Flex :: Actionscript 3 - 3 Dynamic RemoteObject Class - Not Passing "args" To SendRequest(..)

Jun 23, 2009

I have a class which I want to use throughout my projects. It essentially would allow me to easily work with a RemoteObject so that I don't have to define it throughout all of my projects. It works when not passing "args" to sendRequest(..). But when I want to call the cfc function with parameters and try passing "args" in I get the following error:


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Flex :: Coldfusion - RemoteObject - Passing Named Parameters

Dec 7, 2010

I'm calling ColdFusion cfc method using RemoteObject method of the Flex.


So you can see that I changed the sequence of the parameter, when I call the cfc method. But it does not worked. It means that <s:arguments> does not pass the named parameter. Is there any solution for that? As you can see that I may have some of the arguments not mandatory so, it must be passed by name.

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Flex :: Implement RemoteObject In A Foreign Class?

May 27, 2011

Heres the code:


Unfortunatly, its doesnt reach the eventHandler, when i call the loadCurrentSchem() function. Whats wrong? This is how i call the class:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Args To Event Listener

Jun 25, 2009

I'm new to ActionScript and am having trouble hooking up callbacks to take extra, dynamic args.The basics are: I have a method that takes a couple of parameters, uses a RemoteObject to send an operation to get a third value, and I want to pass all three (the operation result and the original two) to another callback.[code]This does allow passing extra args, but it is adding a new listener each time createMeeting is run. So I would need to remove the old listener, but I don't have a handle on the old callback since it was dynamically created/anonymous (I'm not sure of the correct AS terms).I guess I could create a custom event dispatcher that kept track of the previous listener. But maybe removing and adding new listeners each time is the wrong solution to begin with. How would you set up a listener like this when the extra parameters you want to pass to the callback will be changing?

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Flex :: Mx:method, Mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject, And Sub-classing Mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject?

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I am looking to subclass RemoteObject. Instead of:

<mx:RemoteObject ... >
<mx:method ... />
<mx:method ... />


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Flex :: Output Database Information In A Text Input Field In Flex By Using RemoteObject(cfc)

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Passing Case Class Between Scala And Flex Using BlazeDS?

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package com.scala.vo
case class UINamespace (@BeanProperty var name : String,
@BeanProperty var version : String,


[Edited] Changed null to regular object result.

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Flex :: RemoteObject Synchronous Call?

Oct 1, 2009

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Actionscript :: Flex RemoteObject Timeouts?

Oct 21, 2009

I've been tinkering around with Flex RemoteObjects, and I've found that they aren't very well behaved with respect to timing out.First, I can't figure out how to set a timeout on "connect". I know I can set requstTimeout, which will correctly timeout after an initial handshake... But if the server doesn't handshake, the connection doesn't time out (eg, the server accepts the connection, then does nothing with it, the client will just be left hanging).

Second, when a requestTimeout fires (timing out the request), Flex doesn't actually take any steps to tear down the connection - it just leaves it hanging there (no RST or the like). Clearly, this is more than a little bit undesirable. Is there any way to explicitly tear down the connection after the timeout?

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Flex 4 - Using RemoteObject And Multiple Components?

Aug 24, 2010

I was wondering what is considered to be a best practice when I have multiple components and use RemoteObject for AMF communication with a PHP backend.

Have the RemoteObject in the Main.mxml file with all the methods declared here (with handlers and all) and have all components call functions from the parentApplication, thus having a centralized result and fault handling, but making reusiability more difficult.Have a RemoteObject in each component with only the methods (and handlers) relevant to that component, thus making it easy to have clean, reusable components.

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Flex :: Possible To Abort RemoteObject Call?

Apr 7, 2011

Is it possible to abort a flex remoteObject call? I tried the below method but the http request is still loading in the background:[code]The thing I'm interested in is freeing up the browsers HTTP Pipeline, just like in javascript where you can use abort on the XHR.

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Flex :: Get The Result Of A RemoteObject Immediately?

Apr 29, 2011

I need to make a function that execute a java method and return his result. It is static becouse a lot of other functions will call this function. So I did this:

public static function FKDescription(dest:String):String{
var jRemote:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
var s:String;


But the function returns null, because the valresult() was not been called at the end of main function. What shoud I do to make FKDescription() return the string that came from remoteobject?

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Flex :: Synchronous Calls Using RemoteObject?

Apr 2, 2009

Is there a way to make synchronous calls using RemoteObject in Flex?

Solution: Add the second call to the result handler of the first call, having a token check for multiple originating calls.

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Xml :: Passing Dynamic Values To Xml File - Flex Fusion Charts?

Mar 18, 2011

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


how do i pass upperLimit="", dial value="" and maxValue="" values in colorRange dynamically from the flex side. i need these 3 values to plot on the angle gauge fusion chart

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Flex :: Passing Data From Custom Class To Main Application?

Aug 4, 2011

Im a complete beginner in Flex programming. I have an application with a main .mxml file, and a certain class Foo that I call from the .mxml. In Foo, I make a URLRequest and listen for the Complete event. Then I found myself with the returned data in a Foo function, but I have no idea how to communicate it to the .mxml part of the application ! I looked into ArrayCollections but I can't seem to understand how they work. Isn't there a way to modify, from inside the class, a variable with a global scope ?

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ActionScript :: Flex - RemoteObject Response Headers?

Jun 16, 2009

I am in the process of writing an application in Flex 3.3, using the Cairngorm framework, for deployment as an AIR application. The application heavily utilizes RemoteObject services to get data from a web server.Each of my service delegates extends a common class which provides a method for calling service methods on the RemoteObject.So, where I previously usedServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject('myService').myOperation.send();I instead usethis.send('myOperation', 'myService');I use this method instead of calling the RemoteObject operations directly because this method adds another, global, responder to the operation call. This extra responder analyses data in the headers of reponse from the server.

Or at least it should -- this is where the problem is. In the result data (event as mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent) the headers property is always null despite the headers definitely being sent from the server.

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Flex :: RemoteObject Inconsistent Channel Location?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a swf which, for some reason, has four RemoteObjects pointing to the same ChannelId, but they are listing that channel as being at two different spots. In four of the five RemoteObjects, everything behaves as expected, but in the fourth (WidgetService), the version on dev is switching from dev.context.root toloc.context.root. To make matters more confusing, it only does this on the dev server (QA and production are fine, as are local builds).The relevant information from the config files follows:

#This is from build.properties, which is used by Ant
#to build the swf on the server
flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958


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Flex :: Prevent RemoteObject From Batching AMF Messages Together?

Jan 10, 2010

I am using Google AppEngine, in conjunction with PyAMF to provide RemoteObject support. In my Flex code I make several RemoteObject method calls at once which tends to batch the AMF Messages into a single HTTP request. Most of the time this is fine but AppEngine applies some strict per request limits (in this case I am hitting a DeadlineExceededError - max 30 seconds). A number of service methods are expected to take upwards of 10 seconds and if these are batched by the RemoteObject into 1 HTTP you see where this is going. Now you could say refactor your service calls and that is also going on but not really the question being asked here. Is there a way to prevent Flex RemoteObject from batching AMF requests for situations like this? I have done a fair amount of Googling on the subject and come up with bupkis. It seems to me that I would need to implement a custom version of mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel or something of that nature, which seems waay too hardcore for a feature like this

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Flex :: RemoteObject Intermittently Failing To Invoke CFC

Jun 10, 2010

I have a Flex app that uses Flash Remoting and the RemoteObject to pull data from a ColdFusion CFC. About 75% of the time it works, but the other times I get a message using Charles (a debugging tool) that says faultString = "Unable to Invoke CFC". FaultCode = "Server.Processing".

Here's my RemoteObject:

<mx:RemoteObject id="carsSvc" destination="ColdFusion" source="ca.sqmIDash.cfc.sqmIdash">
<mx:method name="getCARs" result="resultHandler(event)"/>

The server set up on our web farm is to use load balancing. I'm not sure if this is causing the problem or not. Probably not, but it's a thought.

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Flex :: AIR Application Connecting To RemoteObject Through Proxy?

Apr 29, 2011

I am having some issues trying to make an AIR application connect to a RemoteObject when the application is run in a domain that has proxy servers for outbound connection.The error provided is as below:

[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed: url: 'http://myTestService.org:8080/default/message/amf'"]

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Flex 4.5 :: RemoteObject And AMFPHP Over SSL With Self-signed Certificate

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP over SSL (self-signed) from a Flex 4.5 application.Will this work? Or do I need an authority-signed certificate?Will it silently fail or prompt user like it does in browser?How do I need to edit the services-config.xml file for this to work?

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Flex :: Blazeds - RemoteObject - Handling Multiple Requests?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a couple of remote object methods that I want to respond to in different ways depending on the context, but I'd rather not set up a bunch of different RemoteObject aliases.Some background: Let's say I have an admin application that displays sales stats in different ways. The remote method looks like:

<mx:RemoteObject id="rpt" destination="AMFServer">
<mx:method name="getSalesStats" fault="getSalesStatsFault(event)"
result = "getSalesStatsSuccess(event)" />[code]........

The getSalesStats method takes an employee ID and a sales type as its arguments. You'd call it like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts");
public function getSalesStatsSuccess(e:ResultEvent):void {
salesdata:ArrayCollection = e.result.rows as ArrayCollection;[code]......

I'd like to pass something through the remote method to the responding function, like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts", "clicked button one");

but that of course throws an error because the server doesn't want that last argument.

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Flex :: RemoteObject: Arrays With Same Values Reference Same Memory?

Nov 11, 2009

If I send remote data from Zend_Amf to Flex, if two array properties on the object have the same data values they are deserialized at the remote end with the same memory storage.Example: AS3 object:

public class TestVO


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Flex :: RemoteObject After Application Built - No Fault No Result

Jan 25, 2011

When i run it in Flash Builder (debug mode) the remote object called successfully. but whenever i build the application (AIR application), then the remote object will return no result nor fault, the busy cursor is showing about 3 seconds. then no clue at all. how to get advance fault or something than regular fault event or result event? or anyone have the same experience?

UPDATE: Actually it was failed only for ONE service method, for other method (some of them took longer time to call) the service call is work fine. CASE SOLVED So the problem was not on the service call, but on my result conversion that cause the advanced datagrid failed to render.

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Flex :: Abort/stop A RemoteObject Method Call?

Feb 27, 2012

I am using RemoteObjects to call ZendAMF PHP from Flex/Flash Builder 4.6. I want to stop or abort a method call before it sends the request to the server based on an event or similar.

I have a class where I create and store all the RemoteObjects - for example:

activityLogService = new RemoteObject("zend");

Then later I can simply call this object:

remotingService.activityLogService .getRecords();

I am trying to find a way in my remotingService object to stop the request - and not send anything to the server - for example if some variables are not set properly.

I noticed there is an invoke event: activityLogService.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE,invokeHandler);

However, I can not tell if that's going to stop things at the proper point, or if it's even possible to actually STOP the request - if so, how?

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Flex - Error #1088 On Passing A Class As A Parameter For Web Service In Flash Builder

Feb 8, 2011

I need to pass a struct and a string in a web service. I am using a WebService components to do so.upon my search, there is no struct type in actionscript and so I used a class for that one.

public class UserInfo{
public var name:String;
public var dateAdded:Date;

and I'm filling it up so that I can pass it on the web service like this:

var newUser:UserInfo = new UserInfo();
newUser.name = "myName";
newUser.birthdate = new Date();
webServComponentId.operationToCall(newUser, "password");

Upon sending this request, it prompts me an error of Error #1088.

the component that is being called by webServComponentId.operationToCall(newUser, "password"); is this:

<s:WebService id="webServComponent" wsdl="[PATH OF WSDL HERE]" >
<s:operation name="operationToCall" result="functionToCallWhenResult(event);" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString)" />

Basically it is a web service via MXML. So when I call the operation, it always go to fault part and shows Error #1088

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Flex :: Oracle - Remoteobject Multiple Records In Database Of Same Info?

Feb 11, 2012

Case1: When a client makes a remoteObject request ie to save some Info... A call is made to Java SAVE_INFO method. If request failed ie came back to FaultHandler ( we save the info in an arrayCollection).Later we call SAVE_INFO again for each item in arrayCollection ie( if arrayCollection has 10 items.. We call 10 times the same method.. I know that's kind of stupid but we have no control over java to write a overloading method). Some times we see there are multiple records of same info in DB. I am not sure if this happens when looping over arraycollection and making calls or during normal one time call. We could not find a pattern to reproduce. Java LOG level is at Error level in production. can't set to INFO in production to monitor all calls. We dont know if this multiple times saved record is, the one in arrayCollection or normal one.

Flex3 RemoteObject --> WAS 6.1 , lCDS 3.0, Java1.5 --> Webservice -- > Java (hibernate) --> Oracle 10gCase2: When application is left open and user leaves for the day and submits info the following morning, we see duplicate records in DB of that info.(No arrayCollection here. Simple straight one call)Flex3 RemoteObject --> OC4J Blazeds Java1.5 (JDBC) --> Oracle 10g.Recently one of our Testers testing case 2 application found this pattern and I am starting to think that may be in the case 1 also.. users might be leaving for lunch/break and resubmitted the arrayCollection after coming back. During lunch java might have killed the sessions for the client and after resubmitting 10 at same time.

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