Flex :: List - Checkbox Itemrenderer Enabled Property?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a list that uses a checkbox itemrenderer. The dataprovider is a collection of people. When I load the data from a file, each list item shows the person's name (last, first -- labelFunction), and the checkbox's selected property shows the person's included property. I.e.,Smith, Doug - [x]Williams, Bob - [ ]orris, Anne - [x]However, each person also has an active property. I want to disable the checkbox for people who are inactive (meaning, "you can't include inactive people").to do the same thing in a datagrid. However, none of them work and all the checkboxes are enabled regardless of the person's active status. Here is my basic code:

<mx:List id="peopleIncludedList"


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Flex :: Datagrid Of ItemRenderer Checkbox?

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i used iteamreander in datagrid . if i select checkbox in grid automatically select another checkbox why? plz explain My xml data is more then 50 records.

<mx:DataGrid change="calculate()" id="calamount" x="0" y="3" width="327"
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dataProvider="{xml_coupon.lastResult.Teamcoupon.match_details}" >


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Flash :: Flex ItemRenderer As CheckBox?

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<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="1" rendererIsEditor="true" editorDataField="selected">
<mx:CheckBox textAlign="center" click="{data.check1 = (data.check1 != 'true') ? 'true' : 'false'};outerDocument.toggleCheckbox(data);outerDocument.calcValues();"


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Flex 3 :: TextInput As ItemRenderer For CheckBox In ComboBox?

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Flex :: Incorrect Selection In Itemrenderer With Checkbox?

Mar 22, 2012

I am using a 'Tilelist' and 'HBOX' as itemrenderer. In the HBOX I have checkbox.Passing arraycollection as dataprovider to TileList(my arraycollection length is 20). On selecting checkbox of item1 in the Tilelist and scroll the list I could see subsequent item as of item1 is selected. In blogs I found there is some issue of flex cache while using checkbox.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" verticalGap="0" xmlns:local="*" height="500" >


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Actionscript :: Flex CheckBox ItemRenderer Not Tied To Object?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an Actionscript class we'll call Person to make the example easy. I want to have a DataGrid populated with Person objects that has columns displaying things like Name, Birthday, etc. All that is nice and simple, but I would also like to add a checkbox column to select certain people in the DataGrid. An example use case would be as follows:

Display all people. User checks a box next to each person indicating they want some action taken on those selections. Some action is taken on the user selections when the user clicks a button.

It seems like the common solution to this is to make a Selected property on each Person object, but that isn't really a good option for me. The Person object is used throughout the application, and it seems very unclean to have a Selected property which really isn't a concern of the Person class.

I like the type safety of having hard classes like Person, but I don't know how to solve this seemingly simple problem so I can loop through the objects and determine if the person is selected or not.

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Flex :: Disable (enabled="false") Particular Checkbox In Datagrid Item Renderer?

Oct 12, 2009

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How can i do that . i tried

<mx:DataGrid id="dg" width="100%" height="100%" rowCount="5"

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Flex :: Acess ItemRenderer In List?

Jun 15, 2010

How to access List itemRenderer and its properties (Spark - Flex 4)?I want to iterate through list and do something like (note it's pseudo code):

for (var i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_IN_LIST; i++){


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Flex 4 List ItemRenderer - Different Itemrenderers For Different Rows?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm creating a list of scores for a game. now most of the list i need to have the same ItemRenderer. but in one specific row of the list where the user who's playing is listed, it should show different information and with different background color. how can i achieve this ?

I already tried to resolve the issue with states, i created 2 states, one state called 'mine' and the 2nd state called 'others'.

the problems that i got is that when users click on one of the list rows that state changes to i donno clicked or something and that's why i assumed that states are not the right action for me.

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Flex :: Reflect Changes In The List.selectedItem In The ItemRenderer?

Oct 22, 2010

When I change the: list.selectedItem.name = 'name2'

then in my item renderer

the dataChange event is not fired! and I can't update the label with the name property...

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Flex :: Change ContentBackgroundColor Of List With ItemRenderer?

Feb 11, 2011

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Flex :: Get Changed Value Of Item From ItemRenderer In List?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a List with textInput as itemrenderer. Initially the list is loaded with data from a data provider. However since the items are rendered in textInputs, I have the ability to change the value of a particular item.

But when trying to access the value of the changed item using the function below, I still get the old value in my trace:

private function addItem(event:Event):void {

what I need to do for the new value to be available. My itemrenderer is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: List ItemRenderer Caching Items?

Jul 31, 2011

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myList.dataProvider.addItem(new Action());

the new item tooks the same data from its previous item.

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Flex :: Display List ItemRenderer Index?

Aug 2, 2011

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var index:int = model.dataColl.getItemIndex(data) + 1;
itemNo = index.toString();

This is what i am using now, it works, but the concepts of component reuse and data abstraction are compromised.

I am using Flex 3.

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Flex :: Limit Width Of Custom List Itemrenderer

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a custom itemrenderer to display a list of photos and need to know how to control the width. At the moment it does this: Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is eye-bleedingly ugly. The list is created like this:


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Oct 26, 2010

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Flex :: List - Data In Components Spark In A ItemRenderer?

Apr 25, 2011

I need to create a slideshow using data received from another view.I'm calling the slideshow's view like this:

<s:List id = "list" dataProvider = "{actions}"
change = "navigator.pushView (DetailsProduct, list.selectedItem) ">


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Flex :: Refresh The Itemrenderer Of Each Item In The List Component

Mar 1, 2012

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<s:List id="list2" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{ recordingsShown }"
selectedIndex="0" visible="false">


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Flex :: Displaying List Of Flex Progressbar Using Itemrenderer?

Sep 25, 2010

I want to create a list of progress bars and update the list accordingly.I have group data in an Array as

<mx:Array id="arr">
<mx:Object label="Group One" min="0" max="200" currentValue="60" />
<mx:Object label="Group Two" min="0" max="300" currentValue="50" />[code]....

The values in the array object indicate name of group,minimum,maximum and current value for the group (to be used in progressbar).I used the list with "mx.controls.ProgressBar" as itemRenderer as

<mx:List width="100%" dataProvider="{arr}"

Now what I need is whenever currentValue field of Array "arr" changes i want to update the progressbar "progress" value to currentValue (where min and maximum value of progressbar are stored in Array "arr").

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Flex - Setting Focus On A List ItemRenderer With TextArea Inside?

Oct 29, 2010

I've wrote a custom itemrenderer for a List component (Flex 3.5) which is a VBox with a Label and a TextArea wrapped inside. All works fine so far but I want the TextArea in the first itemrenderer to receive focus so that it instantly becomes editable when tabbing onto the List. Is that possible and if how would I achieve this?

I've already added an event listener that selects the item at index 0 but the textArea in it should also be focussed at that moment _list.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onListFocusIn);

private function onListFocusIn(e:FocusEvent):void
_list.selectedIndex = 0;

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Flex :: Spark List Itemrenderer Focus Defaults The CurrentState

Dec 29, 2010

I am using a spark list control with an itemrenderer. Whenever I set an itemrenderer's currentState, the moment I mouse out of the itemrenderer, it gets reset to its default state. How can I make an itemrenderer keep its currentState unless I explicitly tell it to change?

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Flex :: Spark List With ItemRenderer Click Function Not Working?

Feb 9, 2011

I am having an issue with my ItemRenderer, which I am using for a spark List. My code is the following:

I have this list:

dataProvider="{ model.productSets }"


The thing is, if I scroll the list, and click on an item, it does not trace 'arthur' ! Why is this so ? I must trace that all the time that someone clicks in the list!

EDIT: If I remove change="model.selectSet( productSetList )" in the list, it works!! but I cannot remove that, some suggestions ? How can I switch that to another function?

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Flex :: Spark - Skins ArrayCollection As Dataprovider To An ItemRenderer Of A List?

May 4, 2011

Objective:I would like to pass Skins to an itemRenderer (which is a Button) of a List, and be able to skin every button in that List.This is what I have:


<s:List itemRenderer="renderers.ItemRenderer" dataProvider="{collectionWorkspace}" />


<s:ArrayCollection id="collectionWorkspace">
<comp:Layout1 />[code]...

I get an error (fixed for clarification):Error: Skin for Application....Button1 cannot be found.

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Flex :: Change BorderColor Of Clicked Item (itemrenderer) In List

Jun 22, 2011

I want to set the BorderColor of certain Item Renderers (textInput) of a List. By default all have a common border color, but I want for example when clicking in an item to have a red border. I tried this on a click event in my itemRenderer,


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Flex :: Listview - List - Scrollbars Become Visible And Cover The Itemrenderer?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a list inside a VDividedBox. When the box is resized so the vertical scrollbar shows on the list, it covers some of the itemrenderers. How do I get the list to resize horizontally so that the scrollbar does not cover the renderers?

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Trigger ItemEditEnd Event In Flex List When CheckBox Is Checked / Unchecked?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a List component that has drop-in CheckBox itemEditor that also serves as the itemRenderer. It displays each item as a simple CheckBox with a label.

However, the itemEditEnd Event does not get triggered until I click on something outside of the List. I want it triggered once the CheckBox is checked or unchecked.

I was thinking of manually dispatching the ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END in a CLICK Event handler, but then the itemEditEnd Event would get dispatched twice. There's gotta be a better way to do this.

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Flex :: Call A Function Inside ItemRenderer In A Spark List, From The Main Application?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a main application that contains a list, using a custom itemRenderer to display data.

I would like to be able to call a function, inside the itemRenderer, from the main application.

When running the app, we have a list with three persons, and a button. I want to call the function myItemRendererFunction() inside the itemRenderer, of the selected item in the list, all this, from the main app.


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