Flex :: Can't Apply Filter To Sprite?
Jul 2, 2010I have this simple class:
import spark.effects.GlowFilter;
public class Letter extends Sprite {
private var glowFilter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
I have this simple class:
import spark.effects.GlowFilter;
public class Letter extends Sprite {
private var glowFilter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
To achieve a zoom effect in our 2D flash game, we make the background of the game much bigger than the visible stage. This becomes a problem when the background is complex or when we apply a grayscale filter to the background. Is there a better way to do zoom? Or, is there a way to apply the filter to only a specific area of a movieclip?
View 2 RepliesIs there any way of applying a ColorMatrixFilter to one rectangular area of a DisplayObject, leaving the rest untouched? The DO is a container, and the user interacts with objects in it, so taking snapshots to change its appearance isn't an option.
View 2 RepliesOnly succeeded with applying it around the whole pie chart.
View 2 RepliesI am Trying to Apply some information Like text and An Image as an overlay to create a overlay effect as lice a security camera with time and date on the video along with a png based Logo.
I can record VIDEO Using Flex and FMS or any other Media Server. But I want to save a modified version of the stream being uploaded.
I have a sprite and I want to apply for example fade effect on it. I found examples how to do it in flex ML but how can I do it in pure actionscript?
View 2 RepliesNo idea why this really basic feature isn't working for me right now...
Why can I not apply a filter to a movie clip, only a button?? I'm in CS4, publish settings are set to Flash 8....
Flash Pro CS5 I have a plan view png made into a movieclip of a car which follows a motion guide changing direction as it travels. I select the MC in frame 1 and go to properties, filter section is currently empty and I select dropshadow from the filter choices, adjusting the angle and opacity. Looks good test movie and car runs without shadow after fr1. Methinks I need to apply it to the car in the last frame (no other keyframes between by the way), I select the car and then cannot see how to apply the filter that is now showing in the properties window. How does one apply an existing filter to a movieclip ?
Is this then what is needed to get the car to have the shadow cast north west throughout its journey ? Applying the filter to the MC at start and end of the tween ?
Im trying to create a 'neon glow effect thru a combination of both BlendModes and glow filter Problem is, they seem to cancel each other out if applied together...not having any luch doing this dynamically.
View 1 RepliesI wanna apply a glow filter to a button. What I want to happen is that if for a media player the currentFrame = totalFrame i.e, if the seekBar reaches last frame, I want the next_btn to animate,...like Glow In and Glow Out.
I dont want a mouse_over / mouse_out event to handle the animation.
Possibly I think that I'll have to use a Enter_Frame event, but I cant think of a function to do so.
my glow filter is like this...
var myGlow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0xFE4110, 4, 2, 2, 4,2, false, false);
I tried this using
worked, however this method (using extra sprite for a textfield) is just too dirty, let alone we want to apply filters to multiple textfields.. Anyone knows how to apply filter directly to TextField instance in AS3.0?
I've drawn a red rectangle which sits on my black stage. I've applied a white glow effect to the rectangle[code]...
View 3 RepliesPhotoshop and Fireworks both have some nice filters. When you put one bitmap over the other, the first bitmap can act as filter. For example, the white pixels of the top bitmap lighten the pixels of the bottom bitmap. Is there any way to apply this in as3? What I am trying to accomplish: I have a large single-color bitmapdata object. I want to overlay perlin noise and lighten/darken the single-color bitmap to give it some random/natural look.
View 1 RepliesIm creating a sprite rectangle and put individual lines in the middle. Certain lines I would like to apply a glow filter to, but I don't want to apply it to the whole sprite.
View 7 RepliesIs there any way to remove a filter that's been applied to a sprite?
Let's say I have a sprite named rect, and I've applied three filters to it[code]...
How can I remove those filters, and return rect to it's original unfiltered state?
I want to know how to write "Intercepting Filter Pattern" like Java's servlet filter in Flex.
And I want to insert it into the classes which have a role of server communicating.
I looked at the following example in the AS3 Reference: [URL] It is unclear to me looking at the package example how to apply this in standard ActionScript 3 without packages to a Movie Clip resident in my Library that gets called at RunTime. how I would push the DropShadow filter onto my Movie Clip at RunTime?
View 6 RepliesHow can I filter a datagrid based on the value in the combo box? Can anyone show me some good examples on it?
In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is called.
This is that code:
<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
<mx:ComboBox id="searchCriteria1" dataProvider="{criteriaDP1}" change="searchFunction()"/>
<mx:TextInput id="search" change="searchFunction()"/>
searchCriteria is the comboBox,where I have the items, "ALL","HIGH"...I have two rows with value "high" and I get the Alert "yes" for two times only.. But in the data grid all the four rows are displayed.
Take this XML example[code]...
But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent
I'm trying to create my own modal window (the built in popup manager won't work for this application) and get objects behind the window to be blurred. The code below is obviously wrong since it doesn't work but can someone point me in the right direction? Do I have to manually blur each object behind the window?
Is it possible for me to filter only a certain column in a arraycollection but still displaying the other values in a datagrid?
View 1 RepliesI've created a search with a couple of comboboxes that allow users to filter their search results. The results are currently using a TileList & itemRenderer to display, and now I'd like to add an animation effect when the user filters their results. I know that you can use the itemsChangeEffect to create an animation effect when the user drags and moves result itmes. So I'd like to know if there's a way to create a similar effect triggered by the filtering on the comboboxes?
View 1 RepliesI need my visual content to become darker (like when modal Alert is shown). I've tried to look up in the source code of Alert and PopUpManager, but found only blur and fade effects there. Is there any basic Filter to do set content darker?
View 3 RepliesI am using to blur an image using BitmapData. The function is called on a Slider_changeHandler(event:Event):voidevent and the value of the slider is passed to the function as blurvalue.The problem is the function works but seems to be cummalative (if that's the correct word!), that is, suppose I slide it to the maximum and after that try to reduce the blur by sliding it back towards the front the blur still keeps increasing. How do I make it to work so when I will slide it up blur increases and when I slide it back blur decreases and when slider is at 0, no blur is applied.[code]
View 2 RepliesI have a requirement to filter the tree similar to that of flex builder-->preferences wizard tree.
My tree dataprovider is arraycollection of industries. Each industry has a list of sub industries and further, say upto depth 5.
So when we type in a string to filter, only the node having this string along with their parent hierarchy should be returned.
How can we implement this using flex?
[code]For the above Flex Code, when I click on the label lb, I get the following message at the runtime:[code]
View 1 RepliesI have a Flex ActionScript component. How can I apply CSS to this component? I'm hoping to be able to apply styles from an external CSS file.CSS Selector in file 'global.css':
(I'm using Cairngorm)I have a combobox that displays items form an XMLListCollection that's in my model.I want to only view the items (XML) whose "sent" properties is false.. like item.sent == 'false'.This filter must apply only to this specific combobox, not everything that's bound to the XMLListCollection source.And of course it must update and refresh the filter if the source changes..I'm trying to use filterFunction but don't understand how it works...
View 1 RepliesTo situate things I am working on a translation utility with a datagrid having 3 columns : translation code, reference text and target text.
The DataGrid's dataProvider property is bound to an ArrayCollection instance. The user can edit the grid and on a successful edit, the underlying collection is updated using the setItemAt() method. The collection also has a filter function to make it easier to find certain texts.
When the user clicks the 'apply filter' button the filter function is updated. This works well. The problem I have is that rows are hidden as soon as the underlying collection item change in a way that doesn't comply with the filter. The row is hidden immediately, which is not very user friendly. Rows should only hide (or be shown) when the 'apply filter' button is pressed.
How to filter an Arraycollection by "array of values" rather than a single value (simple comparision) , the below code snippet is for filtering by single value now I went into scenario like filter out only price [10,4,1,8] (some random values from the master collection). Is there any better way to do the second code snippet
One point I haven't mentioned is my items in the filterBy array are custom data not the basic datatypes.