Flex :: Datagrid - Filter XMLListCollection Even If Test Node Doesn't Exist?

Apr 28, 2011

I want to show some data from an xml file inside a datagrid, so I do this:

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="dgDomains" dataProvider="{new XMLListCollection(xmlDomains..domain(deleted.toString() != '1'))}"


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Oct 28, 2009

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In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is called.

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<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
<mx:ComboBox id="searchCriteria1" dataProvider="{criteriaDP1}" change="searchFunction()"/>
<mx:TextInput id="search" change="searchFunction()"/>


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To situate things I am working on a translation utility with a datagrid having 3 columns : translation code, reference text and target text.

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this in database cell:


gets read in DataGrid as nubmer as 12345678901234568

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So it reads it as number, why? And how to make it read as String? I tried with labelFunction, no help.

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GenerateMenu = function (container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var currNode;
var currItem;
var currMenu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);


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Apr 27, 2010

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Flex :: ItemRenderer Doesn't Resize With DataGrid Column

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Code for Item Renderer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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The following the itemRenderer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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My Problem: I want to know the new node where the leaf was dropped. Actually i would have expected that in the event there is a property like dropParent. This is not the case.

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Merge Two Xmllistcollection In Flex 3

May 11, 2010

How to merge two xmllistcollection in Flex 3. Please note, addAll method is not available.

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Flex :: Add Elements To XMLListCollection?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a MenuBar, which is using a XMLListCollection object as a dataProvider.I wish to add and remove elements from this collection at runtime.How to add / remove elements from XMLListCollection ?

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Flex - Filtering XMLListCollection?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm trying to create some sort of rangking. For this, I'm using a multilevel xml which I create with a php file.


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Flex :: Select A Node In Tree Based On XML Node Property?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a tree im my mxml that uses a XMLListCollection as dataProvider. Itīs XML is like:

<conta nome="Plano de Contas" id="1">
<conta nome="Creditos" id="2" />
<conta nome="Vendas" id="4" />


How can I make the node for, say, id==4 visible AND selected?

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Flex - Displaying List Containing XMLListCollection?

May 30, 2011

I'm a Flex noob and I've been struggling with this problem for a last week, and I'm at my wits end.

I have opened the following XML file



I would be so incredibly grateful if someone could help. I am pulling out my hair!

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Flex :: Source In ArrayCollection And XMLListCollection?

Aug 29, 2011

What is the role of source for an ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection? Is it used just once - when constructing a new ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection object and is it copied to some internal data structure of that object?

Because nothing is updated when the source Array (or XMLList) is being modified and the documentation confirms it too: The underlying XMLList for this collection. The XMLListCollection object does not represent any changes that you make directly to the source XMLList object. Always use the XMLListCollection methods to modify the collection.

This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the listChanged event.

I'm asking because Flex examples related to dataProviders always use some Array or XMLList as source of data for a data-driven component. And I wonder, if using Array or XMLList is necessary at all - when for example loading data from external PHP-script.

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Flex :: Bind XMLListCollection Into Model?

Mar 24, 2012

When the XMLListCollection is updated in the DataGrid, I want it to add the XML (bind it) into the Model. How would I do this? Or if not possible, how would I manually add XML into the Model?

This is a rough example of what I'm trying to do. Adding data to the DataGrid works fine; it just doesn't go into the Model when sending to the HTTPService.

<mx:Model id="model">
<mx:XMLListCollection id="collection" />


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