ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Half Of Movieclip
Mar 3, 2012
I know you can do this to hide a movieclip:[code]how would i go about hiding say only the tophalf of the movieclip? I have tried using the Rectangle function to try and draw the section i want to be displayed, however with no result.
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Jun 18, 2006
I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.
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Aug 13, 2009
Building a flash website in CS3. I've made every button the exact same way, draw a rectangle, convert to symbol, type as either button or movie clip (doesn't seem to matter and I'm not using rollover stuff), alpha 0% and stick it on its own layer above everything else.Action scrip is as follows:
main1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
main2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
function gotoMain(event:MouseEvent):void
that's with 2 buttons for main. I have the exact same code multiple times for many different buttons. It works everywhere except the last two buttons on my page will work the first time you click them from the main page, but then don't work after that until you click on the main page again. Then it works.These two:
babout3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAboutb1);
bcontact3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);
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bcontact1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);
function gotoBcontact1(event:MouseEvent):void[code]...
Of course I've tried just having one button do this and copy/pasting the button on different areas of the movie, but nothing I've done fixes. I've even gone through and deleted every button and AS and redone it. I've put every button on its own layer (shouldn't matter but I'm trying everything I can think of).if there is an easier way of using AS to navigate a flash movie let me know. The other options I've seen seem a bit too complex at the moment.
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Feb 8, 2005
The first half of the tween doesn't work but the second half does. It only does this when I add the code link._visible = 0;. This is to make the alpha completly disappear.
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Jan 17, 2011
I have a movie clip that is 2000px wide but when I view the movieclip on the stage it is clipped to 1000 ish px and I can only view the whole thing when I am editing the movieclip.Is there a setting so I can view the whole movieclip?
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Feb 2, 2011
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class chesteragain extends MovieClip{
private var chesterback:MovieClip = new mcChesterback;
[Code] .....
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Dec 6, 2004
hide movieclip A when a loaded swf B overlaps that movieclip? movieclip A = level0. loaded swf B = level1
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Jan 27, 2010
I will have to explain this in steps. I have a flash website, inside it I have the content on frame 2 (frame 1 = preloader) from there I have a content_mc which holds my pages. I have a home page (frame labeled home) which inside displays the home_mc. In here I have inserted a flvPlayback component. Here's where the problem is. I have moved a stop and volume component on it as wel which has automatically linked up (which is nice). But I would like when I click the stop button, the video disappears. The videoPlayback is called "introVid", the instance name is "vid", and is residing within the "home" mc.
I know the code is something like:
this.visible = false;
movieclip(root).home.vid/introVid.visible = false;
or I have also seen people using visibility = false...
However I cannot find out how to link this with the flvPlayback Stop button component. Inside the button all I can find is: The 4 button states,
some code on stop button itself:
I require to put my actionscript on the press or release, but I cannot find out to do this, I assume the code at the moment is calling a "flash component class" which holds the actions for "stopButtonDown" or something, I did have a go at manually creating a mc and a button, and making that stop the flvPlayback, and hiding the movieClip, but with no luck.
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Oct 29, 2010
I'm trying to hide my button once my MovieClip is invoked so that it will not appear behind the MovieClip?
The code I have written to get the MovieClip to play is:
What is the syntax that I use hide my button (button_mc) while the MovieClip is playing and have it reappear once the MovieClip is finished playing? Should the syntax appear after my ending bracket or before?
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Jan 20, 2009
I got this code but when i click on another button is is still there how do i get it to disappear? I have two movieclip one is the snow and another movieclip is an empty mc called snow2
ActionScript Code:
i =0;
while (i<25) {
//duplicateMovieClip (dot, "dot" +i, i);
dot.duplicateMovieClip("snow"+i, i);
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Jul 27, 2009
There is something I have been trying to figure out how to do, I keep running into needing a simpler bit of code to hide all the movieclips except the one that was just made visible. My only idea so far is to manually input all the movieclip names and tell them whether or not to be visible. It works, but it creates a lot of code and is time consumming to change. I hope there is a way to use just one or two lines of code and hide all but the currently selected movieclips.
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Aug 21, 2009
how do i make a movieclip autohide? I would like to make the movieclip rise up from below when i rollover it. And when idle, it would return to the bottom.
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Dec 9, 2009
I want a button to show and hide a movieclip (see attached files for source) the Button is a Movieclip and has been coded using a tut I got from some where but I am stuck on how I can get it to do the show and hide part <edited part> forgot to Add that I also want to make a Text box say Grid On and off
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May 17, 2008
an example of a show/hide a movieclip with a listener. That is, i was planning to have a boolean flag variable showSubMenu and if it's true the submenu will be visible and if false it's hidden???
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Oct 27, 2011
So I've been working on a Character class for platformer/ generic side-view style games. The problem is that i might need bits of characters to appear to go through other characters (i.e. char 1 grabs char 2 and runs char 2 through with weapon) the problem with this is that the characters' parts are contained in movieclips to run code on them holding them together and keeping me from having to position them just perfectly every frame in the IDE. it seems I have four choices:
1) Completely reprogram the display list -not practical
2) just hide the area of the movieclip that is intersecting with the other character
3) break apart the characters and merge them into an "interaction manager" movieclip
4) just give up.
I don't have the skills for option 1. Option 3 is ok i guess, but i'd rather try option 2 first. My biggest problem is that i have no idea how i would go about selecting just the intersecting part of the movieclip without reprogramming some part of the display list. If anyone can understand this, please give me something to point me in a direction.
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Sep 24, 2009
I've been looking on google, but I have found nothing at all on this, which is surprising as it is very simple to make (I have done it in AS2).I was to have a button that can hide a movieclip. Then another button which will show it again.
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Nov 8, 2011
I am new to flash parameters but from the research I could find so far it seems that this should be fairly simple. I have a flash file that has a movie clip in it. In this movie clip there are two movie clips. What I need to do is show a one movie clip and hide another. I basically only need to set up the reading of the flash parameter code in flash...
var imageToShow:String;
var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
This is basically what I have... I'm not sure what to go on to next or if this is even correct.
if (parameter == "image1") {
image.image1.alpha = 1;
image.image2.alpha = 0;
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Sep 19, 2011
When I have a movie clip on stage and assign the peoperty like:mv_mc._visible = true /falset either shows or hide the movie clip. What I have on the stage is just a Graphical Element and Visibility is just an property.
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Aug 31, 2009
I'm loading a dozen or so external .swf movies in the 1st frame of my movie in the timeline which are to be initially hidden and shown to display page content when necessary along the rest of the timeline. My problem is that when I load them in, they all automatically display on the 1st frame. Here's is the code I'm using:
var keyC:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("keyC", getNextHighestDepth());
keyC = loadMovie("data/Key C.swf", keyC);
keyC._visible = false;
It's as if the _visible commands aren't working in the 1st frame but are in the rest of the timeline. Perhaps I need to use an onLoad method to wait until each MC can be manipulated this way?
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Dec 7, 2009
I am having trouble getting my menu to work. I want when you click a button it displays a movieclip on stage and then disappears when you click a different button. Error occurs at line 88 (I bolded it}.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.MouseEvent.*;
[Code] .....
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Jan 15, 2007
I want to hide my mouse and instead of the mouse I want to see a movie clip that I created. How do I attach it?
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Jun 2, 2010
I was looking to make 2 buttons; one that hides a movieclip that is playing on a slide, and one that shows it again. I've heard theres a few ways to do this but none of them are making much sense to me (i previously made some buttons that play, pause and stop a movieclip, and I think I am stuck in the wrong frame of mind to do these next 2 buttons...) How to tackle this task.
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Sep 28, 2010
I just did a button and 3 movieclips. What i want? Well, when i click on the button to change the movieclips. click 1 = movieclip 1 when i click again on the button it change to movieclip 2 My problem is that i can`t make so it can change to movieclip 3.So when i click it must be something like this> click 1 = movieclip1, click 2 = movieclip2, click 3 = movieclip 3 so on...
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Mar 12, 2010
In my scene, I have five buttons and each one will start a movie clip within the scene.o, I have only one frame for the entire scene( but four layers: button,background(with music), action and my last one is animation.Each time a click a button( with onPress or onRelease actionscript 2.0.), a movie clip starts(that's ok..)But, when I click an another button, I want the previous movieclip to stop and disappear. In my case, the new movieclip starts but over the last one who is still there.Furthermore, when I want to click on a button that had already been pressed, I want him to start over his movieclip. For now, I need to press it once again to cancel his movieclip and then press it again to start his clip.In resumé, all I want is that each time I press a button, the last movie clip disappear because the new one starts and an already been pushed button, when pushed again, starts his movie clip without the need of pushing it to cancel his first operation and then pushed it again.
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Jan 24, 2012
I want to ask how to show/ hide movieclip by one click in the same position of the mouse cursor .
The idea is that i have 10 square shapes and i want to click one of them to put a small circle inside the square and do the same with the other squares .
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Jan 31, 2012
Hiding Button on Main Timeline from inside separate Movieclip
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