Flex :: Charts - TitleWindow.addChild Removes Original Object
Dec 21, 2009
In my application, I have a chart that I want to display in a TitleWindow when clicked on.
var win:TitleWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, TitleWindow, false) as TitleWindow;
It does indeed place the chart in the titlewindow that shows up, but it removes the original chart from the parent. Then, when the titlewindow is closed, my chart is simply gone. I can't figure out how to clone the chart -- all the methods I've tried failed
public var barChart:BarChart;
public function onClick(e:Object):void
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Sep 7, 2010
Is there anyway where I can pass the Array values (not the array collection values) to the Bar charts or column charts using flex 3.5...
here is the thing i want:::
I have array values like this,,
array1 = [23, 49, 40, 239, 20, 80, 39,49,120, 24, 31,41];
and i want to show these values on the Yaxis and months on Xaxis....
I have two Qns,
1) how can I pass this array to Bar chart or column chart.
2) how do I need to show months on Xaxis. beacuse I'm asking this regarding, I have kept a filters that even if we want to see some months or a particular months or perticalar span of months... there on Xaxis it need to change the months dynamically depending on the filters..... (for ex, on Xaxis the values should be (Jan, Apr, Jun,Oct) if i select the 3 months period filter....)
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game = null
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Nov 16, 2010
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1. they set up drag and drop as3 for an object on a particular frame.
2. when startDrag is initiated, they moved the dragged object to the top of the display list, so it appears to float above all other objects as the user drags.
at runtime,a problem appears:the object seems to have been pulled out of the frame, and now floats in a display list above any frame that may be advanced to.What's going on here? It's like the object got pulled off the authortime stage and now is disconnected. Going back to the drag and drop frame shows the original object again, reinstanced, along with this copy that got pulled out.
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popwin = new TitleWindow();
It's possible to drag the popped up TitleWindow and let go of it when its gray title bar lies outside the bounds of the Flex app rectangle,and then the popup cannot be grabbed again.It's also possible to drag the TitleWindow downwards so it becomes completely invisible below the bottom edge of the Flex app rectangle.When the Flex app bounds are less than the full browser window,and the user is working quickly, this chances of this happening increase.Is there a simple setting that will keep this from happening, or must the programmer intercept the behavior during the drag operation?
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how to add buttons on the titlewindow title( so that I can include buttons for maximize and minimize).
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Mar 27, 2010
I'm building a user login page and I want to go from titleWindow to Panel. I'm using the following function but it always takes me back to parentApplication.
how can I go to my panel and not to Application page?
I know that I'm using parentApplication but what should I use instead?
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private function handleLogin(event:ResultEvent):void {
Alert.show("You have succesfully logged in.", "Information", Alert.OK, null, null, null, Alert.OK);
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May 11, 2010
I have a problem with redrawing in flex 4. I have a spark titleWindow, and if i drag it faster, it looks like it's mask is one frame late after the component. it's easily visible with 1pixel thin border, because it becomes invisible even with slower movement.
You can try it here (what is not my page, but it's easier to show you here than uploading example):[URL]..
If you move in direction up, you see disappearing top border. in another directions it's not that sensitive as it has wide shadow, and it's not very visible on shadow. On my computer i see it on every spark TitleWindow i have found on google, although it's much less visible with less contrast skins, without borders or with shadows.
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to be able to show a Spark TitleWindow container as a modal without having to construct it by code via AS3. I tried creating the TitleWindow before-hand manually by dragging and resizing it around and adding objects, etc then hiding it. Then on a button, I set the called function to the ones below:
public function doPopup():void {
testWindow.visible = true;
PopUpManager.addPopUp(testWindow, this, true);
Unfortunately, this only shows testWindow but not as a modal. I want it to be like this so that I can freely resize and design the layout of my TitleWindow and only have to call some function to show it as a modal one.
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Mar 30, 2011
I'm a GIS Analyst that was moved to an Analyst Programmer position. This has been a hard transition for me as I don't have much of a programming background, but I was thrown into it. 'm working on a Flex app inside a jsp page. Essentially it is a grid 3x2 that has images and text. What I am trying to do is have more than one titleWindow reference in this page, so that when an image is clicked a titleWindow is opened. (If anyone has a better idea, especially if it has to do with a hover I am very open to that!) Currently I have it working for one image. However, when I try to add a second function it errors on me. "Error 1021: Duplicate function definition" Below is the entire code for the main page that calls up the titleWindow. The code below is what gives the Error 1021.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import flash.geom.Point;
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Apr 11, 2011
The customer I am working for wants to display popup in an AIR application (designed in Flex 4).I will therefore use TitleWindow and PopupManager for this (or NativeWindow could be an option too).
Pretty basic, I can handle this.
Trouble is, this customer would like this popup to be looking as a Fancybox, that is, with the close button, slightly out of the popup.
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May 24, 2011
I have a modal Flex dialog and want to make the background not of the window itself, but the semitransparent modal indicator transparent. (Yes I tried to convince the client they don't want to do this, but apparently they really want to do it). Is this even possible?(prefer a solution using Flex 3's TitleWindow, but Spark/Flex 4 TitleWindow is acceptable)
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Sep 27, 2011
My Flex application is one consisting of several "subapps". Basically, the main application area is an ApplicationControlBar with buttons for each of the subapps. The rest of the area is a canvas where the subapps are displayed.Only one subapp is visible at a time. When switching between subapps, we do a canvas.removeAllChildren(), then canvas.addChild(subAppSwitchedTo).It's essentially a manual implementation of a ViewStack (the pros and cons of which are not the topic of this, so refrain from commenting on this).In one of my subapps (let's say subapp "A"), I have a search function where results are displayed in a TitleWindow that gets popped up. Workflow is like enter search criteria, click search button, TitleWindow pops up with results (multiple selection datagrid), choose desired result(s), click OK, popup goes away (PopUpManager.removePopUp), and continue working. This all works fine. The problem is if I switch to a different subapp (say "B" -- where A gets removeAllChildren()'d and B gets added), then switch back to A and search again, when the results TitleWindow pops open, there will be TWO stacked on top of each other. If I continue to navigate away and back to A, every time I search, there will be an additional popup in the "stack" of popups (one for each time A gets addChild()'d).
I'm not sure what to do about it and it's causing a serious usability bug in my application.It's like I somehow need to flush the PopUpManager or something (even though I'm correctly calling removePopUp() to remove the TitleWindow).[code]
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK. I need to change the default close button image from a TitleWindow. So what I'm doing is defining a CSS selector, like this:
TitleWindow {
close-button-skin: Embed('assets/close.png');
border-color: #FFFFFF;
corner-radius: 10;
closeButtonDisabledSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonDownSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonOverSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonUpSkin: ClassReference(null);
The problem is: the result image is totally squeezed beyond recognition. Probably because the image dimensions are 55x10 pixels (much wider than the default closebutton square-like dimensions) and flex forces it to fit that size.
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May 12, 2010
I'm using PopupManager to display (not modal) popups in Flex.How can I make the background of my TitleWindow popup completely transparent?Now it is semi-transparent.. see picture with semi-transparent background (i.e. I just want the label inside visible):
Maybe, instead of making it transparent I could try to reduce the padding, in order to make only the children visible ?
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Aug 9, 2011
I have made a custom ActionScript mxml component, which is a spark TitleWindow with a text area, which header (titlebar) should display a green background if it finds the word 'success' in its text, or red, if it doesn't.
My problem is that I don't know where to access and modify this property, and the only turnaround I've found is binding the 'chromeColor' of the TitleWindow to depend on a boolean that will change depending on whether I find or not the word 'success'. And this does change the TitleBar background to the color I desire, however, it also changes the scrollbar color, for example, which is a bit nasty. The code for my class is the following:
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Aug 25, 2011
While I was trying to change the fontSize of titlebar of TitleWindows, the whole container changes to new font Size. But I do not want to achive this. I would like to get it only on the titlebar.The code I have used (not successful)
<s:TitleWindow name="MyTitleWindow"
I am using Flex4 and Spark.
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Aug 25, 2009
I am developing a drag and drop functionality and take a JPEG screen shot of droped objects. my problem is. when i drag and drop an object the object jumps off some distance.. i am unable to clear tat.. Below is my application.as file
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Feb 24, 2010
I'm trying to open/close a TitleWindow using PopUpManager.addPopUp() and PopUpManager.removePopUp() while reusing the same TitleWindow instance. I noticed that the creationComplete() is only called once for TitleWindow even if I open it several times and was wondering what events I should listen to for the succeeding popup loads.
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