Actionscript 3 :: Filter In Flex - Set Content Darker

Apr 8, 2011

I need my visual content to become darker (like when modal Alert is shown). I've tried to look up in the source code of Alert and PopUpManager, but found only blur and fade effects there. Is there any basic Filter to do set content darker?

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import fl.controls.DataGrid;
var data_grid:DataGrid = new DataGrid();


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Flex :: Filter A DataGrid With A ComboBox?

Oct 28, 2009

How can I filter a datagrid based on the value in the combo box? Can anyone show me some good examples on it?

In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is called.

This is that code:

<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
<mx:ComboBox id="searchCriteria1" dataProvider="{criteriaDP1}" change="searchFunction()"/>
<mx:TextInput id="search" change="searchFunction()"/>


searchCriteria is the comboBox,where I have the items, "ALL","HIGH"...I have two rows with value "high" and I get the Alert "yes" for two times only.. But in the data grid all the four rows are displayed.

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But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent

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import spark.effects.GlowFilter;
public class Letter extends Sprite {
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find A Slightly Darker And Slightly Lighter Colour Based On A Particular Value?

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Jun 2, 2011

I am building a custom preloader which is different than the "traditional" sliding bar that is common in RIAs. The preloader uses 100 white laser lights which are in a straight line, and collectively they indicate the progress bar. Let me describe how this works before I ask my question:

........................,,,,,,,,,:::::::::::::::::::::::::BBBBBBBB and so on...

The above string captures the spirit of the preloader indicator. In this illustration, the bigger and fatter the character, the brighter the laser light in my actual preloader: The farthest laser to the right indicates the currently loaded percentage. This is also the brightest laser light.All other trailing lasers get increasingly dimmer until they become completely black, as if they had burned a whole in the back of the screen.

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... more code ...

//Build the dots according the configuration and load status parameters
private function buildDots(x:int, y:int):void {
//Draw the dot, details not shown[code].......

This entire preloader is inside of a custom class.The laser lights are created completely by code, without access to the library.

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Flex :: Filter Only Certain Column In Array Collection?

Jul 13, 2009

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Flex :: Search Results Filter Effects

Mar 12, 2010

I've created a search with a couple of comboboxes that allow users to filter their search results. The results are currently using a TileList & itemRenderer to display, and now I'd like to add an animation effect when the user filters their results. I know that you can use the itemsChangeEffect to create an animation effect when the user drags and moves result itmes. So I'd like to know if there's a way to create a similar effect triggered by the filtering on the comboboxes?

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Flex :: Applying Blur Filter To BitmapData

May 14, 2011

I am using to blur an image using BitmapData. The function is called on a Slider_changeHandler(event:Event):voidevent and the value of the slider is passed to the function as blurvalue.The problem is the function works but seems to be cummalative (if that's the correct word!), that is, suppose I slide it to the maximum and after that try to reduce the blur by sliding it back towards the front the blur still keeps increasing. How do I make it to work so when I will slide it up blur increases and when I slide it back blur decreases and when slider is at 0, no blur is applied.[code]

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Flex :: Filter The Data Provider For A Tree?

Mar 23, 2012

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So when we type in a string to filter, only the node having this string along with their parent hierarchy should be returned.

How can we implement this using flex?

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[code]For the above Flex Code, when I click on the label lb, I get the following message at the runtime:[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Combobox: Filter XMLListCollection Datasource?

Jan 5, 2010

(I'm using Cairngorm)I have a combobox that displays items form an XMLListCollection that's in my model.I want to only view the items (XML) whose "sent" properties is false.. like item.sent == 'false'.This filter must apply only to this specific combobox, not everything that's bound to the XMLListCollection source.And of course it must update and refresh the filter if the source changes..I'm trying to use filterFunction but don't understand how it works...

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Flex :: DataGrid Prevent A Filter From Being Applied Automatically?

Jan 4, 2011

To situate things I am working on a translation utility with a datagrid having 3 columns : translation code, reference text and target text.

The DataGrid's dataProvider property is bound to an ArrayCollection instance. The user can edit the grid and on a successful edit, the underlying collection is updated using the setItemAt() method. The collection also has a filter function to make it easier to find certain texts.

When the user clicks the 'apply filter' button the filter function is updated. This works well. The problem I have is that rows are hidden as soon as the underlying collection item change in a way that doesn't comply with the filter. The row is hidden immediately, which is not very user friendly. Rows should only hide (or be shown) when the 'apply filter' button is pressed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Filterfunction - Filter By Array Of Values?

Mar 17, 2011

How to filter an Arraycollection by "array of values" rather than a single value (simple comparision) , the below code snippet is for filtering by single value now I went into scenario like filter out only price [10,4,1,8] (some random values from the master collection). Is there any better way to do the second code snippet


One point I haven't mentioned is my items in the filterBy array are custom data not the basic datatypes.

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Flex :: Create A Color Glow Filter With Duration?

Apr 13, 2011

I need to highlight a button's border, so I have created a glow filter like this:

<s:GlowFilter id="GlowFilter1"
blurX="30" blurY="40"

The problem is that I don't know to remove the effect. The effect remains in the opction as it was highlighted. Thus, I'd like to set a duration, or something that removes the effect I create.

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Flex :: Spring - Log All Request From BlazeDS Client Using Filter?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a spring BlazeDS integration application. I would like to log all the request.I planned to use Filter. In my filter when I check the request parameter. It does not contain anything related to the client request. If I change the order of my filter(I have spring Security), then it prints some thing related to spring security.I am unable to log the user request.

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Flex :: Flex Chart Won't Filter?

Sep 4, 2010

I have flex 4, zend & php. I am trying to generate a chart w/ 5 yrs of data & then let the user (without making another call to the server) get a 1 yr chart w/ the same data. (In other words, the 1 yr's worth of data is a subset of the 5 yrs). I can get the initial 5 yr chart but when I try to apply a filter, as below, I get no data. What am I doing wrong?I have the following code:

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

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Regex - RegExp Search Field For Filter Function In Flex?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a datagrid and a search field. I've set the change event of the search field to run the filterfunction of the datagrid. I'm able to match the entire term, but I'd like to be able to use a regular expression to do a progressive search (e.g., "Pe" matches "Peter"). I tried to create a regular expression to compare the fields, but I can't seem to get it to work. How do I return the results of the RegExp? Here's the function as it currently stands


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Flex :: Filter Tree Using ITreeDataDescriptor Without Reload And Close All Nodes?

Jan 18, 2011

working with flex 4 and implementing filtering using ITreeDataDescriptor.Filtering worked as expected like the following code snippet however, i am trying to create a on-demand type of filter where user would type in the search clause in a TextInput, and as the user types, the tree nodes would be filtered on the implementation now is have user click on the search button and then reapply the dataDescriptor then reload the data. A big problem is that the whole tree collapses after setting the dataProvider again.any suggestion on how the on-demand filter can be achieved?

var dataFilter:ServicePricingFilter = new MyFilter();
dataFilter.searchString = this.txtSearchKeyword.text;
this.treeService.dataDescriptor = new MyDataDescriptor(dataFilter);


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Actionscript 3 :: Apply A Bevel Filter For Each Slice Of A Flex 4 Pie Chart?

Jun 1, 2011

Only succeeded with applying it around the whole pie chart.

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Flex :: Stretch Out The Movie Clip After Applying Some Pixel Bender Filter?

Nov 12, 2009

How to stretch out the movie clip to twice its width and height after applying some Pixel Bender filter? I have some object with video on it (for ex 512 by 512) I apply a Pixel Bender Filter on it. Now I want to stretch the result (for ex to 1024 by 1024). How to stretch it?So my point is 1) Render the result of effect2) Stretch out the result

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Flex :: Datagrid - Filter XMLListCollection Even If Test Node Doesn't Exist?

Apr 28, 2011

I want to show some data from an xml file inside a datagrid, so I do this:

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="dgDomains" dataProvider="{new XMLListCollection(xmlDomains..domain(deleted.toString() != '1'))}"


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Flex :: Refresh - Applying The Sort/filter On An Arraycollection Without Dispatching Event?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a object that is extended from arraycollection. This object has to access and manipulate the arraycollections source object. When this happens, the local sorted/filter copy of data goes out of sync with the source data. To line things up correctly, the sort/filter needs to be re-applied.

To do this normally, you would call refresh() on the arraycollection, but this also broadcasts a refresh event. What I want is to update the sort/filter without dispatching an event.Having looked into the ArrayCollection class, I can see it is extended from ListCollectionView. The refresh function

public function refresh():Boolean
return internalRefresh(true);

is in ListCollectionView and it calls this function

private function internalRefresh(dispatch:Boolean):Boolean
if (sort || filterFunction != null)


annoyingly, that function is private and so is unavailable to and class that extends ListCollectionView. Also, a lot of what is in the internalRefresh function is private too.Does anyone know of a way to call internalRefresh from a class that extends ArrayCollection? Or a way of stopping the refresh event from being dispatched when refresh is called?

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