Flash :: Center The Registration Point For Dynamically Imported MovieClip?
Mar 2, 2011
I'm trying to see if there's a way to change the registration point of a MovieClip that's importing an image dynamically?Here is my code where I add an image to an "overlayHolder":
What I need to do is rotate this image later on, upon interaction from someone, but need it to rotate with a center-registration.I've seen a bunch of tutorials/forums talk about centering a registration point when you're drawing a Sprite on the stage, but not when you're importing an image.
I have a MC in an AS3 animation and I want to increase its height from bottom to top which would mean that the registration point should be bottom of the MC and center of width (horizontal center).
Can I set the registration point of a MovieClip (or other Display Object) to its center upon creation in AS3? the following
sets the registration point of myClip to its top left corner by default. Using Flash CS4 to set it to its center is just a couple of clicks, so I am wondering how I can perform the same action only with code.
When you create shape on stage and right click and chose create object you can chose Registration point for the object..you chose what corner will be used as center of coordinates for this object. Now onice you create object is there way to change this registration point e.g. i created it in center now i want to to be in upper left corner?
I'm trying to use Zoom transition for my photo Gallery which I'm using loadMovie "jpg" from Xml file.Now the problem is here. The Registration Point is set to the top upper left corner and I would like it to be in the center of my loadMovie.The Zoom transition only zoom from left corner and need to be center equal sides. How do I do this. My image size is "width 400px height 240px
I'm making a 3D room builder. The user places Sprites around the 2D stage and my script converts those Sprites to Papervision3D DisplayObject3D objects. I'm having problems with the 3D object positioning because Sprites have registration points at their top-left corner and 3D objects have registration points at their center. How can I make that conversion?ere's a scheme of how the 2 different coordinate systems work:
I've tried this code: child3D.x = child2D.x; child3D.z = child2D.y - child2D.y - child2D.y; // just to make it negative
I start with a question: how could I change the registration point of a movie clip created or loaded at runtime? I want to move the registration point from top/left to center.
When you create shape on stage and right click and chose create object you can chose Registration point for the object you chose what corner will be used as center of coordinates for this object. Now onice you create object is there way to change this registration point e.g. i created it in center now i want to to be in upper left corner?
When you create shape on stage and right click and chose create object you can chose Registration point for the object
you chose what corner will be used as center of coordinates for this object. Now onice you create object is there way to change this registration point e.g. i created it in center now i want to to be in upper left corner?
I want to learn how you can change the registration point for the Canvas.I want to make a zoom of this component, but the point registration in the upper left corner! How do I move to the center?
I want to learn how you can change the registration point for the Canvas. I want to make a zoom of this component, but the point registration in the upper left corner! How do I move to the center?
Is there a way to extend only the bottom part of a dynamic Movieclip? I tried to change the height or to scale my mc but it always makes the change relativity to the center of the Movieclip. I guess I should define a registration point and change the height according to it but i'm not sure of how to do it
To load an image onto a movieclip, the mc's registration point must be top left. Is there a way of loading the image on the whole movieclip, when it's reg point is not top left. In other words to set where to start putting the image in reference to the movieclip
Using the new 3D features in CS4. I know you can change the 3d center point manually via the Transform panel, but does anyone know how to do this dynamically at runtime? (ie via code)
For practice i am making a 3d photo gallery, similar to tiltviewer or the tutorial recently posted on [URL]
Basically I dynamically add an array of just plain sample images (for now), to a MovieClip container which is then rotated in 3d space to give it that tilt viewer effect. The problem that I am having is that 3d rotations are performed around the registration point, which on my container is the upper left hand corner as opposed to the middle. Is there a quick way to change this? Messing with position so far has not helped fix my rotation.
I have an action script for a movie clip to rotate around (instance_name.rotation -= 1. and this works fine, how ever i need it to rotate around a point outside of the movie clip. i think i need to move the registration point but i dont know how to do this.
I have read a few discussions on changing the registration point on a movieclip but don't seem to work. I have a movieclip with embedded mcs. I can se that the nly way of changing the reg point is by saving as a mc again ie: creating another one and upon creation choose the reg point.
I'm making a custom collision class, and I need to know the registration point of the targets so I can use the bitmap.hitTest(); function, and not all of my movieclips have their registration point in the upper left side, so I'll have to do a little calculation according to the registration point of each movieClip, but I don't seem to know how to obtain the registration point with as3.
Normally, this is a simple task if the registration point is either top left or dead center of the movieclip. Unfortunately, this may not (and likely will not) be the case for the movieclips I am trying to position, so I was wondering if there was a way to center a movieclip in a given area without knowing it's registration point.registration point via the Matrix class or any other method, as it's very important for positioning of the movieclips inside of it.
I need to make a MovieClip rotate around it's center point to the left or right depending on mouse drag. I got some basic semblance of what i want going, but it's pretty hackish. Normally i calculate the angle and such but i only really need to use the distance the mouse travels and apply it to the movieclip and for flavor add some nice easing when you let go.
public function Main() { var wereld:MainScreen = new MainScreen(); addChild( wereld );
Is there a way to change the position of the registration point inside a Movie Clip using Flash5 ?I've found stuff online for older Flash versions but not CS5.
Has anyone got a bit of code I can use to change the center point DisplayObjects rotate around in a 3D space? I need it to work with rotationX, rotationY and rotationZ. I know theres a workaround of wrapping every object in aother sprite and offsetting the x & y positions but I'd much prefer a math solution. As an example of the problem, this code should make a star shape:
I have a symbol created out of a bitmap image. When I converted the "bitmap" to a "movieclip" object, I selected the center registration point in the dialog box. After the symbol is created an placed on the stage, I can seen the registration point at the center of the movieclip. Nevertheless, if I check the coordinates of the movieclip, it refers to the top left corner instead of the registration point. The most strange thing is that if I try to check the coordinates of the movieclip using Actionscript - something like trace("x: " + mc._x + "y: " + mc._y); - it do refers to the center point of the movieclip. So how can I have the coordinates during design time the same as during runtime? Why do I always have to refer to the top left corner and not to the ACTUAL registration point?
Having trouble with this one, let's say I have a 800x600 stage with a movieclip on stage. Now inside this mc I have a red dot thrown randomly somewhere inside. How can I make my mc move so that it centers that red dot to the center of the stage? I need the animation to be dynamic but I can't figure out the formula to do it