ActionScript 3.0 :: Check When Text Character Exist For Specific Font?
Jan 11, 2011Is it possible?
I am talking about special character, "|" to be exact.
Is it possible?
I am talking about special character, "|" to be exact.
For example if I had an input field and i could not allow the characters like <space> and ony <underscore "_"> how would I do this??
I am guessing you would have to somehow check through ecach character to see if it was a " " with an if else statement.. but that would take forever.. so.. =S
I have 20 static text fields on the stage and need to build actionscript to look at each character in each field and determine the Font, Style (italic, bold), size and color of each character then report the results (text field, Character, index, font The report needs to list each character along with it style, font color ect Short Example (there are actual 20 static fields on the stage):
I'm creating a learning activity for one of our biology classes. The basis of the activity is to test students ability to transcribe and translate DNA into other sequences.I have a dynamic text field where the student would type in a 36 character sequence.
I already know that I can use an if statement to see if all 36 characters are correct. I was wondering if there was a way to individually check each letter the student typed in is the correct one for that line. So if UUAACCGG is the correct answer, I want flash to check and see if the third character is indeed A or not.I know I can do this with 36 individual text boxes, but I was kind of hoping to get away with just one big text box.
I'm using flash 5 to develop a dynamic banner. It loads a txt file in an single line text field that moves from right to left, similar an electronic bank display. What I need is to check when the last character of the text loaded gets out of the stage (-x), so I can send the text field to its original position simulating a continuous loop animation. (I could do this using flashMX cause the text field scales according to the text size but I have to use flash5 ).
View 7 RepliesI'm creating a learning activity for one of our biology classes. The basis of the activity is to test students ability to transcribe and translate DNA into other sequences.I have a dynamic text field where the student would type in a 36 character squence.
I already know that I can use an if statement to see if all 36 characters are correct. I was wondering if there was a way to individually check each letter the student typed in is the correct one for that line. So if UUAACCGG is the correct answer, I want flash to check and see if the third character is indeed A or not.
I'm creating a learning activity for one of our biology classes. The basis of the activity is to test students ability to transcribe and translate DNA into other sequences.
I have a dynamic text field where the student would type in a 36 character sequence.
I already know that I can use an if statement to see if all 36 characters are correct. I was wondering if there was a way to individually check each letter the student typed in is the correct one for that line. So if UUAACCGG is the correct answer, I want flash to check and see if the third character is indeed A or not.
I know I can do this with 36 individual text boxes, but I was kind of hoping to get away with just one big text box.
In my application I'm using a custom embedded font for English (Helvetica New) which does not contain characters (glyphs) for chinese unicode range. In the application, wherver chinese characters are avaiable they are not displayed (suppressed) since they are missing in the custom embedded font. How can I make the flash player to use a fallback system font for the missing characters? And the fallback should be for the missing characters alone. For the Engligh characters it should use the embedded font.
View 1 RepliesHow do I check if an eventListener exist? If it exist, I want to remove it with removeEvent Listener. [code]
View 5 RepliesI was wondering if there a way to check if a variable(x) exist.. Let me try to explain a bit more: Let's pretend i load 5 variables from a text file named myvariable1 , myvariable2, ... , myvariable5 How can i check if "myvariable(x)" = true where x = 1 or 2 or 3 ... as they were incremented..?
View 4 RepliesI was wondering if there a way to check if a variable(x) exist. Let me try to explain a bit more:
Let's pretend I load 5 variables from a text file named myvariable1 , myvariable2, ... , myvariable5
How can I check if "myvariable(x)" = true where x = 1 or 2 or 3 ... as they were incremented..?
for AS3.people thi is how you rock:
ActionScript Code:
if ( {
//var maptween:Map = new Map(this,origwidth,origheight);
How can I check how many movieClips exist in a container and how much space are they taken?
In other words, how can I make this calculation if I have a rectangular movieClip (containerMc) that is 5x1px and five square movieClips (sq1Mc,sq2Mc, sq3Mc, sq4Mc and sq5Mc) that are 1x1px and which can dynamically be placed inside containerMc and I want to know how many and which of these five movieClips already exist in containerMc so I can determine where the next square movieClip needs to be placed?
Can someone be so kind and show me how to do this or direct me where I can find the answer?
In other words, how can I make this calculation if I have a rectangular movieClip (containerMc) that is 5x1px and five square movieClips (sq1Mc,sq2Mc, sq3Mc, sq4Mc and sq5Mc) that are 1x1px and which can dynamically be placed inside containerMc and I want to know how many and which of these five movieClips already exist in containerMc so I can determine where the next square movieClip needs to be placed?
View 3 RepliesI have a script that creates arrays based on certain events. These are all stored in one main array like so: mainArray = [[3,6,5,1],[4,5,6],[5,3,5],[4,5,6]]; As you can see, sometimes I end up with duplicate arrays within the mainArray. How can I check if any duplicate arrays exist and remove them from mainArray?
View 4 RepliesI am trying to embed a font. It is the same font but, different sizes ( I dont know if that matters, one size is 11 the other is 15). I set up my actionscript as so (please see below), but I continue to get this error message: 1151 A conflict exist with definition dtText2 in namespace internal. WHAT I AM DOING WRONG? And do I need another set of code if I am using the same font but instead of size=15; I am using size=11;?
var font3:Font=new Font3();
var dtFormat:TexFormat=new TextFormat();
var dtText2:TextField=new TextField();
Why is it giving me error 1151 A conflict exist.....? I have tried changeing the name of my var dtText2, and I even instance my dynamic Text, naming it myText2 but I continue to get errors.
While creating one photo gallery I am facing one problem in controlling the Font Color, Font Size and other characteristics of a text loaded into a text field from an XML File. The name of the text field in question is �my_txt� it loads the title from the xml file attached herewith. how I can control the behavior of the text loaded in that text field.
I can't understand how to check if Character is in lowercase in as3.
View 1 RepliesI have created a class which will use an embedded font to dynamically generate a bitmap font at run-time. So far it works well except that I have a minor issue with character spacing.
In the image below the first line is an actual TextField and the second has been rendered using the generated bitmap font.
If you look at the word 'fox' or the 'ed' of the word 'jumped' you can see that the letter spacing looks a little bit odd.
Are there any alternatives to the TextLineMetrics class which will give me more accurate character metrics?
Text rendering quality using the new Flash Text Engine :
By chance I have eventually found the solution :
The first problem was the antiAliasType property which was set to AntiAliasType.ADVANCED. Although it produces higher quality text it also causes TextLineMetrics to return incorrect widths for characters.
The second was that it had to also be rounded up (using Math.ceil) to the nearest pixel and not down.
When the files are downloaded to your computer there are several file folders included. Some are for pictures and there is HTML as well as the SWF files and the INDEX. In very short order I determined that you could simply replace there pictures with your pictures and even change the text on the buttons as well as the body of the site. It seemed very painless. We are now down to just one issue that I cannot figure out. On the main page there is a place on the page for the company name. I went into the HTML and changed that which worked fine.
My issue is that she already has a predefined font for her company. It is Trajan Pro. I cannot find anything in the HTML that has to do with the font.However there is a folder included in the download which is entitled "fonts". Within that folder is the various fonts used in the website. how I can change the font that is being used?
PS -- There is a folder full of Photoshop images which are basically the pages of the site. They have many layers. I tried to change the company name and font in Photoshop but it had no affect.
I have a text field (old-style, non-TLF) with the following HTML text:[code].....
The font Optima is embedded, and I've selected embed all glyphs.What I'm getting rendered to the screen is as the image below, with a random i + umlaut character in place of the bullet.Is this a problem with Flash or is the font file somehow missing the bullet character, and does anyone know how I can fix this issue, preferably without having to move across to TLF text.?
I have a project coming up where I'll be rendering text paths on a circle; the text has to be dynamic, so I can't just bring in a precomputed set from illustrator. Now, laying text on a circle ought not be too hard, I'll do it per character with per character rotation. The trouble is, I can't seem to figure out how to get per-character advance from flash's font engine. It's 99% probable that I'm just overlooking something obvious. But as far as I can tell, the only way to get flash font metrics is via flash.text.engine.FontMetrics which ostensibly is per-font, not per-character.
A fallback that I'm not looking forward to implementing is pre-computing per-char advance on my own ( since this project will be using embedded fonts known in advance ). I've got ObjC code lying around for generating glyph maps for opengl, so I could generate that data offline and make it available to my flash code ( probably as static constants or some malarkey ).
I'm making a little program that has to count specific characters in a string. Let's say the user inputs a name (I.e. "John Jabbadoo Jackson") and I need to count all the o's in the string. In this case it should be 4. How would the script look like?
View 2 RepliesI'm making a little program that has to count specific characters in a string. Let's say the user inputs a name (I.e. "John Jabbadoo Jackson") and I need to count all the o's in the string. In this case it should be 4.
View 2 RepliesThis is a rather advanced problem but apparently I'm not the only one having it.So far I've been using external font loading in all my projects. A Tahoma.swf with a Tahoma Font library item and basically two lines of code:ActionScript Code:import flash.text.Font;Font.registerFont(TahomaSmooth);As soon as I load the font in my application it's ready for use. This is Jesse Freeman's method, in case it looks familiar.The problem is Flash CS4 doesn't embed polish fonts. And clients dnt lke t read tet that hs mssng chrcters. Unfortunately for anyone who isn't english Adobe didn't forsee that people might actually want to specify the character set when embeding Fonts. This strikes me as odd, as supposedly the whole font was supposed to be imported, at least that's how it originally worked, AFAIK.
View 9 RepliesI had made a flash movie in Flash CS3 Portable in which I used a specific font.
I had to re-install Windows and when I tried to open the .fla the warning popped up saying that the font used is not available.
Although I re-installed all the fonts I had when I made the clip, the problem persists. I see over 300 fonts inside the Windows/Fonts folder but Flash doesn't see them all in the font listbox.
Does anybody know how to check which font was used (the warning message doesn't say) in order to try to install it again?
can someone teach me how to convert the code? when character reach frame 10,scale/flip the char horizontal. i tried e.currentTarget.scaleX=-1; but the char seems to move till off the stage.. without flipping the char,my char gone facing <--- instead of going ----->...
View 3 RepliesAny way to change the specific character's colour within a string in a dynamic textfield. E.g.
String = "There can be only one"
I want all the o's to be orange...
How can I turn every specific character in a word in a textbox to specific color? this works like highlighting. If I have the word Jeeves in TextField object, I would like each occurrence of Jeeves in this TextFIeld to become red or any other color. In AS2 I had to search the text for keywords and use the TextFormat class. and then handle keypresses for the textbox for highlighting as the user is typing. How can a highlight a text in dynamic text field?
My pseudo code is given below:
/***Handles Keyback, it should delete the pevious char entered in the text box*/
private function handleDelCharEvent() {
aArray[nCurCharInd] = "";
Text_mc["TextEntry_txt"].text = "";
stmpTxt = "";
if (nCurCharInd > 0) {
[Code] .....
this function is use to generate characters, is there anyway to generate character by passing in a parameter instead of check with if statements?
function charcheck() {
for (i=2; i<9; i++) {
com = new c1();