ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Text Box Blank If The Node Doesn't Exist ?

Feb 25, 2010

I have made it this far with much help and all was working well until the xml changed. Sometimes the c_Result node does not exist and my c_points text box returns 'undefined'. I have tried if(c_points != undefined){ etc which works to a degree but I don't know how to make the text box blank if the node doesn't exist and load the c_Result node if it does.

import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
_global.styles.TextArea = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.TextArea.setStyle("backgroundColor" , "transparent");[code].......

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if (Search.text.Left(4).toLowerCase() == "the"){[code]...........

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Xml :: Doesn't Parse Xml When It's A Single Node?

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added security code in flash

1st method:flash.system.Security.allowDomain("*");


2nd method:added the crossdomain.xml policy file from twitter website.

3rd method:followed any of the above methods along with changing the "Access network only" in publish settings.

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I am guessing you would have to somehow check through ecach character to see if it was a " " with an if else statement.. but that would take forever.. so.. =S

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check When Text Character Exist For Specific Font?

Jan 11, 2011

Is it possible?

I am talking about special character, "|" to be exact.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Disappearing - Set The Dimensions Of The Loader So The External Swf Doesn't 'spill Over', The Result Is A Blank Screen?

Mar 26, 2010

I have the following code which simply loads an external swf, puts it in the right place and should all be hunky dory.This works:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("foobar.swf");[code].....

to set the dimensions of the loader so the external swf doesn't 'spill over', the result is a blank screen. No matter how high I set those dimensions it just doesn't display anything.

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IDE :: Empty Nodes - Create A Dynamic Text Box In Which Text Show Up For One XML Node But Not For Another

Mar 24, 2009

In a nutshell, I'm trying to create a dynamic text box in which text show up for one XML node but not for another, so I have some XML nodes that have info in them and others that don't. This seems like it would be a realatively easy thing to do, but I've been working on figuring out how to do so for days with no avail. I'm working on a template for my portfolio gallery at: [URL] I've linked pdfs to just some of the images in my modified xml slideshow from the tutorial using the following code from this forum:


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Oct 17, 2007

I'm trying to make a button symbol with a transparent hit area - surounded but a dynamically drawn border. Heres what I have. I have a simple AS script that uses goTo and lineTo (plus a randomizer to make sure the buttons are skewed and differnt everytime) to create a "sketchy box" as my button. My script resides in a movie clip withing the "over" state of a button symbol. Now the active hit area is ONLY the line elements. Question : How in the world, using only actionscript an I make a second, transparent area inside of the sketchy lines to make the whole button symble clickable?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Fields Output Round Decimals And Process Blank As 0

Nov 26, 2009

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Flex :: Make A Copy Of A Tree From The Root Node?

Feb 16, 2011

I have inherited a Flex air project and have not worked with trees before. The tree is displaying an xml file hierarchically. The user can make a change to the data. I need to save the data of the entire tree to a file.I can save the currently selected item to a file, no problem. But I need to save all the data from the root of the tree, forward.I would think I could make a copy of the tree, and set the selected item of my new tree to root, or something. Sort of like this pseudo code:

var treeToSave:Tree = new Tree (editedTree);
treeToSave.selectedIndex = 0;
// now save treeToSave to file...

This creates a compile error, but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to do.

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Flex :: Events - AdvancedDataGrid Tree DropParent - Drag A Leaf From One Node To Another Node

Jan 14, 2010

I have an AdvancedDataGrid tree with a ArrayCollection as its dataprovider. Now, for instance, i drag a leaf from one node to another node. To catch the event I'm adding a Listener to dragComplete.


My Problem: I want to know the new node where the leaf was dropped. Actually i would have expected that in the event there is a property like dropParent. This is not the case.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blank Text File After Upload?

Aug 28, 2009

I am trying to read some values from an external text file (combobox1.txt) into Flash, to populate my combobox1.

tmpArr1 = [];
myVars1 = new LoadVars();


This works just fine on my PC; but won't work online after uploading the files (freehostia), the combobox will stay emty. After openinig the text file (link) on my browser I only see a blank screen. So I tried the same file on a diferente server and now I can see the data now on in my browser (link) and my local swf, but still nothing on my online swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blank Text Input Validation

Jan 23, 2011

I created on stage 4 text-input fields and a "next" button. I have to check that all 4 text-fields are not empty so the user wouldn't be able to click on the "next" button if one of this fields is blank. here's the code i've tried without success, the program got stacked in a loop:


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Jan 18, 2011

I have a tree im my mxml that uses a XMLListCollection as dataProvider. Itīs XML is like:

<conta nome="Plano de Contas" id="1">
<conta nome="Creditos" id="2" />
<conta nome="Vendas" id="4" />


How can I make the node for, say, id==4 visible AND selected?

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Sep 21, 2011

i have a question whether we can create a new xml node in as3 node containing dynamic value inside.....
as like if i want to get like..var newNode:XML = <IMAGE FULL="fullimages/3.jpg"THUMB="thumbnails/3.jpg"/>
where the images are dynamic values...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Finding A Node In XML File Via Node Attrib?

May 26, 2005

I thought this was going to be easy! I would like to search an XML file for a particular data set i.e. set of nodes depending on a passed variable. However, storing a subset of my XML file via Code:var gallery = this.firstChild; and then searching 'gallery' as you would an array-using a for()-doesn't work since this.firstChild isn't returning an array

<collection title="Christmas 2004">


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