Determine Flex 3 Effect Direction?

May 29, 2010

Flex Effects include "isPlaying" property to check whether Effect is currently playing or not. But is there a way to find out what is the direction of playback (whether the play was started with playReversedFromEnd)?

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public static function listenToPositionAndSize(control:DisplayObject):void
if (mxLibrariesSupported)
control.addEventListener(, onControlResize);
control.addEventListener(, onControlMove);


EDIT: One simple reason to do this is: if you check the above example, I would prefer (if available) instead of for performance issues.

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Mar 2, 2011

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<s:Label text="l1" />
<s:Label text="very long label 2" />

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<my:ExtendedBorderContainer />
<!-- more NavigatorContents here -->

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for (var btn:Object in btnContainer.getChildren()){
if (btn.isPrototypeOf(mx.controls.Button)){
btn.selected = false;

With the above code, "btn" shows up as just the index during each iteration of the loop (0,1,2,3,...), and the conditional never evaluates to true.I also tried this:

for (var btn:Button in btnContainer.getChildren()){
btn.selected = false;

This works fine, except that there is also a label inside btnContainer; so it throws an error when trying to cast the label as a button.

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public class FlashFileDataGridRenderer extends Label{
public function FlashFileDataGridRenderer(){


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Flex 3 :: Determine If An Event Target Is Descendant Of Component

Nov 19, 2010

I have a custom component with a couple of text input fields (among other things) that is used as the row components in a tree. I have had to write my own drag and drop handling, and have almost finished the start handler (which I did last), using mouseDown as the event to kick if off.It basically works, but when the tree is expanded enough so that a scroll bar shows, using the scroll bar drags a row of the tree at the same time ! Not the desired behaviour.Looking in the debugger, I can see that when a row of the tree is dragged the currentTarget is the tree itself, and the target is the textInput component. Looking at the parents of that component I can see my custom component (that contains the textInput) a couple of levels up.My question is, is there an easy way to determine if this target is descended from my component, so that I can initiate a drag only if that is the case ? is doesn't work by the way.

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - Determine If User Has Pop-Up Blocker

Mar 31, 2011

My application pops up help windows outside of flex on several occasions. I need to warn the user to allow pop ups from my app if they have the pop-up blocker on. Does anyone know how to determine this from inside of flex and then how to have the browser pop up the "allow pop ups from this site" thing after that?

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Flash :: Determine The Location Of A Context Menu In Flex?

May 13, 2011

I am trying to find the best way to improve the user experience when interacting with a context menu in a Flex application. I already know that the context menu in Flex is quite limited in terms of how it is constructed and what it can show.

What I was hoping to do was to implement something similar to what Microsoft Word does in 2010 or later, where when right clicking a little floating palette is displayed above the common popup menu. I was hoping that there was a way to 1) listen for an event that is triggered when a context menu is displayed, and 2) determine the location of the context menu so that I could display a floating palette above the context menu as in Word. So far, I have not found out how to accomplish either of these things.

I suspect that there might be some focus and stage management issues with this approach generally, but I was hoping to at least get to the point where those issues were discovered.

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Flex :: Determine Programmatically If An AIR App Was Launched From The Command Line?

Jul 5, 2011

Is it possible to determine programmatically whether an AIR app was launched from the command line or via double-click on the application icon?

I want to be able to do something like:

`if (e.launchedFromCLI) { foo(); }`

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Flex :: Determine If A PopUpManager Window Is Open (or When It Has Closed)?

Sep 6, 2011

In Flex (Flash Builder 4) I am opening a new window via PopUpManager.addPopUp. I have timer code that runs in my component and I need to stop my timer when that window opens and start the timer again when the window closes.

I figure it's easy enough to stop the timer in the function that opens the window, but how can I start the timer again when the window closes?

Is there a way to tell if there is a pop-up window in front of my component, or if a specific pop-up window is still open via PopUpManager?

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Oct 17, 2011

I am working on a sample map application using Flex 4/fxg? Now I have got FXG paths held in Group elements with id's( I have assigned path's id's to the corresponding group container)? But when I click anywhere in the map, I do not get the clicked group as target/currentTarget in event handler. How to determine which element is clicked?


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Flex :: Determine Which (custom) Component In A View Currently Has Focus

Nov 28, 2011

I'm currently building a Flex 4.5 mobile project including several views and custom written MXML components that can be incorporated dynamically into those views.How do I determine which component currently has focus, namely has been activated by the user tapping on it? The background for this is a global search function in the main application. Depending on the results of this search, fields in the custom components are set. Given that I don't want all components in a view to listen to the outcome of that search function, I have to check which one is currently active.I'm trying to bind the selected object (the result from the search function) to the active component.

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