ActionScript 2.0 :: Highlight Character In Textbox To Specific Color?
Jul 7, 2009
How can I turn every specific character in a word in a textbox to specific color? this works like highlighting. If I have the word Jeeves in TextField object, I would like each occurrence of Jeeves in this TextFIeld to become red or any other color. In AS2 I had to search the text for keywords and use the TextFormat class. and then handle keypresses for the textbox for highlighting as the user is typing. How can a highlight a text in dynamic text field?
My pseudo code is given below:
/***Handles Keyback, it should delete the pevious char entered in the text box*/
private function handleDelCharEvent() {
aArray[nCurCharInd] = "";
Text_mc["TextEntry_txt"].text = "";
stmpTxt = "";
if (nCurCharInd > 0) {
[Code] .....
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on (release) {
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Aug 2, 2011
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a problem changing the colour of text in a dynamic text box. I have created a dynamic text field with the following text in it: jjj fff jjj fff. I then have an input text box below it. The user has to type the letters it sees in the text box above. If the user types a j the text in the textfield turns green, to indicate that the user entered the correct letter, if the user inputs the incorrect letter in comparison with the text above the text above (e.g: turns red.).
I want to program the text in the text field so that only the letter that they were supposed to type turns either green or red, depending on whether they typed the correct letter in the input box. For example. if the user inputs a 'j' in the input box, the first j in the text field above, will turn to green, then if the user types in an f, the j in the text field above will turn to red, as the user was supposed to type a 'j'. How can I control each letter colour of the textfield.
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible?
I am talking about special character, "|" to be exact.
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May 4, 2010
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I already know that I can use an if statement to see if all 36 characters are correct. I was wondering if there was a way to individually check each letter the student typed in is the correct one for that line. So if UUAACCGG is the correct answer, I want flash to check and see if the third character is indeed A or not.I know I can do this with 36 individual text boxes, but I was kind of hoping to get away with just one big text box.
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Apr 14, 2010
I have a dynamic text box and I would like to be able to use actionscript 3 to change the color, font, size, etc. of only HALF the dynamic text. Is there a way to use the TextFormat class (or another way) to format half the string and append it to the end of the dynamic text? I also don't want to use server side script or anything outside of flash.
I want to do this:
Hello World -> Hello World
Example: change the color of Half of the dynamic text box.
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