefined values for _level0.

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C# :: Flash - From C# - Determine If A Swf Is AVM1 Or AVM2?

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ActionScript 3.0 provides for a way to determine if a swf is for either: 1) AVM2 (or earlier); or 2) AVM3. [link1, link2]My Question:From C#, is there a way to determine if a swf is for AVM1 or AVM2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize The Avm1 After Loaded Into The Avm2

Dec 6, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AVM1 Movie Size Is Skewed?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a AS2 header that loads some obnoxious sound on the initial load. I created a simple AS3 container that loads and mutes the sound - which works as expected. However, now the displayed swf is smaller than the original. Basically all I am wanting to do is mute the original without changing any of the is the code in question:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: AVM2 -> AVM1 Communication Bug With Local Connection?

Feb 22, 2010

I am creating a local connection to play an as2 movie, which works.... the first timehah.Observe the link below: the above file by playing the banner, then killing it, then loading a new one and attempting the play method again...)I've tried closing the connection before reusing it, but it says the connection is not open... traces a successful send each is the link to the abstracted FLA:

HTML Code:
var bannerContainer : Sprite = new Sprite();
var connectID : LocalConnection;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fps Drop Removing Loaded AVM1 Content?

Nov 24, 2010

Currently I'm working on a flash application that will be used for presentation purpose. The application loads external swf files which are exported from powerpoint. This way people can make there own powerpoint presentation, export with a plugin as swf files included with animations, video or audio.

The presentation itself is a 3D carousel containing icons which represent chapters. Once a chapter is clicked, a page slider opens and loads all external swf files needed for that chapter.When someone is done with that chapter, you can close the pageslider. To make sure the application keeps it performance, it will remove all event listeners, free display objects hold in arrays and get rid of all what won't be used again. This works fine, the memory use goes back to original state and no problem.

Now when I take a closer look at the fps of the application which is set to 60fps, and load AVM2 content, nothing goes wrong whatever I do or close. As soon as I load AVM1 content and display it, the fps stays steady at 60. But as soon I close the pageslider and free up memory, the fps is stuck at 30. As soon I open a chapter with another AVM1 content, the fps restores to 60.Now I thought maybe it's because I did something wrong when I free some memory, so I turned that function off which gets rid of all the stuff. Then I tried again, but again when I load AVM1 content I got 60fps but when I don't display the content my fps goes back to 30. But this problem doesn't exist when I load AVM2 content or even just png's instead of swf files.But when I turn this free memory function on and not display the AVM1 content and which doesn't exists at all on the background anymore, the fps is still 30.

Now I thought about a fix to just restore the framerate afther the pageslider is closed. But as soon I use "stage.frameRate=60" the player crashes completely. how can AVM1 content on display let the application run 60fps, but when removed from memory and not displayed set the fps to 30 and get to 60 again as soon new AVM1 content is displayed? But AVM2 content it's all just fine.

The reason I load AVM1 content is because the powerpoint -> swf exporter can only export AVM1 content.I also checked if the fps of the exported swf is set to maybe 30, but that's not the issue, and besides that it theoretically would use the main swf it's fps.I could set the main application fps to 30 and no one would notice, but I just can't sleep why i can't figure out the issue.Btw when I set the main fps to 30 it won't be reduced to 15fps.

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Used _level0 To Load Swf And And A _level5?

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In AS2 I used _level0 to load my swf and and a _level5 to put my main_manu but in AS3 _level do not exist. howcan I do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set A Movieclip In _level0?

Feb 18, 2003

I have a menu that is run bij action script now i need to put movieclip ontop of everyting.. how does this work??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine AVM1 Versus AVM2 For Bulk SWF Files?

Mar 22, 2010

Let's say we have a directory with 10,000 SWF files.There is a great need to determine what SWF files are AVM1 (AS2 or earlier), and what SWF files are AVM2 (AS3).Can anyone point me in the right direction to determine the AVM version for a large amount of files?It seems like I could write a script that loops through every file, checks some magic hex value in the file's binary data, and records the result somewhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnLoadStart And Loading Into _level0?

Nov 5, 2007

I want to load a .swf file into _level0, so that I can inherit its frame rate and other properties.

I am doing this with a wrapper .swf (so I can also set some variables on the loaded movie eventually).

However, I cannot seem to get the onLoadStart event to be called. onLoadInit is called fine, but onLoadStart is not. (And, I really need this to happen in onLoadStart so that I can set the variables before ANY of the loaded clip's actionscript is executed.)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Define The Sounds On _root And _level0?

Mar 23, 2005

I have a MC with sounds that works ok alone but when i load it from another MC, the sounds dont work anymore..I create the sounds this way:

someSound = new Sound();

and start the sound that way: someSound.start(0,1); i've tried to define the sounds on _root and _level0 but still no go...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box Shows _level0.page_text

Aug 23, 2007

I have a dynamic text box with instance name and Var set to page_text. Then I have this code:


Before I get current_page and total_pages. If there are more pages, everything works fine and it shows like "page 1/5", but if I have only one page, it shows "_level0.page_text" instead of "page 1/1". current_page and total_pages trace correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Text To Load From Master SWF File (_level0) Into An Instance?

Jan 5, 2009

I'm trying to get text to load from my master SWF file (_level0) into an instance on level 5. In the master file all I have is one key frame and this actionscript written into it.

ActionScript Code:
var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
myMCL.loadClip("preloader.swf", 5);
_level5.textField1.text = "testText Field";

In the second swf (preloader.swf) all i have is on keyframe and an instance namedtextField1.Is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to load the text "testText Field" into it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay A Certain Frame Label In An Swf Loaded Into An MC Named Host On _level0?

Aug 19, 2002

I have an swf loaded into _level0. On button release I want gotoAndPlay a certain frame label in an swf loaded into an MC named Host on _level0 to. I have the following:

on (release) {"Main", "MainStart");
unloadMovieNum (2);

The unload part looks fine, and I am back to my orginal page. But the page did not jump to 'MainStart'. What am I forgetting?

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Flash :: Unloaded AVM1 Swfs Trace Out As Unloaded But Memory Is Not Freed For The AVM2 Machine

Mar 29, 2010

I have a large project built in as3. Part of its main functionality is to load and unload various as2 swfs. The problem is that the memory ins't free up once they are unloaded.

I have access to the as2 swfs code base and destroyed all objects, stopped and killed timers, listeners, removed from stage, destroyed all the MovieClip.protoypes that were created. They look to be clean as far as the AS2 debugger show no remnants of the object after the destroy function is run. In AS3 i've closed the local connection, cleaned all references/listeners to the AVM1Movie and ran Loader.unloadAndStop(). The trace out in flex says the swf was unloaded but looking at windows task manager the memory usage never drops to when it was before the as2 swf was loaded. Each as2 swf can take up to 80 megs each time it's run so memory gets eaten up fast and loading and unloading a few as2 files.

At this point if the AS2 swfs are unloaded the only thing that I can assume that could be left is MovieClip.prototype and/or _global, _root variables add during the AS2's run time. But i've gone through those and can't find anything else that might be sticking. Has anyone ever seen problems before with the AVM1 machine not freeing up its memory?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove _level0.instance1 - Remove Level Path Within Variables?

Jan 18, 2007

is being returned once the onrelease event happens. the loadmovie works fine but I want to remove


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Error :: _root.reverse" Base="_level0.Menu1.instance7"

Jul 24, 2009

I did the following tutorial [URL]Which is exactly what I want to do for my web site and I'm getting the following error Target not found: Target="_root.reverse" Base="_level0.Menu1.instance7"The menu drops but won't reverse

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Actionscript 3 :: Way To Map Object ID References?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm writing an application where I have many objects (data models) that are identified by a unique String ID that every such object possesses and these objects can refer to each other by their IDs.So far so good but now I need to keep track of which object keeps a reference to another object and of course there are cases where an object references (or is referenced by) more than one other object and I was wondering what would be the best method to store these references? In a simple map data structure I could just map one object's ID to another but as mentioned there are cases where an object can hold a ref to an arbitrary amount of other objects

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C++ :: Why Some 'Types' Are References While Some Are 'Primitives'

Mar 19, 2012

Types like Movieclip , String, Object act as references when declared and defined, while types like int, Number are primitives. Why such difference has been made. Why not all of them can be primitives ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple CSS References In One Tag?

Aug 15, 2009

I'm using the CSS object (TextField.StyleSheet) to format my dynamic text, which is loaded from an XML doc. I tried referencing more than one class, like <span class="body bluetext">. However, it doesn't seem to work because it ignores the first syle(s) and only applies the last one in the list. I'm guessing Flash doesn't support this (since they're CSS support is already very weak). Just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: References And Event Listeners?

May 17, 2010

Lately I've been twitching in the back of my head wondering just how many references to objects that I'm making, and whether or not they are getting GC'd or not.My question in this sense refers to event listeners and whether or not they are removed in certain cases where you get rid of an object. Two examples:

First, and I think this one is an easy one... when you create an object that adds an event listener to itself INSIDE it's own methods (e.g. this.addEventListener(e:Event, function)), when you REMOVE that object (this), do it's event listeners disappear too? I can only say yes, because they are referencing THAT object and are INSIDE that object.

So I think that question answers itself (but I'd love to know if the truth says otherwise).

But secondly, if you add an event listener to an object from a sibling or parent object, and then remove the object, does that event listener stick around, therefore maintaining a reference to that object and keeping it in memory? And is that the concept that people keep referring to of 'weak' event listeners? E.g. someChildObject.addEventListener(e:Event, function)Also, are event listeners by default strong or weak?

And I am assuming that 'yes', it DOES keep the reference. Which, if you are a n00b programmer like me, you probably are all like, 'aww sh*t damn, how am I supposed to make sure that my objects are getting thrown in the garbage collector's mouth of goodness every once in a while?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip References From A Class?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a files that has movie clips and nested movie clips on the stage. I am now writing a class and want to give the MCs event handlers and other properties.
When I do something like the following: myMC_mc.MyOtherMC_mc.mouseEnabled = false;
I get the error: 1120: Access of undefined property myMC_mc.
I added this to the top of my class and it seems to take away the error, but I thought this was not needed in AS3 anymore.

private var myMC_mc:MovieClip;
private var myMC_mc.MyOtherMC_mc:MovieClip;
What do I have to do to not get the error? How is this done right?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace References The Buttons?

Nov 10, 2009

I have this bit of code I am trying to understand how the trace references the buttons.
private function PX(e:Event):void {
 xd=new XML(;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable References To Objects?

Aug 30, 2010

I've got a 15x3 grid of dynamic text fields in an object called "textbox" that I want to reference through a for loop, so I don't have to have 45 lines of code for assigning stuff to those fields.I have each dynamic field named by their placement in the grid, so, c0a, c0b, c0c, c1a, c1b, c1c, etc.I can also name them c00, c01, c02, if necessary.
I tried:
for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
textbox.c[i]a.text = "Cell " + i + " A";
textbox.c[i]b.text = "Cell " + i + " B";
textbox.c[i]c.text = "Cell " + i + " C";
but that gives me a syntax error.I also tried naming them c00, c01, c02, c10, c11, c12, etc., so I could do a double nested loop:
for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
textbox.c[i][n].text = "Cell " + i + n;
but that gives me a syntax error too.So, is there a way to access all of these with a for loop, or am I going to have to do it the long way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip References In An Array

Feb 27, 2011

I have a movie clip in which I have a number of sub movieclips. The number of sub movieclips can vary, so I would like to keep track of them in an array. I am doing that like so:[code]The trace seems fine, showing the names of the correct sub movieclips, but when I try to change the alpha I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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See All External File References In Flash?

Sep 12, 2010

I need to update the dynamic text in this flash file I have and export it to SWF. I've looked at the actionscript in all the frames and symbols but the only thing I've found so far are "stop();" 's

I tried exporting this to SWF to see if the file size was the same as the current working version on the site, and it was about 15kb smaller, and does not work at all.

How can I see all external file references in flash? I need to be able to tell my boss which files are needed or at least what is missing.

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Embed Youtube Video Without Any References?

Nov 1, 2011

I need i way to embed youtube videos, without any reference. I need something like this [url]... Here the only thing is the youtube logo, no external click, and no title.

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Actionscript 3 :: Listing References Of An Object?

Mar 8, 2012

Does anyone know if it's possible to list the references an object currently has in ActionScript3 (e.g. listeners, children etc)?

I'm trying to clear an object from memory ready for garbage collection but for some reason it's hanging around.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Object References In Events?

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to create an object that is handling the events of different objects. The object is created in the 1st frame of a code layer:

ActionScript Code:
var gImageEdit:ImageEdit = new ImageEdit( imgAction, movImageFront,
 movToolbar.btnZoomInImage, movToolbar.btnZoomOutImage, gZoomSound );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Use Weak References By Default?

Dec 12, 2009

The default value for weakReference in the call to addEventListener() is false. Many memory issues can be resolved by using weakReferences; in fact, some industry experts "strongly recommend always using weak references with listeners".If this is the case, can someone provide me with a good reason why weakReference defaults to true? (Note that I'm not asking why someone would ever want a listener that is not a weakReference, but rather why weakReference=false is the default)

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