ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide / Delete Movieclip Using It?
Jan 30, 2011I have different layers and different movieclip in the stage and when the movieClip is clicked it load the external movieclip.[code]...
View 4 RepliesI have different layers and different movieclip in the stage and when the movieClip is clicked it load the external movieclip.[code]...
View 4 Replieshide movieclip A when a loaded swf B overlaps that movieclip? movieclip A = level0. loaded swf B = level1
View 3 RepliesI have a question (I'm sure somebody asked it before, but I didn't find the threat. How can I delete/destroy/whatever a movieclip during a movie? I made a game, in the game there is a zombie (movieclip), and when its life (life???) reaches zero, it should be destroyed. I tried "removeMovieClip(this)" and much more, but it didn't work, but also there were no errors.
View 9 RepliesI create a mc and then i make an addChild of a sprite.[code]...
if i want to delete from everywhere and forever mcSwap1, what can i do?[code]...
How can you remove or delete a movie clip that has not been attached with attachMovie? And along similar lines, how can you delete a function?
View 9 RepliesI have a movie containing a movieclip in which an empty movieclip is created with AS, showing an externally loaded pic. At the click of a button I want the pic to unload again, but it doesn't work. I tried removeMovieClip and Delete.
View 3 RepliesNeed to delete a movieclip off of the stage. It's messing with my button focus. Setting it to invisible isn't working.
View 2 RepliesHow do I, in actionscript, say "delete all content of a movieclip"?there doesn't seem to be a function called " _root.movieclipname.deleteContent(); "I know an awkward way of doing it; deleteing the movieclip and replicating it in the same coordinates with the same name, but this is a terrible way of doing it.
View 2 RepliesI don't even know what to ask for, but here is my problem: I want to draw a line as part of a graph.Then I want to draw a hollow circle over the line, but I want to cut out the center of the circle, so it shows the layer under the line.At the moment, drawing an outline of a circle the line still shows.I draw the line:
Then I draw the circle:
But when I do this in flash I still see the line, the circle is not hollow: How do I 'cut' the middle of the circle out? Instead of beginFill, I want to do beginErase
I have a movieclip that will have between 3 and 6 children in it. I need a way to delete all the children.
View 1 RepliesNeed to delete a movieclip off of the stage. It's messing with my button focus.Setting it to invisible isn't helping.
View 2 RepliesI have created app where images are loaded from xml and displayed onscreen as elements, which can be dragged onto a different 'holder' MovieClip. On successful drop the 'holder' movie generates dynamic movieclip as 'mc' and adds a larger version of the droped image. so i can have multiple child of 'holder' everytime a element is dropped.
now i have created a button, on click of which all the elements should be removed. for which I am using the following code
while (mainFrame_mc.imgArea.holder.numChildren > 0){ mainFrame_mc.imgArea.holder.removeChildAt(0); }
this code is removing the child clips as required but later when i again drop another element. nothing shows up. Unable to understand why is this happening. The holder movie clip is physically present on the stage where as only its child movie clips are added dynamically.
I have the movieclip:mcGrazerwith quite a few dynamic variables like this:mcGrazer.var1mcGrazer.var2etc.If I use:delete mcGrazer;it doesn't delete the variables.But if I use:delete mcGrazer.var1it deletes that individual there a way to destroy all information (variables) of a particular movieclip?
View 1 RepliesThere is a main movie with button "b1" .Loading external movie in it we have movieclip "b2". Now I add two the SAME listeners on "b1" and "b2" with function deleting from memory.But works only from b1.
my code-""
How can I delete Movieclip and its effects from the stage by as3?
View 2 RepliesI was wondering how to get my code to delete/remove the last movieclip'cause whenever I go to the gameOver frame the loop to remove all the movieclips leaves out one.
ActionScript Code:
function removeEnemies(spike) {
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
0i am looking for something easy enough, but i can't find the right way it seems mission: when a button is pressed i want to load a mc (no swf) from my library, play that and when it's done playing(the mc) it deletes. purpose: i just want to make somekind of "flash" "blink" when a button is pressed. when another button is pressed the "blink" loads again. i tried it with the my_mc. _visible = true/false code. but it just doesn't work out.
View 6 RepliesI've created a movie that load some images one over another, if i click a button a image is loaded, if a click another button another image is loaded over the previous one and so on...
What i want to do is to "Unload or Remove" the image under the new one after this new one is 100% loaded.[code]...
My question is How can i remove the MovieClip under the New loaded movie ?
Ive tryied to use "unloadMovie" and "removeMovieClip" but i dont know how to especify the Depth Bellow of the loaded movie or if its possible to delete this movie because is the same Mc "container" that loads the new image. container
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, active);
function active (e:MouseEvent):void {
this is adding mem1 to the parent,
now on the next frame i want to remove that movieclip, how would i go about doing this. i tried just putting MovieClip(parent).removeChild(mem1); but it says accessing undefined property
I got these four errors when I tried to create a button on the stage that would delete the text I inputted in the inputtext(ti). Based on the scripts I have and the errors, what should I write to create the delete button?
I will have to explain this in steps. I have a flash website, inside it I have the content on frame 2 (frame 1 = preloader) from there I have a content_mc which holds my pages. I have a home page (frame labeled home) which inside displays the home_mc. In here I have inserted a flvPlayback component. Here's where the problem is. I have moved a stop and volume component on it as wel which has automatically linked up (which is nice). But I would like when I click the stop button, the video disappears. The videoPlayback is called "introVid", the instance name is "vid", and is residing within the "home" mc.
I know the code is something like:
this.visible = false;
movieclip(root).home.vid/introVid.visible = false;
or I have also seen people using visibility = false...
However I cannot find out how to link this with the flvPlayback Stop button component. Inside the button all I can find is: The 4 button states,
some code on stop button itself:
I require to put my actionscript on the press or release, but I cannot find out to do this, I assume the code at the moment is calling a "flash component class" which holds the actions for "stopButtonDown" or something, I did have a go at manually creating a mc and a button, and making that stop the flvPlayback, and hiding the movieClip, but with no luck.
I know you can do this to hide a movieclip:[code]how would i go about hiding say only the tophalf of the movieclip? I have tried using the Rectangle function to try and draw the section i want to be displayed, however with no result.
View 2 RepliesI am implementing a flex auto-suggest combobox - as the user types in each character: Consider the string 'Stackoverflow' and user input = 'st'
1) the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 'st'
2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted.
So for instance, the combobox text may contain st'ackoverflow', where 'ackoverflow' is highlighted using setSelectedIndex()When I hit back-space or delete, and check the 'this.text' value, I expect that the last un-highlighted character ('t' in the above case) gets deleted and the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 's'. However the text property contains 'st', as before
I'm making a Flash AS2 Dress-up game and I want to show/Hide movie clips on release of a button like this one;
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to hide my button once my MovieClip is invoked so that it will not appear behind the MovieClip?
The code I have written to get the MovieClip to play is:
What is the syntax that I use hide my button (button_mc) while the MovieClip is playing and have it reappear once the MovieClip is finished playing? Should the syntax appear after my ending bracket or before?
I got this code but when i click on another button is is still there how do i get it to disappear? I have two movieclip one is the snow and another movieclip is an empty mc called snow2
ActionScript Code:
i =0;
while (i<25) {
//duplicateMovieClip (dot, "dot" +i, i);
dot.duplicateMovieClip("snow"+i, i);
There is something I have been trying to figure out how to do, I keep running into needing a simpler bit of code to hide all the movieclips except the one that was just made visible. My only idea so far is to manually input all the movieclip names and tell them whether or not to be visible. It works, but it creates a lot of code and is time consumming to change. I hope there is a way to use just one or two lines of code and hide all but the currently selected movieclips.
View 9 Replieshow do i make a movieclip autohide? I would like to make the movieclip rise up from below when i rollover it. And when idle, it would return to the bottom.
View 9 RepliesI want a button to show and hide a movieclip (see attached files for source) the Button is a Movieclip and has been coded using a tut I got from some where but I am stuck on how I can get it to do the show and hide part <edited part> forgot to Add that I also want to make a Text box say Grid On and off
an example of a show/hide a movieclip with a listener. That is, i was planning to have a boolean flag variable showSubMenu and if it's true the submenu will be visible and if false it's hidden???
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