ActionScript 2.0 :: Object References In Events?

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to create an object that is handling the events of different objects. The object is created in the 1st frame of a code layer:

ActionScript Code:
var gImageEdit:ImageEdit = new ImageEdit( imgAction, movImageFront,
 movToolbar.btnZoomInImage, movToolbar.btnZoomOutImage, gZoomSound );


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Is there a way (like a function or a custom class available somewhere) to check an object for all its references and return them so that you can see what it's connected to?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding All References To An Object?

Aug 12, 2009

* Is it possible to create weak references to objects (like theventListener/EventDispatcher is able to do) so that if they are removed, you won't be stuck keeping a reference and taking up space to something that should be garbage collected?* Is there any way to find out how many active variables are referencing a certain object? This would be handy to actually create weak references, since, if you for example, have a static array containing all objects created in that class, you can do a regular check to see if there is only one remaining reference, and if so, you can safely remove it.

* Also, might there be any way to list the entire space (one big chunk of binary data, most likely) of every variable currently running in the program, all references, basically, what Flash is currently storing in RAM?I'm pretty sure that Flash (as crappy and lacking as it is in so many areas) does not have anything like any of these built in, but hopefully there is at least something.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Object References In Array

Oct 29, 2010

I want to do is create several arrays to hold groups of movie clips (i am using as buttons) which have similar functions so that I can add event listeners using a for loop statement rather than making a huge list of add and remove event listeners.I have seen this method working before but I cannot get my code to work!! This is probably a very noob concept but I have been struggling with it for hours.Ok, so in the extends movie clip bit on my as file I declare the array as such:public static var controlBtns:Array;Then in the initializing function I put values into the array as such: [code]The trace seems to output all the object names (as they are listed in the library) and then I get this error: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.Which is kind of obvious as I cannot seem to access the movie clip instance names that I have set up in the array.I tried putting quotation marks around the names in the array making them strings but then I can't access properties of strings - which is obvious enough to.

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Flash :: Displaying Flex Object References

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I have a bit of a memory leak issue in my Flex application, and the short version of my question is: is there any way (in AcitonScript 3) to find all live references to a given object? What I have is a number of views with presentation models behind each of them (using Swiz). The views of interest are children of a TabNavigator, so when I close the tab, the view is removed from the stage. When the view is removed from the stage, Swiz sets the model reference in the view to null, as it should. I also removeAllChildren() from the view.

However when profiling the application, when I do this and run a GC, neither the view nor the presentation model are freed (though both set their references to each other to null). One model object used by the view (not a presenter, though) IS freed, so it's not completely broken. I've only just started profiling today (firmly believing in not optimising too early), so I imagine there's some kind of reference floating around somewhere, but I can't see where, and what would be super helpful would be the ability to debug and see a list of objects that reference the target object. Is this at all possible, and if not natively, is there some light-weight way to code this into future apps for debugging purposes?

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[AS]LocationArray[i][j+1] = LocationArray[i][j];
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class References Are Still There After Unloading Object?

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loading external SWF's and its class files hanging around after the movie is unloaded....Its kind of tricky to explain, but you can see it very clearly in this file... http:[url]...Just run the main_stage.fla within flash [mx 04] and you'll see that if you click "Tester A" it will trace out "My Name is Tester A", then if you click on "Tester B" it will load a different swf, with a different class, but still trace out "My Name is Tester A" when it should be "My Name is Tester B"....

I have tried, unloading the swf's, removing the mc_Dropper and re-attaching it, re-declaring the variable testObj as null before declaring the class,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XMLList Object In For Statement References NULL

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace Object References For Garbage Collecting?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm trying to get my head around optimising AS3 code and clearing things out for garbage collection.

I understand that each time an item is referred to in the code it has its reference count increased by one, so I was wondering if there is a trace option I can use to see how many references each of my objects has?

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I think it would help me work out several issues if I was able to do this

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reducing Display Object References Tip From Senocular?

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On Senocular's page
there is a Tip: Reducing Display Object References I need help with.

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without removing the listener, does that still leave a reference to "myMovie" in memory?

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Flash :: Flex - If An Object Is Garbage Collected Are The Reference Counters Of Objects It References Decremented Automatically?

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how to make the custom class to pass the information.

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Flex :: See All Events Fired By An Object?

Jul 12, 2010

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Is it possible to somehow view all the events an object fires? That way I could check I am using the correct event (and possible view better ones to use).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen To For All Events From An Object?

Oct 26, 2008

Does anyone know if it's possible to listen for all events fired from an object without having to specifically listen for each one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Events For Focusing On An Object?

Apr 15, 2009

I'm trying to make a scrolling slideshow (as long as the mouse is on top of the the obj1, obj2 will move up).

What is the event that will allow me to do that? Mouse_Up will only be activated if the obj1 is clicked =(.

obj1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMove);
function mouseMove(event:MouseEvent){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Events For Each Object On The Array?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to create events for each object on the array, that i create, like this:

function createObject()
ObjectToHandle[counter]=new MovieClip();


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IDE :: Clear Events Connected To Object And His Childs?

Aug 14, 2008

I have problem with clearing memory in my game because of eventListeners, garbage collector not clear my objects with events, because events points them when objects are removed from scene. Is there any way to clear events connected to object and his childs? (game create a lot of objects and put diferent listeners if necessary, but because there are also libraries which are created by other programmers I cant just make list of events to clear) Even clar whole scene will be sutable for me if it will destroy all events, because its big problem and game close to beta -.- the only thing I cant do is close flash window

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Actionscript 3 :: Does It Make Sense To Dispatch Events From Another Object

Oct 7, 2009

I'm still trying to get my head around the best way to structure event flows. Someone made a lot of sense by telling me that contained objects should be decoupled from their parent containers so they're reusable between containers. Instead of calling their parent's function, they dispatch an event. Sensible! I recently myself in the awkward-feeling situation of dispatching an event on a contained object, from its parent. It seems more intuitive for an object to be the one dispatching its own events. Maybe I'm bordering on breaking the Law of Demeter? Example of what I'm doing: child.dispatchEvent(new ChildEvent(ChildEvent.IM_BEING_A_CHILD)); Am I correct in feeling strange here, or is it a normal thing for one object to dispatch another object's events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Mouse Events When Object Is Resizing?

Jan 19, 2009

I have some Movieclips that play sounds on mouse over, and end the sound on mouse out. That has worked fine for me.I just implemented some tween animations on the rollover (they enlarge), but now I am having problems because the animations cause multiple mouse over/out events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Time Events To Java Object?

Jun 27, 2009

I am working on an flash application that requires that all user interaction are stored in a database. The application will have thousands of lessons and needs to keep track of how long each user views lessons and scenes with in the lessons.

I would like to come up with a good solution on how to accomplish this with out having to send a call to a serve side object every few seconds. I could store the data in an as3 object and pass it when the user finishes a scene or exits out of a scene. However this would not work when a user just closes the browser. Maybe I could tie in some JavaScript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseDown / MouseUp Events Not Happen At Same Object

May 17, 2011

I am designing a physics container. Don't worry, my question is not about the physics. Here is part of my code. Noticed that I have a SetStyle statement there. I realized that if I don't have that line, the MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_UP events won't work. If I do have that line, then those events works fine.

package components {
import spark.components.SkinnableContainer;
public class Test extends SkinnableContainer {
private var mouseDown:Boolean;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Child Swf Has Code Which Adds Events To The Stage Object?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a movie, which on the click of a button will load a child swf.

The child swf has code which adds events to the stage object.

the child also accesses properties such as stage.stageWidth

When the child is ran on it's own all is fine, though when it loads within the parent movie i receive the error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object Home()

"Home()" is the name of the document class in the child SWF.

a) access the stage from a child swf

b) add events to the stage from a child swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing An Object Removes Its Instances Objects And Events?

Mar 7, 2011

Im creating a game. When the current game has finished, I thinking to do this:
game = null 
game = new Game()
Doing this way, it automatically removes the games object instances? It automatically removes the games object instances events? That would be an easy way to restart the game, if yes for both questions.
Can I do like that, or I have to remove all objects and events manually?

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AS3 :: Flash - Detect NetStream Events With Video Object (not Component)

Jan 11, 2010

I have created a FLV video player using the AS3 object (not the FLV playback component) and I am trying to listen for meta events and Cue Points embedded in the FLV video but I am not receiving any when I trace the movie. The cue points are not being created dynamically, they are in the FLV video.

Video embed code:
// Initialize net stream
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.connect (null); // Not using a media server.


Is there anything I am missing have wrong to capture events from my net stream?

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Flex :: Get Mouse Events From A Spark Line Or Path Object?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm drawing an arrow as a <s:Path> and I need to get notified when the mouse is over it. How can I do that?

The arrow is an element of a Group container.

I tried registering for MOUSE_OVER events for both the container and the arrow and none seem to fire...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Trigger All MouseClick Events For Each Object Under The Mouse?

Sep 16, 2011

Let's assume i have a class MyDisplayObject extending a Sprite.

I have placed several instances of that class on the same place on the stage (they are not nested) and each of them have a mouseclick listener defined within the class.
What i want is, that if i click on that area, where these objects are, that each of them triggers the mouseclick default only the topmost object triggers the event. I would prefer a solution that i can implement within my class MyDisplayObject instead of iterating all children on the stage and triggering each event manually.

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Actionscript :: Flex : Ensure That Events All Travel Down One Object Tree, Regardless Of Target?

Mar 5, 2011

I have numerous objects, many of them are stored within other objects (and overlap in physical space). As I zoom into an object, it begins to fade away. At the moment it begins to fade, I load in the child object (or create a child object if one doesn't exist). I want to turn off the parent object's ability to respond to most events. The exception is the scroll wheel, which needs to be sent to both objects simultaneously so that the parent can continue to fade out as I zoom farther in. Try as I might, I can't find a way to tell Flex "hey, for right now dispatch these types of events ONLY to this object." I either end up with event dispatch stack overflows from trying to manually redirect the events, or I get events that don't activate at the correct time or on the correct object. What can I do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click&drag On The L - No Object The Transparent Area Of The L Receives Mouse Events?

Aug 25, 2009

I have objects that the user can click&drag. They're PNGs, mainly rectangular, no problem till here.But I then had to put an L-shaped object (a PNG with a lot of transparency), so i've made a movieclip with an shape with the same L shape than the png, and use it as its hitArea:

shape.visible= false;
shape.mouseEnabled= false;
obj.hitArea= shape;

This works PERFECT, the mouse events respond as expected, and I can click on objects that are below/above the transparent area of the png/object.All objects are inside a Sprite called playgroundLayer1. The issue comes when I take the L-shaped object and put it on another Sprite (playgroundLayer2), that is above the playgroundLayer1.I this case, I can click&drag on the L, but no object below the transparent area of the L receives mouse events.

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