Flex :: Cannot Access Constant Through ItemRenderer Using ParentDocument?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an itemRenderer inside a dataGrid, and I am able to access variables on the mxml file (in a *.as script file referenced from the mxml) using parentDocument. However, I am unable to access a constant in the same script file. If I change the constant to a regular var, I can access it. I created a getter function for the constant and it works, but why can't the constant be accessed directly?

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Flex - Access The DataGridColumn From It's ItemRenderer?

Mar 3, 2010

I am using a custom componenet based off of text as an itemRenderer for a dataGrid that is displaying an XMLList. I want to be able to re-use this itemRenderer for multiple columns, how do I access the dataGridColumn so I know which field to assign to the text value?

super.data gives me the whole XML item, super.parentDocument gives me the whole DataGrid

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Flex :: Access ItemRenderer Of A Selected Item?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a TileList with thumbnail images. Under each thumbnail images I display the name of the image. I want to build rename functionality. So under the TileList is a "Rename selected image" button.

When this button is clicked, I would like to change the state of the itemRenderer component. The label underneath the image will change into a TextInput so that the user can type a new name. This is much like the Windows rename file functionality.

How can I access the itemRenderer of the selected image? How can I make it happen that it listens to the click event of the Rename button?[code]...

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Flex :: Method Doesn't Work When Being Called On ParentDocument?

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I wonder is anyone can look at this code and tell me why calling the removeSelectedChild works when called from the same document, but returns the following error when called from the child document/component.

"ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Flex :: Datagrid - ItemRenderer Flex Values Getting Not Rendered According To ArrayCollection Provider?

Feb 4, 2011

i have a problem using the itemRenderer functionality. When using an ArrayCollection the visible Data in the DataGrid using the itemRenderer will be rendered just fine. But if i start scrolling the entries are repeating in the cells using the renderer. The cells are not filled with date according to the id. What mistake i'm doing here.

I read a lot of the explainations like:


here is the code for the set data function (itemRenderer is extending HBox):

override public function set data(value:Object):void {
_data = value;


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Flex :: Itemrenderer - Referencing And Setting A Single Item Renderer Instance In A Flex Tree At Runtime?

Oct 17, 2010

Anyone know how to change a single instance of an item renderer for a Flex tree item at runtime? To reiterate, I'm not trying to change the entire tree's item renderer like this:tree.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);I'm trying to change the item renderer of a single tree item like this (the following code does not work):tree.selectedItem.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);To put it more simply, does anyone know how to reference an instance of an item renderer and set it to a new item renderer class? I've tried using the Tree's itemToItemRenderer() method with no success.

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Flex :: Flex Drag And Drop Between AdvancedDataGrid With Custom ItemRenderer

Feb 26, 2011

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Instead, I would like to display an icon / image or my own custom item renderer during the drag and drop.

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Flex :: Displaying List Of Flex Progressbar Using Itemrenderer?

Sep 25, 2010

I want to create a list of progress bars and update the list accordingly.I have group data in an Array as

<mx:Array id="arr">
<mx:Object label="Group One" min="0" max="200" currentValue="60" />
<mx:Object label="Group Two" min="0" max="300" currentValue="50" />[code]....

The values in the array object indicate name of group,minimum,maximum and current value for the group (to be used in progressbar).I used the list with "mx.controls.ProgressBar" as itemRenderer as

<mx:List width="100%" dataProvider="{arr}"

Now what I need is whenever currentValue field of Array "arr" changes i want to update the progressbar "progress" value to currentValue (where min and maximum value of progressbar are stored in Array "arr").

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Flex :: Navigate Within An ItemRenderer?

May 11, 2011

How can we navigate within an itemRenderer? For example, in Views we use the View.navigator (ViewNavigator) to push and pop views, there is no such feature in ItemRenderer.

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<s:HGroup >
<s:Button label="Questionnaire" click="navigator.pushView(view.QuestionnaireCategory1View)"/>

Navigation within a Item Renderer (Impossible?)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Add ItemRenderer On The Fly On Component?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a List which has TextInput as itemRenderers for all its items. Upon application launch the items are rendered in the TextInputs correctly. The data is being populated from an Array of Objects.

What I want is, after the data has been populated in the ItemRenderers, I want to have an additional item renderer (TextInput of course)...so that if the user wants to enter another item, he can put it in the additional textInput.

And I also want to add the additional itemRenderer each time the user has added a new item and taps ENTER on the newly added item.

Below is my itemRenderer, there is the clearTxt_enterHandler handler..but I wonder how to add another itemRenderer upon "Enter".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Constant Strings In Metadata?

Jun 16, 2010

I have something like

public class Controller {
public function fetchEmployees() : void {


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Flex :: Put An Itemrenderer On The DataGrid Itself Rather Than A Datagridcolumn?

Jul 8, 2009

Is it possible to put an itemrenderer on the DataGrid itself rather than a datagridcolumn? I could only find examples for datagridcolumn. I want a generic itemrenderer on all the items in a datagrid...

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Flex :: Datagrid Of ItemRenderer Checkbox?

Jul 15, 2009

i used iteamreander in datagrid . if i select checkbox in grid automatically select another checkbox why? plz explain My xml data is more then 50 records.

<mx:DataGrid change="calculate()" id="calamount" x="0" y="3" width="327"
height="337" variableRowHeight="true"
dataProvider="{xml_coupon.lastResult.Teamcoupon.match_details}" >


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Flex :: Datagrid With RadioButtonGroup Itemrenderer

Aug 12, 2009

I have an AC with several questions and assoicated answers. These must be shown in a DG, and the idea is that the rows and colums of the DG are bound to the AC. For example, if the answer to question1 is Yes, the Yes-button must be true, and both the others must be false (as in normal radiobuttongroup behaviour). But when I change a button by clicking it, the actions datafield of the AC should change accordingly. Am I clear enough here?

It is ment for dynamic questionnaires.

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


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Flex :: Set The DataGridColumn's ItemRenderer Dynamically?

Nov 27, 2009

I have this DataGrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="colA" headerText="Column A:" width="40"


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Flex :: Difference Between ItemRenderer And ItemEditor?

Dec 24, 2009

What is the Difference between ItemRenderer and ItemEditor?And When ItemRenderer is initializing and loading?

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Flex :: Custom ItemRenderer And Editor?

Feb 15, 2010

I've created a custom ItemRenderer extending UIComponent and implementing IListItemRenderer. This renderer contains a Text-Object to display the value.

For editing I'm using the standard ItemEditor (TextInput).

Now, when I want to edit a value, I click on a cell and the editor is created. But instead of displaying the value which was displayed in the renderer, "[object Object]" is displayed.

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Flex :: Accessing The XML Nodes In ItemRenderer?

Mar 10, 2010

[Bindable]public var headingData1:Object = new Object();

<mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="components.xml" resultFormat="object" result="getHeadings(event);"/>
private function getHeadings(evt:ResultEvent):void{


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Flex :: Custom ItemRenderer Does Not Use Styles Specified

Mar 18, 2010

I have a custom item renderer which I use for my DataGrid. The DataGrid has specified selectionColor, rollOverColor and themeColor. The Problem is that the custom item renderer, does ignore those colors, and doesn't give any Feedback...

I tried to add the lines:
setStyle("selectionColor", 0xEDF1F7);
setStyle("rollOverColor", 0xE1F5DE);
setStyle("themeColor", 0x3569B0);
But with no effect...

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Flex :: ColumnOrder With Formatter And ItemRenderer

Mar 25, 2010

I have a advanceddatagrid that has around 15 columns. Some are string, some are numbers. I have shown 4 columns below. The number columns have formatting done for zero precision and 2 digits precision. The itemRenderer is just to show Blue Color if the number is +ve and Red Color if the number is -ve. It looks something like below

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Name" textAlign"left"/>
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Time" textAlign="right"/>
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Score" textAlign="right" formatter="{zeroPrecisionFormatter}" sortable="true" itemRenderer="ColorRenderer" />
[Code] ....

How can I save and reload the Formatter and ItemRenderer data. I am having trouble saving the formatter and itemrenderer and reloading it again. How can I reshuffle the columns but can preserve all the properties of it to through sharedobject and recover it again.

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Flex :: ItemRenderer For TreeColumn On AdvancedDataGrid?

Apr 14, 2010

Is it possible to use a renderer for for a treecolumn in an advanceddatagrid and still keep the hierarchal functionality? If I use a renderer provider I lose the the arrow for the tree dropdown. I want to keep the tree functionality and change the display of the column.(and not just the folder image)

<mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider column="{titleCol}" depth="1"


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Flex Can't Interact With Button In Itemrenderer

May 28, 2010

I have a list with a itemrenderer. When I put a button in the itemrenderer I can not interact with it. If I rollover the button the list item rollover is triggered but not the button's rollover. I can't click on the button either. You can see below I have a click event set in the itemrenderer and it is not called on click when I run app. Must I override rollover and click methods of itemrender? Why is it such a pain to put a button in an itemrenderer?[code]...

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Flex :: Adobe Combobox As Itemrenderer?

Jun 12, 2010

I have a flex combobox as a datagrid itemEditor. However, after selecting an item in the combobox, its necessary to click out of the combo (i.e. into another cell or elsewhere in the app) for the value to be committed to the combo. Prior to this, the combo sits 'proud' of the datagrid and the value hasnt actually been committed.

Is there a way to force the value to be immediately committed after an item has been selected and for the combo to 'lose focus'?

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Flex :: Acess ItemRenderer In List?

Jun 15, 2010

How to access List itemRenderer and its properties (Spark - Flex 4)?I want to iterate through list and do something like (note it's pseudo code):

for (var i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_IN_LIST; i++){


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Flex :: Don't Resize Images On ItemRenderer

Jul 22, 2010

Which parameter should I put not to automatically resize an Image that is put on an ItemRenderer?

Ex (in which the image gets resized):

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="estado" dataField="estado" width="30"
editable="false" resizable="false">


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Flex - Use A Different ItemRenderer For Different List Items?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a Flex list and a custom ItemRenderer. I'd like to be able to have some items in the list use a different ItemRenderer (say, depending on the class of the item). Is this possible?

E.g.: <s:List dataProvider="{_systems}" itemRenderer="myItemRenderer"/>

Most items in _systems use myItemRenderer. But if element 3 of _systems is "specialSystem" the renderer would be "specialItemRenderer".

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Flex :: Re-render ItemRenderer For A DropDownList?

Mar 2, 2011

I have created a custom ComboCheck which extends the spark DropDownList that is a DropDownList of checkboxes. Inside of my itemRenderer I have the code:

[Bindable]override public function set data (value:Object):void {
if (value!=null) {
_data = value;


This will also not cause the dropdownlist to reset to scrollPosition 0

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Xml :: Flex - Add Items To DropDownList Using ItemRenderer?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a XML structure like:

<Data Name="Data1">


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