Actionscript :: Flex Filter Operator Not Supported

Jun 12, 2009

[code]For the above Flex Code, when I click on the label lb, I get the following message at the runtime:[code]

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Flex :: Error 1123 - Filter Operator Not Supported On Type Object

Jan 25, 2012

I have a a structure like this:
and so on...

In order to compute dynamically the string I wrote:
e.item.(myStr.toString()) where myStr (type string) = "fatturato_ac_s" + Index (so I can have fatturato_ac_s1, fatturato_ac_s2, ...)
I can correctly retrieve the value of e.item.(myStr.toString()) (a numeric value), but if I try to put it in a variable I get the error in the title:
myVariable = e.item.(myStr.toString())
myVariable is a Number.

I also tried:
myVariable = Number(e.item.(myStr.toString()))
But doesn't work... the same if I try String to String....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filter Operator Not Supported

Jan 5, 2012

i have a movieclip "button51". And within button51 I have opponent1.i m writing button51.(getChildByName("opponent" + indexHorizontal)as MovieClip). gotoAndStop(2);but it throws a runtime error -TypeError: Error #1123: Filter operator not supported on type Main / selectMode().Basically I want to change frame of a movieclip which is inside another movieclip using getChildByName for the inside mivieclip name.. Pls help

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm making a game so far with 2 characters (in 2 classes); Adeiza and Dooray. Combat and movement are all fine, but now I need to make a ranged special. I've created a MovieClip and a class file for AdzFire, which is basically a fireball created by Adeiza in a certain frame. This fireball is created and moves in the direction I ask it to, which is fine. My problem lies with it hitting the opposing character (currently Dooray). Here are the codes I think are affected;1. The code in, called with an enterframe event.

public function fire(evt:Event) {
if (shotDirect==-1) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type MethodClosure [renamed]?

Aug 18, 2009

Trying to set up my own site. Have seen this one and would quite like to copy the layout and functions of the buttons etc.So I have started out by creating one button which enters the stage and the remains in the UpState until roll over or clicked.I have tried to add this function:

large_btn.addEventListener.(MouseEvent.CLICK, openlarge);
function openlarge(event:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type Fighter

Jul 24, 2011

the fighting game class creates an instance of fighter, then adds a child of "dude" to fighter. I want to animate dude, so I tried doing this:

for (var i:uint = 0; i < fighter.numChildren; i++)
var mychild = fighter.getChildAt(i);
thats in the constructor.

TypeError: Error #1123: Filter operator not supported on type Fighter

fighter.(MyChild as MovieClip.gotoAndPlay("walkingright");
that is within the Now, the game runs, but when I press right ( the keys that cause that movieclip to animate), it throws a -

TypeError: Error #1123: Filter operator not supported on type Fighter.
at FightingGame/Update()[C:UsersOlsenDocumentsFightingGameFightingGame .as:399]
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

Also the movieclip does not show up, and does not animate. What is this, I can find little information about it, and how do i fix it? the area where it throws the error is the gotoandplay line.

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TypeError: Error #1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type

Aug 13, 2010

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


I just cant get rid of that error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filter Operator For Custom Class?

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Can this operator be implemented by custom class? Filter operator - xmlList.(true), the expression inside parens is filter

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Jun 29, 2010

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I am trying to create a secure database for a mobile app using the as3corelib EncryptionKeyGenerator package from here but when I run it I get the following error:Error: EncryptedLocalStore is not supported on the current platformat$/setItem()Googling around I see it is becaue the ELS is not supported for mobiles. Does anyone know of the best solution to this problem? I guess I could use the persistence manager to store the information but I am not sure this is the most secure method.

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Flex - Determine If Mx Classes/libraries Are Supported?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm writing a helper class and I want it to be used in both flex and pure actionscript projects. For example:

public static function listenToPositionAndSize(control:DisplayObject):void
if (mxLibrariesSupported)
control.addEventListener(, onControlResize);
control.addEventListener(, onControlMove);


EDIT: One simple reason to do this is: if you check the above example, I would prefer (if available) instead of for performance issues.

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Oct 21, 2009

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var pixel1:uint;
var pixel2:uint;
var xorMergedPixel:uint;


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Mar 9, 2011

I've faced such situation. I've used to program in C#, and such code:


was asking both, condition1 and condition2 to be true (the case when they both are giving false and the end-result is true, could be achieved in other way). In Flex, same code would perform "some actions" if the both conditions are false. I just was wondering if is there any chance to make it break after finding first false in a queue, or I have no choice and should write nested if's?

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Flex :: Use Conditional Operator In Combo Box Dataprovider Using It?

Dec 7, 2009

In my Combo box i have to shows team names condition based . So i will try like

dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.(id=10).name}" but shows some errors . but if i tried

dataProvider="{}" display all name . It's working .

How can i condition based to display the list . In combobox . Plz refer me . is it possiable to check array of id on the dataProvider ?

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Nov 12, 2010

I am using Flash Builder Buritto with the latest "nightly" Flex 4.5 SDK, build 17689. It seems the dropShadowEnabled property is no longer supported with the Hero default skin. I get this compilation error:

The style 'dropShadowVisible' is only supported by type 'spark.components.Panel' with the theme(s) 'spark'.

Is there any way to disable the shadow without making a custom panel skin?

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ActionScript3 :: Flex - What Types Of SVG Gradient Fills Are Supported When Using The Embed Meta Tag

Jul 7, 2009

I've been trying to embed some svg files into an AS3 project using the Embed meta tag. For example:


However when displaying these files as Sprites only some of the gradients are surviving the embeding process. From what I've found simple (2 step) horizontal gradients seem to stand the best chance of being preserved, but sometimes other kinds of gradients are as well. In one case simply rotating an object 90 degrees causes the gradient to vanish when displayed in flash. Does anyone know a rough set of rules to use when creating svg gradient fills so they are preserved when rendered in flash? BTW: I used Inkscape to create the images in question.

Update: Bizarrely the solution to this seems to be setting the opacity of any object in the svg file whose gradient isn't displayed properly to a value below 1. Don't ask me why this works but it does. It does however have the unwanted side effect of the objects edges not being rendered as smoothly.

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Flex :: Warning: Css Type Selectors Are Not Supported In Components 'sparks.component.TextInput'?

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to do a simple CSS declaration. However, I got the warning above and not sure how to solve it. I thought s|(type) should declare the style for me

@namespace s "library://";
@namespace mx "library://";[code]....

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Flex :: Operator Console App - Listen Java Socket To Receive XML Data?

Jul 13, 2010

We are in the middle to evaluate the technology choice to re-design an operator console application. The operator console as a hosted contact center has the abilities to queue the inactive calls, and hold, answer, transfer the active calls.

The legacy operator console used Java Swing. We want to use the latest RIA technology (Flex/Silverlight) to retire the legacy one. But the question is Flex/Silverlight can implement the functions like hold, transfer the calls? Based on my experiences, Flex can listen Java socket to receive XML data? Does it work well to receive voice data?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Filter - Push The DropShadow Filter Onto Movie Clip At RunTime?

Mar 10, 2011

I looked at the following example in the AS3 Reference: [URL] It is unclear to me looking at the package example how to apply this in standard ActionScript 3 without packages to a Movie Clip resident in my Library that gets called at RunTime. how I would push the DropShadow filter onto my Movie Clip at RunTime?

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IDE :: Filter Is Using Too Much Memory - Apply The Filter To Only A Specific Area Of A Movieclip?

Jul 15, 2009

To achieve a zoom effect in our 2D flash game, we make the background of the game much bigger than the visible stage. This becomes a problem when the background is complex or when we apply a grayscale filter to the background. Is there a better way to do zoom? Or, is there a way to apply the filter to only a specific area of a movieclip?

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Flex :: Filter A DataGrid With A ComboBox?

Oct 28, 2009

How can I filter a datagrid based on the value in the combo box? Can anyone show me some good examples on it?

In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is called.

This is that code:

<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
<mx:ComboBox id="searchCriteria1" dataProvider="{criteriaDP1}" change="searchFunction()"/>
<mx:TextInput id="search" change="searchFunction()"/>


searchCriteria is the comboBox,where I have the items, "ALL","HIGH"...I have two rows with value "high" and I get the Alert "yes" for two times only.. But in the data grid all the four rows are displayed.

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Flex :: Filter Out Specific Nodes Of XML?

Jan 18, 2010

Take this XML example[code]...

But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent

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Flex :: Can't Apply Filter To Sprite?

Jul 2, 2010

I have this simple class:

import spark.effects.GlowFilter;
public class Letter extends Sprite {
private var glowFilter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();


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Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to create my own modal window (the built in popup manager won't work for this application) and get objects behind the window to be blurred. The code below is obviously wrong since it doesn't work but can someone point me in the right direction? Do I have to manually blur each object behind the window?


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Flex :: Filter Only Certain Column In Array Collection?

Jul 13, 2009

Is it possible for me to filter only a certain column in a arraycollection but still displaying the other values in a datagrid?

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