I am trying make a movieclip pan across the stage on a set path, I have 5 buttons, when button 2 is clicked, the movie clip is moved to position 2, its moved on a timeline so a function starts playing the movieclip, on the timeline inside this movieclip there are conditions on specific frames showing where the the timeline stops, so when button2 is clicked a variable is created which is "label2" and the timeline stops on this point, as seen the the condition below[code]....
There are 50 movies loaded sequentially. From Q1 thru Q29 I want to attach a particular title (mc) to the main movie and then for Q30 thru Q40 another and so on. The file is on an Learning Management Sytem so I'm using SCORM [code]...
I an running a website in flash and whenever the user comes onto the page, if he clicks a button before the SWF has loaded the file acts strange sending them to the wrong page. I am almost certain that the solution to this would be to halt my actionscript until the entire file has loaded in the browser.
I searched this a number of times, but I haven't found the answer was.I am new to scripting, so I am still finding what works and doesn't. So far I have added a number of variables in the engine I am creating. I want the player to click the button. Once press it will affect many of variables. The thing is I want to make the button unpressable if one variable is <= a number, lets say 100, and another term is true: number(_root.var2)/number(_root.var1) > 2).Here is what I have so far:
Im looking for something similar to the php function isset where you can check to see if a variable has been set. Does anyone know how i would go about seeing if a value has been set for a Number variable?
Working in AS2, using CS3 Flash Pro I've simplified this to just the one little thing I'm trying to do.
countervariables.txt has this text in it:
The trace shows itemsPerMili as 'NAN' and totalForYear as 'undefined'. I know itemsPerMili yields 'Not A Number' because totalForYear comes up undefined, but oddly, the loaded variable does show up correctly in a dynamic text field assigned to the variable. I don't understand why it should show up in the dynamic text field correctly when it won't trace.
I want to see the number "3.80517503" in my trace for itemsPerMili.
i know this has proberbly been covered before, but how do i do this:i want my script to run a function only after an image has loaded using loadMovie is that possible?
I am building a website in which the nav bar has an animation on the "home" frame and not on the others. It works all nice until I come back to "home" and then my nav bar bugs. So I am thinking the best way to "refresh" the nav bar would be to removeChild(); and then add it again... but then when I go to the other frames (pages) it disappears. If I run addChild(); to every pages.. then it duplicates it and becomes buggy. Is there a way to run an if() function that would check if the nav bar is already there and addChild only if it is not there?
I'm loading an external .swf via typing the swf name into an input text field and hitting a submit button.
The swf loads fine, but I'm trying to incorporate updating a status text field on a successful load or if there is an error during loading.
I can't find my mistake in the code - to me it should be making load_status_txt display "ok", but the swf just loads with no status update. All the text fileds are fine, because if I code load_status_txt.text = "hello" straight after addChild(loader); - load_status_txt displays "hello"[code]...
1. click on a thumbnail and an image loads from the library
2. click on a different number and another image loads from the gallery
I don't know how to remove the first image that is loaded.
The images load on top of each other. How can I check if there is already an image loaded? and if there is an image loaded how do I remove that image and load the next image? I'm sure it is a boolean thing but I can't figuare it out.[code]...
My header swf on load took longer than the hobbies swf. It is surpose to appear only after the header swf is fully loaded. See link below.
Is that any properities/condition I can use to check that the 1st SWF to be fully loaded (return true value) b4 proceeding to load 2nd SWF using do while statement.
I am trying to make a quiz work online. At the moment pupils can start playing before all the questions are loaded and it mucks it up. I tried putting a 'loading question' frame in. In this I put a movie clip with only made a continue button appear after 30 seconds. But this is not practical as all servers take a different time to load. I know I need to put in a loop but am having problems and would be grateful for help.
I have the questions saved as 15 notepad files in a folder. The folder is named Women. When they choose this topic they press a button with this code.
Is there a way to check if a movie clip has already been loaded, and then skip it if it has? Attached is my swf. The front info text should only fade away once, not every time someone clicks on a button. Once they're already in a gallery, it shouldn't come up again.
I'm doing a friends photograpy site that has a slideshow. [URL] This slideshow is loaded into a containerclip on the mainstage. Another container clip loads the site content (services, contact etc.) But the site also has a gallery which unloads the slideshow mc, as the gallery takes up that place too. Now... i need the buttons for Services, Contact etc to check if the slideshow mc is loaded into the holder clip, and if not then load it aswell as the related content. I need it to check if the slideshow is already loaded, so i don't reload the slideshow everytime a button pressed. Something like:
I am loading a stack of external swfs using the loader class, How should I determine if a swf has already been loaded, 'downloaded'. I have been looking for a function like ' isLoaded('externalSWF') .
if (XMLData.product[i].image[0].thumb) {thumbURL = XMLData.product[i].image[0].thumb;}Returns: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.Same withif (XMLData.product[i].image[0].thumb!=undefined) {thumbURL = MLData.product[i].image[0].thumb;}
i am trying to find out if it is possible to check on more than one variable in an if statement at a time as i am usure how, so is it possible in as2 to check on more than one varialble if answer is equal to the number 1 and answer is to the number two and also the number three perform a function
var answer1:Number =1; var answer2:Number =2; var answer3:Number =3; if(answer == 1 ) and answer == 2 and answer ==3); if(answer == 1 and answer == 2)
This is the Script:[code]I want to change .cloud to .propName where I'll be able to insert the property I want to check when calling the function.something like this:[code]but it doesn't work, AS3 think the propName is a property.
I was wondering if there a way to check if a variable(x) exist.. Let me try to explain a bit more: Let's pretend i load 5 variables from a text file named myvariable1 , myvariable2, ... , myvariable5 How can i check if "myvariable(x)" = true where x = 1 or 2 or 3 ... as they were incremented..?