Flash :: Half The Letter Is One Color And Half Another Color?
Jan 10, 2011
i would like to know if it is possible to have a letter that is made up of multiple colors. for example above you will see a hebrew letter. the DOT underneath it is actually part of the letter, but it is a different color.is it possible to have this same functionality in flash? what i would need to do is upload an XML file with all the words, and i would need all the dots below the letters to be a different color
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Feb 18, 2009
So I can create a circle and an oval using trig in flash. But what if I want to create an oval with rounder points? I'm using this code for circles and ovals:[code]Could anyone help me in editing the code so i can control the tips of the oval and make them rounder?
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Jun 18, 2006
I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.
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Aug 13, 2009
Building a flash website in CS3. I've made every button the exact same way, draw a rectangle, convert to symbol, type as either button or movie clip (doesn't seem to matter and I'm not using rollover stuff), alpha 0% and stick it on its own layer above everything else.Action scrip is as follows:
main1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
main2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
function gotoMain(event:MouseEvent):void
that's with 2 buttons for main. I have the exact same code multiple times for many different buttons. It works everywhere except the last two buttons on my page will work the first time you click them from the main page, but then don't work after that until you click on the main page again. Then it works.These two:
babout3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAboutb1);
bcontact3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);
the function is described on an earlier action keyframe:
bcontact1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);
function gotoBcontact1(event:MouseEvent):void[code]...
Of course I've tried just having one button do this and copy/pasting the button on different areas of the movie, but nothing I've done fixes. I've even gone through and deleted every button and AS and redone it. I've put every button on its own layer (shouldn't matter but I'm trying everything I can think of).if there is an easier way of using AS to navigate a flash movie let me know. The other options I've seen seem a bit too complex at the moment.
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Feb 8, 2005
The first half of the tween doesn't work but the second half does. It only does this when I add the code link._visible = 0;. This is to make the alpha completly disappear.
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a website [url]... which has dynamic flash images, the images have the same info in photoshop. However, some of them load as half grey. 1'st page, gallery image 4 and contact page.
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Oct 29, 2010
i am working on an intro for a friend of mine and it includes a lot of individual photos. the preloader takes forever but i can figure out how to only load half of the movie instead of the entire thing before it plays. here's the code i have for the preloader itself:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
here's a link to the current test page so you can see the entire intro and how long it takes now with that code to load. i just want it to load part of the file instead of waiting for all of it.[URL]
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Jan 6, 2010
//p is movieClip
var p:pic = new pic;
var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(p.width, p.height);
when I compile, flash draws only half of the width of my picture, can any 1 tell me why? my fla file is bigger than 500KB so I can't attach ;(
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Jan 29, 2010
A strange issue in Safari (both Mac and PC) versions... coming to the site with a clean cache and the Flash file, loads in cut in half, and hugging the top of the browser. A refresh fixes the issue!
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Jan 14, 2011
have a template which shows 12 bitmap and 12 symbols all the images are in place but when i preview the swf it only has half the images in the sequence?for exapmle it shows images 1,2, 4,5 7,9,11 they come in and go out in the sequences then loops again but misses out 3 6 10 12 ?? how can i get theses to show in the project.
View 4 Replies
Oct 17, 2011
We have a flash game being developed in actionscript 3 and it runs much more slowly on our remote server.The game specs:-8 different movie clips, all 1 frame static png files from 10x10 to 100x100anywhere from 10 to 60 instancesof those MCs on screen at any given timeevent loop is run from a flash Timer at 25msall interaction is via the keyboardThe strange thing is, we publish the swf file and run it locally and everything is fast.We copy the swf to a remote server and everything runs much more slowly. The music plays at normal speed, but the movieclips all move around the screen at about half speed.
Why would the file run differently when fetched from a remote server? Isn't the swf always being run locally anyway? Also, we ran it locally and remotely with the task manager running and it does not seem to consume much CPU or memory.EDIT: Ok, this is really weird. I added a framecounter textfield to the game. It reports the number of ms since the last timer tick. It consistently reports 50ms. My timer is clearly set to 25. This explains the half speed, but what explains this? I also added a check on the timer.Interval property to see if it had changed and it hasn't; it's still set to 25 while the game is running.ode to use ENTER_FRAME instead of timer, and it works. I get the full 40fps, give or take a few %. Still not sure what's wrong with the timer though; if it was being delayed by the time spent in my loop it would fluctuate, but it doesn't. It's 50ms every time no matter how much is going on.Here's the code I'm using(more or less):
t = new Timer(25);
t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerTick);
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Mar 5, 2007
I have some sound on a button and want it to be about half as loud as it actually is, do I need to edit it in a SoundEdit program? Or can I just make it play half as loud from within Flash?
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Feb 6, 2010
i have a button, with instance name lightblue_color. I am assigning a color to its color field like this: lightblue_color.transform.colorTransform.color = 0x65ffff; then i am adding an eventlistener to the button like this: lightblue_color.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ChangeColor); Then, in the function: public function ChangeColor(evnt:MouseEvent):void {trace(evnt.target.transform.colorTransform.color);} It prints 0. Why is that? Shouldn't it print 0x65ffff or do i need to do some type conversions?
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Nov 19, 2011
The following code is okay as it works fine and opens the Projects.pdf file in same window. But the problem is when I use browser back button, it takes me to home page instead of Projects page.[code]...
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a problem changing the colour of text in a dynamic text box. I have created a dynamic text field with the following text in it: jjj fff jjj fff. I then have an input text box below it. The user has to type the letters it sees in the text box above. If the user types a j the text in the textfield turns green, to indicate that the user entered the correct letter, if the user inputs the incorrect letter in comparison with the text above the text above (e.g: turns red.).
I want to program the text in the text field so that only the letter that they were supposed to type turns either green or red, depending on whether they typed the correct letter in the input box. For example. if the user inputs a 'j' in the input box, the first j in the text field above, will turn to green, then if the user types in an f, the j in the text field above will turn to red, as the user was supposed to type a 'j'. How can I control each letter colour of the textfield.
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Dec 2, 2011
look @ the source for this page [URL] It works great in all Webkit/Mozilla browers but in IE 9 we can only see the top half of the swf and in IE 8 it doesnt load @ all. I searched all the other threads and nothing seems to work
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Aug 6, 2003
Code:// This example is set to evaluate half a second pause (500)
if (Number(getTimer()-lastClick)<500) {
// Add your doubleclick actions here
if (Reaction._visible eq false) {
setProperty ("Reaction", _visible, True);
} else {
This is a double-click detector.. I was just wondering, since I've never seen lastClick, is there such a thing as lastMove? I'm thinking of using onClipEvent (MouseMove) with a x and y detection timer, or could the one above have some hope?
View 3 Replies
Jan 15, 2012
If the counter reaches 350 and I move my mouse down now it hops on over to 250. I just want it to start counting down. I.e. 349, 348, 347 and so on. What do I need to change?
function countUp(e:TimerEvent):void{
if (mouseY < 180)
EDIT: What do I need to write in AS3 to make a dynamic text field increase in increments of 1 if the user hovers at the upper half of the screen, and decrease in increments of 1 if the user hovers at the lower half of the screen?Purpose, it isn't a game.
What I have right now isn't actually doing any of those things, I've just been mucking about trying to get all the masks working and they finally are.
I've included the code to offer as much information as possible about my specific project. There is also a few more lines that changes the colour of the dial when the user rolls over the specific coloured bars. I can post that as well if it helps.
To clarify the scene, the arrow part of the dial tracks the user's mouse. Always pointing towards it. The bars, when rolled over changes the colour of said dial. The "73M" is static, as well is "POINTS" but the 380 value is dynamic. It is that string I need to affect.
If anything is unclear please feel free to ask, I've been at this all night so there is a chance I'm so into it that I can't see straight.
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Mar 2, 2009
I was working on some simple keyboard movement for an AS3 game, but running into trouble. Some keys would work, some won't!.I started a new flash just to test the keyboard, and confirmed what I was seeing. Some keys like "D" will work, while others like "A" don't seem to. Here is the code from the keyTest program.
import flash.display.*;[code]..
So when I press D or W, this flash outputs "68 down" or "87 up" or whatever as intended. But if I press keys like A or S, it outputs nothing. Wut?
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a background I want to fade out. It has multiple colours so as far as I can tell I can't just use Alpha to fade it out (because it changes the whole background to the same colour). Is there anyway I can fade it out to about half-transparent?
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Mar 3, 2012
I know you can do this to hide a movieclip:[code]how would i go about hiding say only the tophalf of the movieclip? I have tried using the Rectangle function to try and draw the section i want to be displayed, however with no result.
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Feb 8, 2005
I am having trouble with this button. The first half of the tween doesnt work but the second half does. It only does this when I add the code
link._visible = 0;.
This is to make the alpha completely disappear.
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May 15, 2003
I put a slider on my web site exactly as it said on this tournament and the problem is that my slider starts from the half, Why?
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Feb 24, 2009
Why this code displays only half the letter A
var boxFld:TextField = new TextField();
function setTxt(_xPos:Number,_yPos:Number,_size:Number){
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.font = "Arial";
format.color = 0x000000;
[Code] .....
Its really weird. When published only half the letter A is displayed.
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May 30, 2009
I have an array of movie clips. One is added to the stage. The user enters a value in a text field. The displayed MC is tweened off the stage and the next MC is placed onto the stage.
for some reason the tweens appear to randomly jam half way. it happens about 1/10 of the time.
My code is probably too long to post but the most relevant bits (I think) are:
I create my instances of display_mc as below.
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Sep 17, 2009
I have a preloader which loads an external swf (an animation I created in flash) This works fine, except that when the movie plays, it's already halfway through. Here's the code..
I think I must be missing something fairly basic...I've searched but can't find the answer. I just want my animation to play from the start, once loaded. The swf is about 4 meg.
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Jun 5, 2009
ive got a movie loading in an external one..and in flash its all good..but once i run it in browser it dosent work.. any suggestions as to why?this is the code on the fram that loads in movie, its followed by a gotoAndplay this frame again..
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Oct 6, 2010
I want to do as follows: * click a "red" button write in textarea with red color font click "blue" button
* write in textarea with blue color font Isn't this possible in flash 10 using AS3 I tried using setTextFormat but the problem is i have to have text before inserting format on that.
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Dec 17, 2008
any techniques they use to draw a perfect half circle?
I've seen the curveTo() method, and I cannot seem to make it come out with anywhere nearly good enough results. It always looks like half of a skewed ellipse.
I don't *want* to use a mask -- since there will be other drawings on this same Sprite that I do not want masked.
To be even more picky -- I don't *want* to create the half circle in another Sprite and add that to my original drawing.
View 9 Replies
Jul 24, 2009
Without getting in to the specifics, I have a .fla file that has several functions that animate movieClips already present on the stage.
When I compile/view the SWF while working on it, the functions only "run" half the time. The other half of the time, Flash never runs the functions, it just pretends the call never happened. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. I have a feeling it may have to do with Flash's garbage collection, but I don't know how that works.
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