Flex :: Dispatch Events Between Two AdvancedDataGrids

Aug 20, 2010

I have two separate advancedDataGrid instances (let's call them A and B). What I'd like to do: when clicking on grid A. I'd like:
for grid A to handle the click normally (i.e. default advancedDataGrid behavior)
for grid B to receive a click event a certain location and handle such event using advancedDataGrid default behavior (i.e. without having to write a handler for such click).

I've managed to dispatchEvent a MouseEvent.CLICK to grid B and to handle such event by creating an event listener, but really I'd like for grid B to handle the event on its own (i.e. without having to re-rewrite a handler), and that doesn't seem to be the case. Is MouseEvent.CLICK even the right event?

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Flex :: Dispatch Custom Events From A Created Class?

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package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest('klein.jpg');
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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Dispatch Custom Events

Nov 24, 2009

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for eg: Here i just want to disptach event every 100ms and the event should give me the value of "a" .

package com
import flash.utils.Timer;


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Actionscript 3 :: Does It Make Sense To Dispatch Events From Another Object

Oct 7, 2009

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AS3 :: Dispatch Events To Objects Not Related On The Display List?

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var objA = new ObjA;
var objB = new ObjB;


Object B can listen for events dispatched by object C. But I also need object A to listen for events dispatched by object C. Also, these objects are created in different classes so I can't hard code references to each other.

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Java :: Why Are Events Typically Created At The Time Of Dispatch

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Actionscript :: Spark.components.VideoDisplay And Doesn't Dispatch DoubleClick-Events

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May 25, 2011

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In summary: One class for all, or several smaller classes dedicated to their respective MC.How far should one go with abstraction?.

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Flex :: 3 - Dispatch Event Between Components?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm new to Flex.My question is how to dispatch event between components?As far as I know,Flex only bubbles event to itself or its parent. I'm in such a situation:


I want comp1 to dispatch an Event with parameters,according to the parameters some changes could be made to A and B in comp2.How could I get the event in comp2?I know Cairngorm could make a difference,but I don't want to use it right now.Could anyone give me a hand?

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Actionscript :: Dispatch Event In Flex 4?

May 9, 2011

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<s:Button x="50" y="10" label="Button" click="dispatchEvent(new Event('buttonToggle'))"/>

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i want to ask what i am missing why my customevents not working

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Actionscript 3 :: What Is The Order Of Event Dispatch In Flex 3?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a checkbox that is bound to a property:

<mx:CheckBox label="Show All" selected="{showAll}"/>

I want to trigger an event when the checkbox is toggled that will read the value of showAll after a change:

<mx:CheckBox label="Show All" selected="{showAll}" click="_list.refresh()" />

Where, in this case, _list is an ArrayCollection object whose filter function depends on the showAll field to choose values.It turns out that this doesn't work, or at least gives a strong appearance of not working (what with the values in the list not changing and all). Is there a documented order of events for this, so that I can discover which events are dispatched in which order, and whether the binding value change will have fired the time the click event is dispatched? Alternately, can someone recommend a better way of doing this?

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Flex :: Dispatch Event From Application To Module?

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private function directoryRemoteObject_saveCompany_resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void
this.directoryModuleLoader.child.dispatchEvent(new CompanyEvent(CompanyEvent.COMPANY_SAVED, e.result as int));

this means that I need to dispatch event for every module.

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Flex :: Dispatch A Click Event At The Top Of A Loaded .swf?

Jun 15, 2010

So I'm trying to build a tool that will allow me and other users to all open the same .swf, and then I as the Admin user am able to interact with mine while they all see my mouse movements and button clicks etc on theirs.I'm using BlazeDS to manage this and I'm getting data sent back and forth etc - no difficulties there. The issue I'm running into is this:

In an "Admin" instance, I click a button. I capture that X and Y, then tell Blaze to tell my clients to dispatch a Click event at that X and Y. On my client side, I get that data and dispatch a Click event at that X and Y - but the click is actually caught at the stage level. The click on my client side takes place UNDER all of my buttons and other content - so the whole thing fails.Is there a way to tell it to start the click event at the top?

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Flex :: Dispatch An Event From A Class That Inherits From EventDispatcher?

Nov 23, 2009

What I want to do is to dispatch the click event when the component is clicked. (The class is essentially some text in a textfield that needs to be able to do certain things, and it needs to be able to respond to a click). Sounds easy enough... I want the event dispatched when that portion of the text is clicked. But uh...how? it's not like a button where I can just go myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickHandler);That's clear, because some component is going to be listening for the Click event dispatched when myButton is clicked. It is built into the AS3 framework that a button knows how to listen for a click event.

After the import statements I've got:[Event(name="click" type="mx.events.Event")]How do I dispatch the event when the component is clicked, when the component doesn't yet know how to respond to a click event? I've tried adding an event listener in the textfield which contains this custom class of text, but nothing's happening because the Click event hasn't been dispatched.

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Flex :: Dispatch An Event In A Flash Swf That's Loaded Via SWF Loader

Feb 23, 2010

I've a Flex application which loads a Flash swf via SWF loader; the Flash swf is in AS3. the flash swf has code to dispatchEvent a Text Event

Flash Code:

var re:TextEvent = new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT,true,true);

Flex Code:

<mx:SWFLoader source="menu.swf" id="mnu" complete="menuLoaded(event)" />
private var mySwfMve:MovieClip;
function menuLoaded(event:Event): void {


I don't see any TextEvents being dispatched from Flash. They are not seen in the debug trace.. I can capture enter frame events however.

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Flex :: Manually Dispatch A Collection Change Event?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a standard combobox that dispatches a collection event when the dataprovider finishes initializing:

my_cb.addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, getMyStuff );

Then I have a custom component that also has a dataProvider. How do I get it to dispatch a collection change event when its dataprovider finishes loading?From what I've read, I can't do it. Will dispatching a propertychangeevent work?

UPDATE:I have a custom component that I call 'SortingComboBox' but it is not a ComboBox at all; it extends Button and I set is dataProvider property to my arraycollection, model.product (which is an arraycollection). how I use the dataProvider in that component:


private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object

In the createChildren() method of this component, I use this:

BindingUtils.bindProperty(dropDown, "dataProvider", this, "dataProvider");

The dropDown is a custom VBox that I use to display labels.

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Flex :: Dispatch Event To Popupmanager Without Reference To Instance?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm fairly experienced with Flex 4, but I still haven't needed frameworks yet (I like to do everything myself) and don't want to use them either, I know it's advantages and have learned how to use one of them, but still, no.

How can I dispatch an event in the main application and have a component inside a popupmanager to react to that event? All this dispatching the event within the main app and NOT aiming it to the popupmanager or the component instance, I want to be able to fire the event and not care about who gets it or if anyone reacts to it at all so if that is possible then I wouldn't care about keeping track of said popups.

I already dispatch an event from the component and receive it in the main application by bubbling the event and therefore being agnostic of each other, now I want it backwards.

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Flex :: Dispatch Event When Popup Brought To Foreground?

Apr 28, 2011

Is there an event dispatched when a modal is brought to the front in Flex? Basically there are two times when I would want to listen for this event: When the modal is first created (although in theory creationComplete / show / etc.. could suffice here). When the user brings a modal that is not in the front to the front by clicking on it. In my case the popups I am working with are descendants of TitleWindow and listening for focusIn does not seem to work reliably.

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Flex :: Dispatch Function Event From Application To Component?

May 9, 2011

I will need to execute a function in a comp1.mxml from main.mxml through event, I found it difficulty to understand and unable to get it work.[code]...

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Flex :: Custom Event Dispatch And Listening With Viewstack?

May 27, 2011

I got a question about event dispatching and dispatching in flex.

My goal is to pass an email address captured in one component (Comp1) and be passed to another (Comp2). These two components are navigator content of a viewstack. The custom event dispatched the email correctly from Comp1 but somehow could not reach Comp2. The application (Main) looks like :

import events.LoginEventComplete;


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Actionscript 3 :: Write An Adapter That Maps All The LinkedSetFx Events To The Expected Flex Collection Events(As3Common-collection)

Aug 25, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Set Time 5 Seconds To Dispatch Cairngorm Event In Flex

Oct 7, 2010

I have a live chart. I need to refresh the chart with 5 seconds time interval.

For displaying the live chart i disptach the event (myEvent) extends cairngormevent.

And after 5 seconds , the same event has to dispatch again adn get the data to display thelie cart.

And how the event dispatch after 5 seconds with out any manula call..?

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Flex :: Make TextArea Dispatch An Event Each Time A New Line Is Taken?

Nov 1, 2010

Every time a user takes a new line (i.e each time they press the return/enter key) when typing in a textArea, I would like the textArea to dispatch an event.I can then listen for this event and then carry out some processing on the textArea's contents.

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