Flex :: Use Conditional Operator In Combo Box Dataprovider Using It?
Dec 7, 2009
In my Combo box i have to shows team names condition based . So i will try like
dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.(id=10).name}" but shows some errors . but if i tried
dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.name}" display all name . It's working .
How can i condition based to display the list . In combobox . Plz refer me . is it possiable to check array of id on the dataProvider ?
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Mar 10, 2011
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first_special.addItem({label: xmlMenuFile.item.headers[i],data:
xmlMenuFile.item.descriptions[i],data2: xmlMenuFile.item.hints[i]});
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on(change) {
switch(this.value) {
case "value1":
} // end switch
} // end event
which is not working.
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{"location" : "path/to/image1.jpg"},
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and so on...
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Oct 8, 2009
first one shows playheadtime of videodisplay and another is also used for same purpose. the difference is that when we are in add mode(decided from a flag variable) both should show current playheadtime using binding. but when we are in edit mode(again decided from flag) the latter label should remain static, to be more specific, the value retrived from database.how can I do that using actionscript. I tried ChangeWathcer but I found it a bit tricky. Is there any other simpler way or am I missing something. following is my code.
private function init():void
if (queFlag == 'a')
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Apr 26, 2011
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Apr 5, 2012
I am using a combobox to list the contents of a folder. With a button click I use that combobox.selectedItem to delete that folder. After I delete the data is still in the combobox. How do I go about refreshing that combobox?
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Sep 18, 2009
public function fileBrowse():void {
var success:Boolean = fileRef.browse();
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to set a combobox's dataprovider.I have 2 comboboxes: cb_div and cb_stores.For cb_div, I get to set the data provider correctly with an XML file.Cb_stores' dataprovider is to be set depending on the selected item of cb_div.First, here are my XML files.Data provider for cb_div:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<division id="Japan">Japan</division>
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm using a HorizontalList control with an XML file as a data provider. This is how the XML looks:
I tried using an array of objects as a dataprovider. The item renderer works and the horizontallist behaves as I expect it to. However, when I use an xml file, it's empty.... I don't know why it's not working.
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Jun 9, 2010
I have a project that was compiled with the Flex 3.2 SDK. One of my components is a combobox, which is bound to a property (called products) in the Cairngorm model. If I insert a new value into model.products, then the combobox immediately shows the new value. Works perfectly.
I then moved to the 3.5 SDK, and running the identical operation causes a problem. Even though the model has been updated (I have verified that this is definately the case), the combobox does not show the new value correctly - it seems to be aware that there is a new item because there is a new row in the combo, but the new row is blank and unselectable. The existing items in the combo are there and selectable (as they should be). If I re-initialising the form (i.e. close and re-open the TitleWindow on which the combo is located), then all the correct values (including the new one) are shown in the combo.
I have swapped back and forth a few times between 3.2 and 3.5 to verify that this is indeed the root cause.
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Sep 5, 2010
What I would like to do is simply add to a dataProvider, but when I do, I get an error. Here's the code I'm trying to run...
It's inside a for loop, using i as the integer. It works great doing...dg.dataProvider = obj.ResultSet.Result But that won't work for me, because I need to add to the dataprovider more than once. I'm getting results in batches of 10, and I need to add each batch to the dataProvider when it's received. I also tried to to do...
var dgDP:dataProvider = new dataProvider(); But for some reason Flex doesn't recognize it...
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm implementing some kind of combobox control (by extending spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase)
Now, inside this control; I need to know:
If the dataprovider is changed/assigned. (which I can do... the first approach below works); if any item in the dataprovider collection has changed.
I tried 2 methods that did not do the trick...
UPDATE: Edited above.. The first approach lets me know if the dataprovider is changed but not if any item is updated in the dataprovider collection. The second approach does not work at all..
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