Flex :: Adobe Flash Is It Possible To Use?

Aug 12, 2011

There is Flash Builder product by Adobe Flash.Is it possible to use Adobe Flash product as Flash Builder when working with FLEX SDK? Have you the experience?

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But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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BTW: I found this [URL] but I really do not understand how to make it work so if any one can publish simple project with simple (DIRTY IS OK) source it would be grate!)))

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public var prefsFile:File;
[Bindable] public var prefsXML:XML;
public var stream:FileStream;


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i have searched a lot but could not find the exact way to do this. you will understand better if you will look once this page. freescale. open this in IE.Here is my scenario... click om power Actuation present in leftnav under Analog & Power Management. you will get result table and above that i have a container which shows different filter criteria. now find a filterable header(match header name with filter header) that is out of the screen fold to the right.then Choose a value for filter exercise, filter by it. now here my problem arises after reloading the results, the table-view comes back to it's starting position, which creates the confusion to end user about the results.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">


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Flex :: Keyboard Code Mapping In Adobe Flash For The Browser?

Jun 18, 2009

difference between key code and character code. For example, the number 1 (one) and the character ! (bang) both have the same key code but different character codes. Likewise, the number 7 from the row of numbers and the number 7 from the numpad have different key codes but the same character codes.

I'm programming a music rhythm game in Adobe Flex and would like to bind keyboard keys. This isn't a problem, but I certainly would have a problem, say, setting the default keys to A, S, D, and F and telling the user that this is the case.If you take a look at the documentation for flash.ui.Keyboard, you'll see that there are constants for keyboard keys to key codes. However, these are only available in Adobe AIR and not the browser. This makes sense since not all operating systems and keyboards are alike (or present!), so key codes can vary.

So, how can I assign default keys that have meaning instead of picking key codes and praying?My only sane thought is to store the character codes for the key bindings and then provide an character code to String mapping so I can tell the user what to press. However, my gut tells me that this will break in subtle or not-so-subtle ways. Like CAPSLOCK.

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Flash :: Flex - Adobe Builder (flex4): AddChild() Is Not Available In Class

Jan 7, 2010

I want to load an swf into a flex 4 application in order to use its classes.


I receive the error: Error: addChild() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElement() or modify the skin, if you have one. at


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Flash :: Determining When Video Has Ended In Adobe Flex Using Events

Mar 22, 2010

I'm new to Flex, Flash, and ActionScript. I'm attempting to create a video player that starts another video when the previous video ends. I thought there might be an event that is thrown when the video finishes playing, but I have not been able to find it.

VideoEvent.COMPLETE is when the video is completely downloaded, not when it is completely done playing. Does such an event exist? how I could subclass SWFLoader, Image, or Video to support such an event?

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Flex :: Clear Or Reset The Preferences For Adobe Flash Builder?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Flash builder 4 to both build and manage (via cvs) projects. In recent days my designer has been having trouble committing to CVS, leaving a project blocked. I have troubleshooted troubleshot tested CVS and it is working fine (others can commit and retrieve without a hitch).

in an effort to start from scratch - I have removed the flash builder application (dragging it to the trash, its a Mac) as well as using the uninstaller (which does not work as well as I would have thought), but on reinstall - all preferences are still there - CVS connection and all.

is there a file or set of files I can delete to reset all of the prefs for Flash Builder (built on eclipse if that helps)?

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Flex :: Developing A Paint Application In Adobe Flash Builder?

Dec 1, 2010

some good resource for getting started with Graphics API in adobe flash builder

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Flex :: Retrieve The ByteArray From A FileReference Class Using Adobe Flash Player 9?

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to retrieve the ByteArray from a file selected using the FileReference class so that I can pass this to a Web Service call that I am making to Sharepoint.Is there any way I can do this using Flash Player 9 without having to upload to a remote server first and then downloading the file to extract the ByteArray?

This is assuming you can't use Adobe Flash Player 10 and the data property from the FileReference class.

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Flash :: Decrypting An AES Encryted Column In Mysql And Adobe Flex Builder?

May 19, 2010

How do i decrypt an aes encryted column when using flash/flex to display the table data? adobe flex connected using php connection class to mysql

for php, we would use aes_decrypt() however i am not sure how i can get flex to do this.

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Flex :: Embed A Streaming .swf File Inside Another Flash Or Adobe Air Application

Sep 24, 2010

I currently have a network camera that streams video as a .swf (and also as a motion JPEG as well...) and I want to be able to embed the stream inside of either a Flash or Air project that I'm creating myself. The only examples i've been able to find though, require the .swf to be saved as a resource of the project; clearly, this is undesirable for a live stream.

Another option is to utilize the motion JPEG. I have some generated code (shown below), but unfortunately only the first image is displayed when viewed via adobe air (if I were to view it in a HTML browser, the image would automatically update, effectively showing the stream:

function displayImage( )
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera


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Flex :: Control Column Charts With A Slider In Adobe Flash Builder?

May 24, 2011

I have created Columnchart in Adobe Flash Builder.

Now I want to control that column chart with Slider. I want to change the column chart according to value of the slider.

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Flash :: Flex - Adobe Player Cache: Does Data Persist Across Different Users Of A System

Sep 16, 2009

Does anyone know if adobe flash player cache data is available to other users on a system? For example: A user logs onto Windows XP, then uses my adobe flex application... and in the process of doing so downloads the signed flex lib... He then decides to mow the lawn and log off. At about 3pm the same day, his Mum can't hear the TV over the sound of the mower, so she decides to log in using a different XP user account. She proceeds to use the very same flex application. Does she also need to download the flex lib again, or would the data already be cached in the flash player?

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