ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Of Each Letter In Dynamic TextBox

Sep 19, 2007

I have a problem changing the colour of text in a dynamic text box. I have created a dynamic text field with the following text in it: jjj fff jjj fff. I then have an input text box below it. The user has to type the letters it sees in the text box above. If the user types a j the text in the textfield turns green, to indicate that the user entered the correct letter, if the user inputs the incorrect letter in comparison with the text above the text above (e.g: turns red.).

I want to program the text in the text field so that only the letter that they were supposed to type turns either green or red, depending on whether they typed the correct letter in the input box. For example. if the user inputs a 'j' in the input box, the first j in the text field above, will turn to green, then if the user types in an f, the j in the text field above will turn to red, as the user was supposed to type a 'j'. How can I control each letter colour of the textfield.

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var txt_box0:TextField
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.letterSpacing = 4

Those working with AS2 have had similar problems but managed to fix it by typing "setNewTextFormat", which has been phased out in AS3.

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I able to change the movie clip and text color individually

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myColor = new Color(myMovieClip);
myTextColor= new Color(myMovieClip.myText);


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gFormula = "Na<font face='GG Superscript Sans'>+</font>"
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I want to do this:
Hello World -> Hello World
Example: change the color of Half of the dynamic text box.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Dynamic Text Color?

Nov 23, 2005

I have an array made up of nodes pulled from an XML file. Is it possible to change the text attributes (i.e. color or alpha) of one of these chunks of text.

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So lets say I want to do something to the color of array position 1. I set up a little function....

dummyButton.onPress = function(){
text_obj.xmlNode1[0].color = 0xff0000;

Seems like it should work, but doesn't Can I do this with dynamic text? Is there a workaround? I basically need to call out portions of the text during an animation. Think animated text highlighting.

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for each(var channel:XML in{
var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
menuItem.x = 512 + i*120;
menuItem.y = 718;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript Code:
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
function loadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData=new XML(;
var titleColor:Color=xmlData.appTitle.titleColor.text();
sTitle.textColor = titleColor.toString();

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on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

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Jan 10, 2011

i would like to know if it is possible to have a letter that is made up of multiple colors. for example above you will see a hebrew letter. the DOT underneath it is actually part of the letter, but it is a different it possible to have this same functionality in flash? what i would need to do is upload an XML file with all the words, and i would need all the dots below the letters to be a different color

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Coloring Book - Large Blank Box At The Top Of The Color Pallet Isnt Changing Color?

Apr 27, 2009

i have been doing this tutorial http:[url]..but i am stuck on PART 8, i have done everything the tutorial has said so far (although my image and the colors used are different) but the large blank box at the top of the color pallet isnt changing color when i click on any color from the pallet.

Also this tutorial doesnt say what version of flash and actionscript is best suited for this.Currently i am using CS4 & Action Script 2.0 but i don't know if this is correct. below there is a link to the fla. file that Coloring_Book.fla.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Color & HTML Background Color

Jun 18, 2009

So i'm working on this website and I want to be able to switch out the entire color scheme on the website everytime a button is pressed, I've stepped away from flash for awhile and actionscript 3 is new me. Plus I haven't quite found any truely useful stuff on forums yet.
What i can't figure out is when a button is pressed the HTML background color changes to one of 5 preselected colors (that alternate ever time the button is pressed). Then for each background change the text changes too as it is part of a entire new color scheme.
What I've managed so far is to change the color of the background thats within the Flash file. What i did was to make a movie clip that plays to a next frame and stop everytime the button is pressed. Now i just need to also get to change the HTML color and the font colors.
//"homeText" being the name of dynamic text field and "Button" the name of the button and "background" being the movie clip that is the background within the flash file.
Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Button_CLICK);
function Button_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{;    homeText.TextFormat(color "0x000000");}
I'm not sure if my code is just sloppy or if i'm completely going the wrong route here.

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Flex :: Color Of Icon When Changing Color Of Button?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a button with an icon. I want to have the button in gray so I change the chromeColor but when I do that, the icon became darker.On the left the button without changing the color, on the right, the gray button with and darker icon.How can I have a gray button without changing the icon color?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Color Of MC Changes The Color Of The Text?

Dec 16, 2009

My buttonMC is build of:

1. shape (a rectangle gray color) converted to MC named = Bar

2. (on top of 1) DynamicText named = buttonText converted to MC named = buttText in order to change the color of the shape I decleard a veriable
cButton = new Color(this.Bar);
I then add actionscript onRollOver
cButton.setRGB(nRed << 16 | nGreen << 8 | nBlue);
but it also changed the color of the text so I added a veriable for the text field
tButton = new Color(this.buttText.buttonText);
tButton.setRGB(0xFFFFFF);but that didnt help

this is bad becuse the text on the screen is unseen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3 Sliders - Changing Value Of TextBox

Jan 15, 2009

I'm trying to make 3 sliders that, depending on each other, changes the value of a text-box. Example:
If Slider A moves to 150, the value in the text-box changes to 150.
If you then move Slider B to 40, the value in the text-box changes to (150+40) 190.
Same thing for Slider C.
So basically I want the value of what you select in each Slider to be added together in real time like this: [URL]. Only this shows just one slider, and I want three, added together.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield:OnChange - Random Letter Settles On Entered Letter ?

Jan 25, 2007

I've got an inputfield.OnChange Event Handler.When someone types a letter, i want the letter to become 0, then 1, then 2, and so on until 9 and then i want the letter to be there.And when they click on another letter, same effect at the end if i typed, "testing", each letter scrolls 0-9 like a roll dial and settles on the letter typed.What i've managed to do is make it work, but if i type at normal speed and not slow, i end up getting something like: t32t43g

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Color Of Textbox?

Jan 3, 2005

if my text box has htmlText enabled how can i change the color of the text wen i add text to it through AS?

<P ALIGN='LEFT'><font color='blue'></font></p>

wont work. can it be because of <p>?

and also another question is there a way to change the bg color of a textbox just regularly without AS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Letter Spacing In Dynamic Textfield?

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to apply letter spacing to a dynamic textfieldI set it in the properties panel.I know that this does not work for newly added text.I searched the web and nothing I found works.when I try setNewTextFormat I get the errorWarning Migration issue The method setNewTextFormat is no longer supported. Use the TextField.defaultTextFormat property insteadhow do I use that defaultTextFormat, I tried this

PHP Code:
import typewriter;
var fmt:TextFormat = outputTextBox.getTextFormat()


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Flash :: Letter Spacing In Dynamic Textfield?

May 11, 2011

Letter spacing doesn't seen to work for dynamic text fields in Flash. I use CS4 on Mac, player version 10.0.2. Does it also depend on the font that's used?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text - First Letter Bold?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a dynamic text field with a very simple external text loader.this text field just contains t list of people...

function textLoadComplete(event:Event):void
clientList.text =;


But now a want the first letter of every line in bold or 2 point sizes bigger.I know I can only embed one text style - and bold would be an additional style, right?But it's only a simple list of words - no links - no other extras.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Letter Spacing On A Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 21, 2008

I would like to apply letter spacing on a dynamic text box, but it seems once I export the swf, the letter spacing defaults back to 0. How can this be done?

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