Regex - RegExp Search Field For Filter Function In Flex?
Oct 15, 2009
I have a datagrid and a search field. I've set the change event of the search field to run the filterfunction of the datagrid. I'm able to match the entire term, but I'd like to be able to use a regular expression to do a progressive search (e.g., "Pe" matches "Peter"). I tried to create a regular expression to compare the fields, but I can't seem to get it to work. How do I return the results of the RegExp? Here's the function as it currently stands
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var myRegexPattern:Regex = /d/g;
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var myString:String = "MatchThisText"
var myRegexPatter_WithString:Regex = /d[myString]/g;
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var regExp:RegExp = new RegExp("((.*?)%)");
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ActionScript Code:
var someString:String = "...."
var expPattern:RegExp = "/"+someString+"/";
//I really want this to work!!!!
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Nov 6, 2009
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Nov 6, 2009
here's what I want to do: I need a simple CV search function for a small site. There will be two fields: on the first field the user will input a Name or Surname and on the second field the script should return one or more results taken from a pool of names + surnames that should be clickable links to the respective .htm page of each cv. Is this possible? From what I've seen people use the replies in the second field as simple text and not as links.
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Jun 8, 2009
I've started a project a while ago, so far it is almost done but there is something that I seem not to be able to do alone... I would like to add a search function which I don't know how to do.It will not be a normal search function so I am going to try to beak it down with an easy example:
Let's say I did a project that is embeded somewhere in a normal html page with a main menu from where you can get to different city maps (e.g. New York, Paris, Berlin). The maps are seperate swfs. On all those maps there are several buttons for historical sites (or whatever) with a mousover function and a link to a page with more information about that specific site (on html).the names of the buttons are always a letter and a number (New York: "N1","N2","N3"...; Paris: "P1","P2","P2"... instance name for P1 is p1_btn)
What I need now is a search field in the main menu where you can search for those buttons. Meaning if I type in "N2" and hit search it will take me to the New York swf and show me button "N2".
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public var s:String="";
public function checkSumbols(_s:String=""):Boolean {
s=_s; //e-mail address (input
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Aug 25, 2011
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private function getSearch():void
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Jul 14, 2009
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Code: Select allfunction searchWords(e:Event):void {[code].........
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var myList:XMLList = == str );
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Mar 20, 2002
create a search field using Flash 5. I am currently using the search robot, just like the kirupa website. On registering your website, they give you a HTML code, which you put inside the variables of the search field. So when the user types in what he's searching for, he clicks "go" and then the next page is "Powered by and then the results of the search.Now I wanna know how I can simulate this in Flash 5, with the search results displayed in a normal HTML file, once the "go" button is clicked.I am creating an input text field and then a button saying "go". How do I set the variables in the search field to look up the search robot?
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Jul 16, 2009
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Feb 1, 2004
Is it possible to create a search button inside of a "button" symbol? aaaaaaand have it only appear on the "over" state of the button?
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Apr 25, 2008
I have a search field that searches on key you type b and it will automatically return all the words that start with b....if you type ba it will return all the words that start with ba....and so on and so forth...what I want to do is put a delay of one or two seconds before the search actually starts after the user STOPS typing...because with large lists I am experiencing I want the search to start once the person stops is what I have...
keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
if(showLoad) {
var seconds = 2;
[Code] .....
The output trace is only the first one "....1".
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