Java :: Why Are Events Typically Created At The Time Of Dispatch
Dec 16, 2010
It seems more efficient to store events on the dispatcher if they're never going to change. Isn't creating them costly? Is there some kind of information I'm losing if I dispatch an already-stored event?
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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....
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package com
import flash.utils.Timer;
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var objB = new ObjB;
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And how the event dispatch after 5 seconds with out any manula call..?
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Jul 18, 2011
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Mar 20, 2010
Problem1 The ***.stream file is not being created in the folder> :FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrevents\_definst_liveeventBUTI can see the F4F, F4X, control, meta, and bootstrap files being created in the folder>C:FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrstreams\_definst_livestreamAny ideas on what may be causing this and how to resolve it?Problem2Sometimes if I send multiple bitrates like livestream1, liverstream2, livestream3 I'll only see the livestream3 stream files created inthe folder C:FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrstreams\_definst_livestream3. No livestream1 orlivestream2 stream folder/files are created. And again the .stream file is not being
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Jun 10, 2011
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Aug 12, 2008
Its seems a problem I am having is to do with setIntervals in a while loop. I clear what seems to be the interval but as another interval is started before the last one finish I then have multiple intervals. I can close them all down with this...
for (i= checkImage;i>0;i--){
trace("clearInterval(checkImage) " +i);
But that ofcourse closes the rest down before they have done what I need.
I think my while loop needs to change? Here is the current while loop code....
function loadImages(){
while (imageWidthList[leftPictureNumber+imagesDisplayed] > 0 and xPosition +(imageWidthList[leftPictureNumber+imagesDisplayed]+(borderThickness*3)) < 700) {
var img_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
linkLayer = this.createEmptyMovieClip("link"+(leftPictureNumbe r+imagesDisplayed), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
[Code] .....
Is there a way that straight after the setInterval and the loadClip the function watchMyImageLoad is run to completion before continuing in the while loop. What I have seen is that the while loop continues until the condition has been met and then all the intervals are run?
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Aug 12, 2011
I am making a game similar to Touhou in style to learn AS3, but this game is timed to music. Bullet patterns, enemy spawning and special graphics will all be timed to happen at specific times in the music. What I am wondering is:What is the best way to accurately time many(!) events that are required to be very accurate and not slip even a tiny bit out of sync? Example of what sort of timing I am looking:
Spawn 5 different types of enemy's at 1:30 minutes, enemy 1 bullet pattern start at 1:31, bullet pattern will be timed to beat so repeat pattern every 2 seconds. This is a simple and short example of what I am trying to get at.
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Dec 29, 2010
i have a login system done in flex.once the user logs in and if he refreshes the page it will take you back to the login can i make the logged in user stay in the same page using flex and java only?and also if once user is logged in and another loggs in with the same user name and passwrod how can i handle dat using flex and java?
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Sep 19, 2011
We have Flex/Java app with a typical scenario:
Clicking the button
Preparing request
Sending request to the backend
Receiving a response from the backend
Rendering the response
How can I measure time from the start of step 1 to end of step 5?
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