Flex - Determine If Mx Classes/libraries Are Supported?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm writing a helper class and I want it to be used in both flex and pure actionscript projects. For example:

public static function listenToPositionAndSize(control:DisplayObject):void
if (mxLibrariesSupported)
control.addEventListener(mx.events.ResizeEvent.RESIZE, onControlResize);
control.addEventListener(mx.events.MoveEvent.MOVE, onControlMove);


EDIT: One simple reason to do this is: if you check the above example, I would prefer mx.events.MoveEvent.MOVE (if available) instead of flash.events.Event.ENTER_FRAME for performance issues.

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Flex :: Approaches / Libraries For Resize Dragging?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm currently working on a WYSISYG editor that allows the user to move, resize and rotate shapes by directly manipulating them. The resizing seems to be fairly complex when the shape is rotated. I got this working for non-rotated shapes, but it will take some trigonometric calculations to resize shapes that are rotated. The registration point is always is the middle of the rectangle because this makes rotating a lot easier. Before I start implementing this, I was wondering if anyone knew of any libraries or sample source code that does this, or could share some tips and tricks to calculate the transformations.


I attached a screenshot of what I'm trying to accomplish and another one that has some lines drawn onto it that should allow me to deduct the trigonometric calculations. The cross is the cursor.

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<!-- Flex SDK Properties -->
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="/opt/flex"/>
<property name="MXMLC.JAR" value="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/mxmlc.jar"/>
<!-- Project Properties -->
[Code] .....

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The style 'dropShadowVisible' is only supported by type 'spark.components.Panel' with the theme(s) 'spark'.

Is there any way to disable the shadow without making a custom panel skin?

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I've been trying to embed some svg files into an AS3 project using the Embed meta tag. For example:


However when displaying these files as Sprites only some of the gradients are surviving the embeding process. From what I've found simple (2 step) horizontal gradients seem to stand the best chance of being preserved, but sometimes other kinds of gradients are as well. In one case simply rotating an object 90 degrees causes the gradient to vanish when displayed in flash. Does anyone know a rough set of rules to use when creating svg gradient fills so they are preserved when rendered in flash? BTW: I used Inkscape to create the images in question.

Update: Bizarrely the solution to this seems to be setting the opacity of any object in the svg file whose gradient isn't displayed properly to a value below 1. Don't ask me why this works but it does. It does however have the unwanted side effect of the objects edges not being rendered as smoothly.

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Flex :: Error 1123 - Filter Operator Not Supported On Type Object

Jan 25, 2012

I have a a structure like this:
and so on...

In order to compute dynamically the string I wrote:
e.item.(myStr.toString()) where myStr (type string) = "fatturato_ac_s" + Index (so I can have fatturato_ac_s1, fatturato_ac_s2, ...)
I can correctly retrieve the value of e.item.(myStr.toString()) (a numeric value), but if I try to put it in a variable I get the error in the title:
myVariable = e.item.(myStr.toString())
myVariable is a Number.

I also tried:
myVariable = Number(e.item.(myStr.toString()))
But doesn't work... the same if I try String to String....

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Flex :: Acoustic Echo Cancellation In Flash Using Native Libraries

Feb 4, 2010

I have to implement AEC in Flex video conferencing application. I know that it can not be done directly in Flash. I'm thinking to write a native application or library that will do AEC outside Flex.

As far I know Adobe Connect Pro is using some external library that do AEC. I'd like to follow this direction and do something similiar.

There comes two possibilities in my mind:

1) Independend custom AEC filter.

The custom AEC filter will be run in the background and will be processing all data from microphone and sound card and doing AEC. The echo signal will be the data that is to be played but delayed in a temporary buffer, something like this: aec(input, delayed_input, output).

I don't know if it work, because Flash microphone input doesn't know about my custom input and the same with the speakers. But how it is done in WinXP/Vista that have AEC at the system level?

2) AEC filter interacting with Flex's NativeProcess.

The filter will be run by NativeProcess. Flex app will pass microphone sound, received remote voice to the filter and return voice with echo removed and then Flex will output this to the speakers. Will it be correct?

If the 2) method is OK then I have following questions:

I will start with Speex's AEC so in what format should be the data pased from Flex? If I choose Flex Speex codec for sound compression can I pass it directly to the speex library? Will be the performance OK? Calling NativeProcess library every sound frame buffer can be time consuming I think. Why there is no AEC implementation in AS3 that can be used directly from Flash? As far I know to do AEC you must have echo data and microphone data (in Flash 10 there is direct access to the microphone). There is definetly something that is stopping doing it like this but I don't know what it is yet :) Is there some free AEC implementation or a DSP library with in except Speex's that I can use?

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Flex :: Warning: Css Type Selectors Are Not Supported In Components 'sparks.component.TextInput'?

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to do a simple CSS declaration. However, I got the warning above and not sure how to solve it. I thought s|(type) should declare the style for me

@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";[code]....

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Flex :: Why Do Charts Axis Values / Labels Not Show Up When Using Runtime Share Libraries

Nov 10, 2009

I have developed a flex application using the data visualization components. I am now trying to optimize the application and one of approaches I am trying is to use Runtime Shared Libraries.I have configured Flex Builder to deploy with Runtime Shared Libraries and have added the .swz file for the framework, datavisualization and rpc share libraries. After deploying, my application loads, however my axis values within each of my charts are missing. The axes themselves are shown, however they do not have their label units displayed. The series themselves are displayed too.I have tried this using the 3.4 SDK and also the 3.2 SDK within Flex Builder. I also tried compiling flex using the mxmlc ANT tasks and got the same results.I made sure that the framework RSL is getting loaded first and I also made sure that the global flash cache has been cleared before I tested.I can see from my access logs that the .swz files are getting loaded the first time I make a request for my application, so I am confident that I properly cleared the flash player global cache.

Does anyone know why my axis values would be missing only when I deploy with RSL??? Switching back to Merged mode, my application works fine and it is only when I deploy with RSLs that I get the issue.I have also tried to compile using only the framework RSL and not the datavisualization or rpc RSLs (keeping them in merged mode) and I get the same results, no axis values.

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Javascript :: Client Technology Choice - Any HTML5/Canvas Libraries As Capable As Flash/Flex?

Jan 7, 2011

I built a prototype in Adobe Flex, they (customers) liked it. Everything was fine until they later told me that iPads / iOS needs to be supported too.I checked out Adobe's Packager for iPhone. We're evaluating that and we will know if it works out in a couple of days. (We need to get through Apple's red tape and certificates raj so this angle is delayed by a few days!)

There is a growing voice for using HTML5/Canvas as a technology platform itself. And despite being quite proficient in Flex, I think this makes sense.

I'm in need of a HTML5 library that can:

Render "widgets" i.e. containers with forms and components(this should be easy and possible using POHJC - Plain old HTML,JavaScript and CSS )Provide a Tree like control for laying out some data Provide a Canvas where data structures can be represented as basic shapes Provide drag and drop capabilities between Trees, Buttons and Canvas Provide some sort of Tab Navigator container (I guess JQuery works here) Interact with back-end services (JSON/XML calls will be okay, but mapping directly with back-end entities will be awesome!)Renders on latest versions of major browsers, Android OS and iOS (WebKit for mobile?)

I'm ready to give JQuery & JQuery UI a try. I looked at Sencha / ExtJS but it seems we need to maintain two code bases one for normal browsers and the other for mobiles (is that correct?)Single code base, I don't want to suggest to them that multiple code bases for the client need to be maintained. That's a last resort option and would lead to complete ruling out of HTML5 with Flash apps and native apps being developed.Canvas capabilities - I don't want to work with raw canvas and shape tags. This too is a last resort option. Is there any abstraction available?

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Flash - File System, Native Process Utility Libraries For Adobe AIR/flex Applications?

Dec 20, 2011

I am looking for utility/helper classes for Adobe AIR/actionscript 3.0 file system and native process utilization. Could someone point me to opensource library projects specific to Adobe AIR..

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