ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Time Events To Java Object?
Jun 27, 2009
I am working on an flash application that requires that all user interaction are stored in a database. The application will have thousands of lessons and needs to keep track of how long each user views lessons and scenes with in the lessons.
I would like to come up with a good solution on how to accomplish this with out having to send a call to a serve side object every few seconds. I could store the data in an as3 object and pass it when the user finishes a scene or exits out of a scene. However this would not work when a user just closes the browser. Maybe I could tie in some JavaScript.
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ActionScript Code:
var myNum:int = 2;
var myDirection:String = "Up";
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var token:AsyncToken = services.requestService.commit(new Array(model.currentRequestDetail));
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Oct 26, 2009
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major.text = "ActionScript 3.0";
major.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, inFocus);
major.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, outFocus);
function inFocus(event:FocusEvent):void {
major.text="";// want to clear the text one character at a time
} function outFocus(event:FocusEvent):void {
major.text="ActionScript 3.0"; // want to put the text back in one character at a time
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Jan 24, 2010
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Nov 12, 2011
In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?
In Actionscript I can usually just do:
var myVar:uint = 5;
//outputs 4 bytes
How do I do this in Java?
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