ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Check If Variable X Exist?
Jan 14, 2004
I was wondering if there a way to check if a variable(x) exist. Let me try to explain a bit more:
Let's pretend I load 5 variables from a text file named myvariable1 , myvariable2, ... , myvariable5
How can I check if "myvariable(x)" = true where x = 1 or 2 or 3 ... as they were incremented..?
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Jan 14, 2004
I was wondering if there a way to check if a variable(x) exist.. Let me try to explain a bit more: Let's pretend i load 5 variables from a text file named myvariable1 , myvariable2, ... , myvariable5 How can i check if "myvariable(x)" = true where x = 1 or 2 or 3 ... as they were incremented..?
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on (release) {
_root.var2 = number(_root.var2) + 1;
_root.var3 = number(_root.var3) - 1;
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var newVar:Number;
// newVar = 1204;
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var answer1:Number =1;
var answer2:Number =2;
var answer3:Number =3;
if(answer == 1 ) and answer == 2 and answer ==3);
if(answer == 1 and answer == 2)
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<script language="JavaScript">
function getMyVar()
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May 23, 2008
Im creating an online survery and recording all the answers as a variable in _root.vars.variablename where each question creates a new variable in the vars clip.
When the user answers a question the variable is created and given a value e.g.
_root.vars.variablename1 = 1
_root.vars.variablename2 = 1
_root.vars.variablename2 = 0
But I need a piece of code to check if the variable has actually been created. The reason for this is I have a next button the user has to click once they have answered, and I dont want them to advance if they havent answered. So I need to add something like if (_root.vars.variablename1 exists ) {gotoAndPlay("answered");} else{ gotoAndPlay("noAnswer");}
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Aug 20, 2002
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on (release) {
if (data1=="flash") {
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May 14, 2004
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how can I check if a variable is integer or not?
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Nov 29, 2002
Can i check whether an external file exists?
I'm using this code to get the data from a file:
loadVariables(fileName.txt, outputBox); //outputBox is the instance name of the text box
i'm not loading any variables as such, but dumping the text in the file straight into the textbox
now i want to check if fileName exists
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Apr 21, 2009
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