Django - HTTP Push Examples In Flex?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to create a simple board game (a kind of checkers), where users will be able to play online with each other using flex application as a client.

I am using django application to process the game on the server side. And I come across the problem, if one user made a move, I can send it to a server, but how do I let the opponent know about it?

The way I am thinking to do it is to create a timer and send requests to the server asking was opponents move done or not....But here we have 2 limitations:

1) Each client would produce big amount of requests (not sure how server will work if I have e.g 100 such clients)

2) If players will chose game with a time limit for example 5 minutes/per game it will be very important to show them situation on the board as soon as it changes (without a pause), but timer will send request only on timer event, so if for example I will chose tick interval to 5 seconds it will mean that 5 seconds another side will not be aware of the situation changes.

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m_info Object (@16491fe9)
code "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
description "HTTP: Status 500"
details "[URL]"
level "error"

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user = models.ForeignKey(User)
start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
progress_value = models.IntegerField(default=0)
[Code] .....

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[Code] .....

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Player extends Person. Person extends ObjectProxy in order to enable binding.So the Player class has the [Bindable] tag.The PlayerController class contains a remote object calling a php method to receive a firstname and a lastname and when the CallResponder gets the result from the call,the result handler creates a Player instance. At that moment I am trying to push the player object into a Vector..

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Nov 16, 2011

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var navigator:ViewNavigator;

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package remoting
import events.RemoteExceptionEvent;


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public class LoginService implements ILoginService


With this implementation, nothing to do ... clients receiveid nothing.

So, how I push data from a service like that ? Is it possible ?

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Below is the SOAP envelop required by the service.


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Mar 1, 2011

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Basically I want to separate data between UI panels. UI panel opened for person id=1 must not display data of that for person id=2. I am doing this using headers-selectors, but apparently I found out that the differentiation to select and display what data happens on UI which is causing performance issues. I learned that using subtopics may improve performance. But, before proceeding for it, I want to know, will UI browser end up in receiving data irrespective of subtopic assigned to data and then consumer will decide to accept it or not?

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