Flash :: Video Play Onload And Then Redirect To Index.html?

May 20, 2011

How can I have a video (or youtube video) play on loading my website with the option to "skip". If the skip video is clicked then that will redirect to the index.html however how can I set it up so that when the Video finishes playing it automatically loads the index.html in the website.

(If the video has to be embedded in the index.html so that the rest of the website is elsewhere that's fine too).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To Index When Video Intro Finishes?

Feb 18, 2009

have a FLV (video) that we'd like to set up as a quickintro before the browser is automatically re-directed to the homepage. Trouble is, the AS written so far opens the new pageimmediately; there's no wait-for-a-trigger written into it, andfrankly, no trigger. The movieclip is a self-starting one-framer;when I select it, I cannot create actions ("Current selectioncannot have actions applied to it"). I can, however, select the keyframe and write actions. Here iswhat I've got so far:

var url:String = "
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


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F8 :: Redirect After Video Play Using FLV Player

Apr 24, 2008

I have to play a video using some type of premade flv player and then have it redirect to a different page after it has played once.

Is there any way to do this without editing the fla file?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Get Video Index SWF To Play Frame

May 23, 2009

main.swf has a button that when clicked activated loadMovieNum 1.swf on top of main. I need a button on 1.swf to unloadMovie back to main (works) but when the main.swf is loaded I need it to go to a specific frame. I tried this on the button in swf 1 and the first part works but how can I get the videoindex.swf 0 to play a frame?

on (release) {loadMovie("videoindex.swf",0);}
on (release) {

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Professional :: Published A Swf Or HTML File From Flash (on Mac) That Contains Flv Video Can Only Play On Mac?

Feb 28, 2012

I created a flash file that contains a flv file inside. After I published it on my Mac in both html and swf format and it played well. But when I copied all this folder include the swf, html and the source flv to test on a pc it played well but the video part (flv) was blank. So I copied the .fla file to pc and published again, then it works fine (including the flv video part) on both pc and Mac. All the settings were same while publishing.So I wonder what's wrong with publish from Mac side? I work with Mac and so it's very inconvenient to publish my work on PC.

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Actionscript :: Flash Redirect After Play?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a flash document which is an animation of my company logo, it is displayed when loading any of my clients web pages but i need to know how to redirect it to the client's home page after the animation is completed.

I have used a meta refresh for the moment as a workaround for this!

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Redirect To HTML If Visitor Has No Flash Installed?

May 10, 2009

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Flash :: If Not Installed Then How To Redirect To An HTML Page

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Which displays generic message about not having flash. I know I can put HTML there to be displayed if Flash doesn't exist but I don't want to load the HTML if it's not need (case when Flash is installed) so I thought the best way is to redirect to an HTML page if flash doesn't exist.

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Redirect Or Load HTML Instead When Flash Player Not Installed

Jul 6, 2009

I know this is probably something that is discussed a lot but I cannot find the solution to meet my exact needs. I need to redirect website visitors to an HTML version of my website (or show HTML instead of Flash) when they do not have flash player installed. I need a simple, clean, quick solution because there are about 70,000 letters that went out to customers with the site on them and the client just asked for this behavior this morning, right when the mail is supposed to hit mailboxes today.

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Create Auto-redirect At End Of Flash Video

Jun 9, 2009

Am trying to see if anyone has any links or resources where I can learn to setup a flash video file where it automatically redirects to another URL such as a sales page at the conclusion of the video. I also would like to find out how to have a link/overlay at the end of the video where a viewer can click to go to another URL such as a sales page.
I am not a prgrammer by profession but do work in Flash and I am willing to try this given the right learning resources. Not sure if both or either of these tasks is done in the flash file or in some type of java script on the html page. I have seen this done by this company [URL] but you have to subscribe to their service using their control panel and they limit the number of players you can create.
I have Flash 8, Flash CS3 and Flash CS4 if needed for this project.

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Javascript :: Redirect To A Html Page When Site Opens In Non Flash Browser

Feb 29, 2012

How do I redirect to a html page when my flash site opens in non-flash browser?

Here is the code I am curently using

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/77east.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = 'ebrowser.html'</script>


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IDE :: Can't Get Video To Play Via HTML Page?

Dec 31, 2009

So this is not something I wanted to get into on new years eve!! However, I have this SWF file:

http:[url]....note the fireworks in the back and it plays perfectly fine.this is the published HTML file http:[url].....and that too plays perfectly fine.. however when I call the swf file from my index file

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Dec 21, 2011

I have a php/sql database that has thumb nails and videos in swf format and flv. On my html page I have an swf player. I have echoed the thumbnails and have the url of the videos. How can I get the video url playing on the player after a person clicks the thumbnail with out xml. Just by passing the url to the player.
I have hand some sucess with xml passing but this can`t work in this aspect. So I have been investigating jquery and other alternatives.

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Flash :: Html - Z-index With CSS IE8 And Chrome?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a website at link text. I'm having problems with the navigation menu on the left. In the following menu: "ГалСрия -> ΠŸΡ€ΠΎΠ΅ΠΊΡ‚ΠΈ" the submenu that pops up is shown under the flash content, despite of me setting the z-index. This only happens in Chrome and IE. Firefox renders it fine. Does anyone have a solution ?

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CS3 Redirect An Flv To Another Html Page

Jul 29, 2009

i'm an motion-graphics designer, who had experience with flash only this was 8 year's ago. I'm not a programmer so I allways had people around me who could do the flash things. So I absolutely have no idea how it works.

Now i'm making a website, with an swf which play's an flv. The flv can be paused etc. now is my question, after the flv is played I want this to redirect to for example index2.html where are a couple of links. and from that page you can go to the next.

I've seen on the web a lot of reactions about this question, people say use the playerdiy.com. but that's not gonna work for me now.. Because i have set the design up this way (picture in swf which say's ichap etc, with a black solid where the video is been played).

Playerdiy does what i want's but i wanna have my swf design what I used here: [URL] this is with playerdiy: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To A Url / Html?

Jun 30, 2009

I need to know how I do a button (button or movie clip?) that redirect to an url/html, like a skip intro that recirect me to [url].

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Video Won't Play From Html Published File When Moved To New Website

Oct 26, 2009

Can't figure it out. I've got a video file to stream from my published Flash file. Works great at home.All the files are in a single folder. I transfer the folder to a jump drive to bring it to school and when I load it up on the website I get this green/black filer on the play skin andthe video won't play. I double check to see if I can play it on my school machinestraight off the jump drive and it doesn't work either (it did on my home machine).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Video On Html Page Only When Maximized / Focused?

Aug 19, 2009

I could get some direction on something that I have been wondering about for a while. There have several flash video players that I have seen that only start to load/play the video when the object is visible on the screen.

For instance, if I click a link to an html page with an auto playing flv on it, and then minimize the window. The video will only start to play/load once I maximize the window again.

The other instance I have seen it is with the position of the page. So if an flv is placed onto a long html page, all the way at the bottom, it will only begin to load/play once I have scrolled to make it visible.

I have done some searching but have not been able to determine what this would even be refered to as. Is it controlled by Javascript or Actionscript, or is this just a the way flash player functions?

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Html :: Flash Hides Behind Submenu, Z-index Is Not Working

Nov 29, 2011

actually i have an image gallery in a seperate HTML page, I want to embed it into the main html page containing the menu, but even after using the code <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> or <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> the submenu is still hiding behind the flash. I also tried by changing z-index values, still didn't work.

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Redirect To A New Html Page After Flv File Is Done?

Aug 6, 2009

1 -I have a flv file on one frame.I imported my video and CS3 added it to my library.I change parameters to autoplay and autorewind. This is on one frame.My flv file name is  movie.flv

2- When this is done playing I want it to automatically go to main.html

3-I read a previous answer on this that gives the following code which I inserted right on the same frame that my flv is loaded.I named the instance name of this flv as "flv"

It isn't working.Here is the code I picked up on previous forum:So I put this on the frame where the flv is loaded which is scene 2 frame 1 and instance name of flv.

function completeF(e:Event){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("main.html"));

Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler .The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.I can't add a get URL code because it is a flv on one frame.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Redirect To Html Page?

Oct 9, 2005

I have one html page for intro that using flash and doing some animation..ok what I want do is..how to redirect this page to index.html contain no flash as soon as the intro was done...without clicking the button to enter the index.html

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Redirect To Html After Flv Plays?

May 24, 2007

So I have an flv playing as a short intro to a site, when it is done playing I would like it automatically go to the main page. This is the code I'm using the play the FLV.

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var nStream:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Movie And Redirect?

Aug 28, 2009

I imported a .mov file into flash. I need to create a button that will allow me to play the movie and when the movie is completed I need the browser to automatically redirect to a new url.

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Change The Output Name Of Index.template.html In Flash Builder?

Oct 20, 2011

when I compile my action script project in Flash Builder 4 it creates a html wrapper file based on index.template.html in my html-template folder. That file automatically gets the name of my project or main application (project name.html). But usually I want it to have the name index.html

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To An Html Page On Submit?

Jan 24, 2011

I have this form and I would like when people click the submit btn, to be redirected to an html landing page. I'm not sure if I need to modify the php or the action script or both. Does anyone know how to do this


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFobject2 Alt HTML Site Redirect

Jun 3, 2010

I am still pretty new to the whole SWFObject thing and I have this code that is working great. but I have no idea where to put (or how to put) a link to an alt site for pc's and devices that are not Flash enabled... this is my current working code.


and say I want the user to be redirected to the address below if on a iPhone or some other thing that does not support flash.

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Flash - How To Show DIV Over YouTube Video (Z-Index)

Aug 10, 2011

I want to show a div over a YouTube video but can't get it to work. I know that if you set the wmode to transparent or opaque it should work, but I've only seen this work when the <embed> or <object> tag is used. YouTube now embeds the video in an <iframe> so when I tried it, it didn't work.

Here's what my code looks like.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]"><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">@import "reset.css";
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Professional - Website - Use The FTP Server To Upload The Swf And Index.html File

Dec 8, 2011

I am doing a simple project for school, and I had to develop a website off of a premade template, the URL is [URL]. If you go to the about page there is supposed to be a video in the TV that plays, when I use the FTP server to upload the swf and index.html file, where am I supposed to put my video file so flash finds it and it plays? also having the same problem on the portfolio page with my pictures not being there. When I click the small icons on the left, the larger picture is supposed to show up in the right picture frame.

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