Flash :: Unable To Load Image On Movieclip Registration Point
Aug 19, 2011
To load an image onto a movieclip, the mc's registration point must be top left. Is there a way of loading the image on the whole movieclip, when it's reg point is not top left. In other words to set where to start putting the image in reference to the movieclip
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Mar 2, 2011
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overlayBitmap = _loader.getBitmap( _data.id + "-overlay_image" );
overlayHolder.x = _data.overlay_left;
overlayHolder.y = _data.overlay_top;
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sets the registration point of myClip to its top left corner by default. Using Flash CS4 to set it to its center is just a couple of clicks, so I am wondering how I can perform the same action only with code.
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ActionScript Code:
game1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally_3);
function fl_AnimateHorizontally_3(event:Event)
game1.x += 20;
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Apr 19, 2006
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