Css :: Flex - Style TextArea With CSS?

Feb 7, 2012

Just wondering if it's possible to apply a *.css to a spark TextArea? If so, how?

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Texta1.alpha = 0;
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Unfortunately, when I start placing text in this text area. Either through code or user input, the text will be placed on a new line after about 80-100 pixels. Yet I want it to start a new line after 320 pixels (it's length).

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fontFamily: MyF;


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import fl.data.DataProvider;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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/* CSS file */
@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";


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fontsize -> space between baselines
8 -> 10 (125%)
10 -> 12 (120%)


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<mx:TextArea id="myTextArea"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
[Code] .....

There is one more post here on the same topic but it is not relevant to me because the setup there is a lot more complicated as it includes styling and binding.

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Aug 18, 2011

As per my observation this does not work in flex4:

<mx:TextArea id="taMytext" text="
san"/> //use of
does not work here
<s:Button label="Click it" click="Myfun()" />

Using script it's possible:

public function Myfun():void

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protected function searchBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
text = mainTextField.text;


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<mx:TextArea click="launchMyPopUp(event);" id="box1" text="blahblahblah"/>
<mx:TextArea click="launchMyPopUp(event);" id="box2" text="blahblahblah"/>
<mx:TextArea click="launchMyPopUp(event);" id="box3" text="blahblahblah"/>


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Flex :: GWT Style Code Splitting?

Dec 22, 2009

I do a lot of work with GWT but don't have experience of Flex. I was talking to a guy today who was looking at moving some large Flex based applications to GWT due to the Flex application getting too big and using too much memory in the browser. This is a problem I have had before with GWT - browser apps using lots of memory as all the code gets loaded when it starts.

However, in GWT 2.0 there is now a code splitting feature to overcome the problem of the client code getting too big. This allows all the code (javascript) not to be loaded as one big file on start up but instead code split into different files that can be loaded when required.

I was thinking as to if there is anything similar in Flex. I assume the Flex application code all lives in one single SWF file which loads at start-up so this approach is not possible but thought there might be other solutions.

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CSS :: Most Effective Way To Style Flex Application?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a fairly complex Flex application that uses many different components. I want the application to be able to custom styling and/or skinning. I also want to be sure that the styling approach makes the most efficient use of system resources (memory, CPU, network), and that it does not adversely impact performance. We currently are using a hybrid approach to styling the application that uses both CSS and a Flash skin created in CS3. It seems odd to me to have a two-pronged approach to styling an application and ideally would like to settle on one approach or the other. Some outline about advantages and disadvantages of using either exclusively CSS or a Flash skin? Is there a justification for using both within the same app?

Using CSS exclusively seems advantageous because it is approachable by anyone with a basic understanding of other uses of CSS, especially when using the Flex 2 Style Explorer. On the other hand, I know that the CS3 skin we use declares up/over/down/disabled/pressed skins for each component where these states are needed and Flex manages the transitions to the appropriate skins as each state is (de)activated. However, my impression is that creation of a Flex skin in CS3 requires somewhat specialized skills and tools. So what would you recommend for styling a Flex application if performance, customization, and efficient resource utilization are priorities?

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Css :: Flex: Style - Use The IDs Or Should Add The StyleName Attribute?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm using a CSS file to style my flex application. can I use components IDs to change their style from the CSS file? Or I should add the styleName attribute for each element?

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Flex :: Change Style Of Datagrid?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to change the header color and the row color of the datagrid. Apparently, its not a spark component so can't apply skin on it.

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Css :: Setting AlternatingItemColors From Style (Flex)?

Jun 27, 2010

Hopefully simple question: I'm trying to set the alternatingItemColors on a datagrid via some values that I set in a CSS file but nothing seems to work. the CSS file looks something like this:

.FACS0 {color: #B0B0B0;}
.SACS0 {color: #A6A6A6;}


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Flex :: Replicate Default 4 Style In 3?

Oct 6, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has run across a style or stylesheet replicating the default Flex 4 style (Spark) over to Flex 3. I love the cleaner and less blue look of Flex 4, but I have to develop an application with Flex 3 for compatibility purposes.

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Flex 3.5 Style Individual Buttons?

Jun 21, 2011

If I have a button named:

<mx:Button id="backButton">
and another named:<mx:Button id="cancelButton"

How can I style each button seperatly?

Can I give each button a style, then set the style in CSS... E.g.

Button #style { backgroundColor: red;}

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Flex :: Dynamically Loading Style In AIR App?

Jun 27, 2011

So i decided to implement some themes in my AIR app. I have converted my CSS files into SWF files, removed the Style linkage from my main file. Based on the user preferences stored in a file, I decide which theme to use. i.e; load the SWF file using StyleManager class.

I made my application window invisible, added a StyleEvent.COMPLETE event listener for the IEventDispatcher object returned by StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations method. After the StyleEvent.COMPLETE occurs, I made my main window visible.

The problem i have now is, for a few seconds, i can see white canvases and all my components without any styles before using the style selected. I want to know if my approach is correct or do I need to make any changes to implement this properly?

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Flex :: Tooltip Position And Style?

Feb 16, 2012

I got struck with tooltip position as well as style. I used string validator to perform validation. Error tooltip is coming right hand side by default. I want to change it on top of the text field as well as its clolor also. but I just want it to perform with every tooltip not with any specific one.

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Flex :: Changing Individual Tab Style?

Mar 21, 2012

I have figured out a way to change the style of tabs at run time with following logic:

var cssStyle:CSSStyleDeclaration = StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration(".MyTabs");
cssStyle.setStyle("borderColor", "red");

But here ".MyTabs" class is applicable to all the tabs between first and last tab. As per getStyleDeclaration javadoc, it only accepts "class selector" and "type selector" not the id selector.

How can I change the individual tab style at run time?

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